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Size of Aryth Ocean


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Is it bigger than the Pacific or about the same size? After reading about the Land of Mad Men. The numbers come out to about the same size in my head if not a little bit bigger. And the distance from Seanchan to Randland is about the same distance from New Zealand to Easter Island about 10,000 miles/16,000 km. Not a small thing to sail that far with a small amount of islands in the northern reaches of the ocean.


The Sea of Storms comes out to be the size of the Indian Ocean. And I would assume that the ocean between Shar and Seanchan is the same size as the Atlantic.


Once again Jordan set it up to be Earth again. Question is where did South America go?


I didn't think Seanchan shared a border with the Blight. They don't seem to have any issues with Shadowspawn. They don't even believe in Trollocs or Myrddraal. I know southerners in Randland often don't, but they have Borderlanders shielding them. I feel like the Seanchan military leaders, being part of a unified, continent-wide empire, would know of the Blight and Shadowspawn.


South America's the part where it says "Seanchan." You can tell where North America was because of that crater just northeast of where it says Morenal Ocean in the far northwest of the map. That looks like the Yellowstone supervolcano, or what's left of it. It also looked like someone ripped North America from the Hudson Bay to the gulf of California as well. The real question is: where's Africa? It looks like that entire continent is gone. Or if the Isle of Madmen is what remains of Africa, then where did the rest of it go, as well as all of Australia? I want to believe the IoMM is Australia, just because almost everything in Australia is deadly, even the cute stuff.


seachan have other, blighted creatures to fight, just not trolloc and fades, I guess moridin didn't bother to control that population and over time the population probably saw many extinctions and only the wildest shadowspawn are left, perhaps worm, and other things...

A seachan person mentioned having shadow spawn in seachan


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