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Fallout 4 headed for Boston


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We've known for a while that Bethesda was planning a Fallout 4 and it was almost certainly going to be their next big game after Skyrim. Rumours have flourished for a while that the game would be set elsewhere on the Eastern Seaboard, with Bethesda apparently not willing to tackle the West Coast/Nevada setting of the first two Fallout games and New Vegas, leaving that area to Obsidian (hopefully indicating that Obsidian will get to make more Fallout games; frankly New Vegas curb-stomped Fallout 3 in quality).


These speculations have been rewarded by info leaking that Bethesda writers and researchers haven been in Boston and visiting MIT, writing up info for their next game. Fallout 3 featured multiple mentions of the Commonwealth and the Institute, with the Commonwealth being a small nation located in New England and the Institute being a high-tech settlement built on the ruins of MIT (the infamous Blade Runner homage mission from FO3 featured an android built at the Institute).


Based on previous information, Fallout 4 (and hopefully not F4llout, which would be lame) will use the Creation Engine employed for Skyrim. It will likely be released in 2015, suggesting it might have versions for both the current generation of consoles and the next one as well.

  • Community Administrator

Yea, that litterally just finished up that case this year. (I think)

I believe the company that had the rights, ended up losing the case. Bethsada gained rights to it.

Its part ass-hattery by Bethsada, and part ass-hattery by the other guys. Basically Bethsofts been hounding them over the MMO for like.. 4 years.

They claim, they couldn't get any work done on it, becuase of all the legal troubles. (and since there time with the license was rapidally running out, bethsoft took action.. Probably mostly becuase of Zenimax (if it wasn't zeni-max themselves) priming the law suit...

Sometimes those lawyers that you hire? yea.. they practically sue people and you almost have no control over it. (see Bethsoft v Notch. :wink:)

  • 6 months later...

alright, instead of making a new thread, i'll post in this one.



was at Game Stop 2 days ago, getting GoW: Acension, and picked up Fall Out 3 for $5.00's.


i like the game, thoguh it took a bit for me to get the controls down, and actually enjoy playing it in FP pov (i think Minecraft has gotten me use to this pov tbh). they have a new copy of the "Game of the Year" (GotY) edition for $18's i'll be getting on Friday, and likely will also be goign and getting the GotY edition for Las Vegas.



but i have a problem. so i'm in the firt town, the one that is built aroudn a still live atomic bomb. and well i went with the sheriff to take care of the idiot that wanted me to detonate the thing (it wasn't so much that it would have destroyed the town, more so the out lieing effects to the surrounding area fromt eh blast i was agaisnt; not to meniton they probably woulda just killed me instead of paying up).


wll the goon shot the sherrif before i could pop him one, so i looted the sherrifs body and got the key to the armory. well, i wen tinto the armory and now the entire town wants to kill me. will this be perminate on my game or will the ants nest i kicked up eventually calm down.



also, wtf was up with the G.O.A.T test? i tried to actually take it, but the game woudl just get stuck on my character sittign at the desk and would refuse to let me get up. i even waited for 20 minutes. i was hopeing to take the multiple choice test and get more than 3 points to put towards my attributes honestly.

  • Community Administrator

alright, instead of making a new thread, i'll post in this one.



was at Game Stop 2 days ago, getting GoW: Acension, and picked up Fall Out 3 for $5.00's.


i like the game, thoguh it took a bit for me to get the controls down, and actually enjoy playing it in FP pov (i think Minecraft has gotten me use to this pov tbh). they have a new copy of the "Game of the Year" (GotY) edition for $18's i'll be getting on Friday, and likely will also be goign and getting the GotY edition for Las Vegas.



but i have a problem. so i'm in the firt town, the one that is built aroudn a still live atomic bomb. and well i went with the sheriff to take care of the idiot that wanted me to detonate the thing (it wasn't so much that it would have destroyed the town, more so the out lieing effects to the surrounding area fromt eh blast i was agaisnt; not to meniton they probably woulda just killed me instead of paying up).


wll the goon shot the sherrif before i could pop him one, so i looted the sherrifs body and got the key to the armory. well, i wen tinto the armory and now the entire town wants to kill me. will this be perminate on my game or will the ants nest i kicked up eventually calm down.



also, wtf was up with the G.O.A.T test? i tried to actually take it, but the game woudl just get stuck on my character sittign at the desk and would refuse to let me get up. i even waited for 20 minutes. i was hopeing to take the multiple choice test and get more than 3 points to put towards my attributes honestly.

Umm... well, technically each of those towns are there own faction, so killing everyone in one, won't make everyone in another want to kill you.


You should be able to reload an earlier save...

I seem to recall that during that conversation, just keep a big gun pointed on the bad guys head. (the man in the black suit that shoots hte sherrif?)

when it gets tot he conversation point where he's going to betray you. Just one shot him in the face. :wink:


As for the goat test? maybe you didn't hit 'next' or something dunno.. But no you get the same 'points' whether you take it or you skip it.


1. IMO New Vegas was better than FO3

2. You should probably reload since, if you aren't planning to blow up Megaton anyway, it's a pretty important place.

3. Sounds like you're dealing with lots of glitches. Bethesda is notorious for delivering amazing games...that are horribly bugged. 


ah thanks for the info. another Game Stop around here has a new version of FO3 GOTY edition for $18 that i'm going to be getting and returning the $5 regular version i have. while the one i got this FO3 from has a GOTY edition of New Vegas for $18 which i'll be getting as well.


goign to try stocking up on PS3 games that i like since geting the ps4 looks unlikely for us. not because of cost, but because i'm not pleased with how the platform is going.


I'm surprised that you noobcakes don't know about the '3 days' exploit. You don't have to reload a save at all, just wait for 3 days and everyone in Megaton will stop being hostile to you. This also works with reloading vendors when you have a whole bunch of vendor-trash.

  • Community Administrator

I'm surprised that you noobcakes don't know about the '3 days' exploit. You don't have to reload a save at all, just wait for 3 days and everyone in Megaton will stop being hostile to you. This also works with reloading vendors when you have a whole bunch of vendor-trash.

Vendors you don't even have to wait 3 days do you? (That I knew about)


As for waiting till people stopped hating you? YEa didn't know that. I ussually slaughtered everyone before it  became an issue. :tongue:


lmao, now thats funny. you call us "noobcakes" and now your like "um yeah probabaly a different game" :tongue: but yeah both Oblivion and Skyrim you wait 3 days. i know for a fact in Oblivion, because i'd steal without meaning to from shops.


stupid bethesa and putting the talking button and stealign button as the same thing :dry:


as for FO3, i'm gonna uninstall the entire game and reload it when i get the GOTY edition. the one i've got obviuolsy has bugs in it as it didn't let me physically take the GOAT test so i dont want to carry over any corrupted data

  • 8 months later...

There was a big FALLOUT 4 story breaking over the last month which turned out to be a massive hoax.

Hot on the heels of that, however, Kotaku claims to have secured casting sides for Bethesda's next game. It is indeed a FALLOUT title code-named 'Institute' and is indeed set in Boston, as early reports (and the hoax) suggested. The sides also suggest that the player character will be a soldier who was put into suspended animation on the eve of the nuclear war and wakes up centuries later - presumably post-FO3/NEW VEGAS - and has to find out what has happened to the planet. In Bethesda's biggest change to the formula, the PC has both male and female voice actors listed a la Shepherd in MASS EFFECT.


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