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Greetings all.


I've been aware of Dragonmount for a while but never paid it much attention. A short while ago I stopped by here to find a release date for the last book and got sucked into the "It Works In Theory..." blog.


I got into the Wheel of Time around 2000-2001. I'd say it's probably my favorite series, although it probably shares that title with Stephen King's Dark Tower series.


Honestly I'm not sure why I created an account. I don't feel a particular need to discuss the books, but I'm here now so perhaps I will.


I make electronic music, mostly psytrance and a little downtempo. I wrote a song once I titled "The Karaethon Cycle", and later I re-wrote it and called it "The Karaethon Cycle (Tarmon Gaidon version)". The second one is better, but ultimately both are crap so it doesn't really matter. The point is that that's how far the series has creeped into my life. If I name a song after something, you know it's important to me.


Welcome Veracohr! Glad you decided to join in... The book discussion is only a part of the awesomeness that is DM.


Make sure to check out the Social Community section of the forums -- it took me about a year after I joined to start poking around there, and I regret it. There are great people to get to know, and lots of fun to be had. You're sure to find people to chat with about electronic music, or perhaps the Dark Tower series (one of my favorites as well!). Each of the Social Groups has a bit of a different emphasis and a different atmosphere, and you're welcome to join as many as suit you, or just hang out in their public boards and chat about whatever catches your interest. :smile:


If you have any questions, feel free to ask! We'll make sure you get answers. I'm one of the mods in this here forum, as well as staff in the Black Tower social group, so you can PM me or one of the other staff if you prefer.


Most of all, have fun!


Welcome Veracohr! I am so happy that there is a new DMer! If you like to have discussions about your ideas for the last book, there is a general wheel of time discussion board for you. Also, there are some great mafia games and debates about real life topics as well as a roleplaying board at the very bottom. Hope you have fun here, I'm always open for any questions!


welcome aboard!!


like tress said check out the social orgs or try the RP stuff theres lots to do whose ure fav character? and ure fav all time WoT scene?



tress...youre a mod here now?? cool that means i can get away with stuff.....

If you like to have discussions about your ideas for the last book, there is a general wheel of time discussion board for you.


I'm not sure I have any ideas about the last book. The whole theory notion was non-existant for me until a few weeks ago. I like being surprised in this regard. I suppose if I'd been around here for years I probably would have jumped into the fray also.


Some of the things I see mentioned that happend in TOM (see, I've already grasped DM's abbreviation format!) make me strain to remember them, so I'm probably forgetting half the most recent things that happened. I'm currently on LOC in re-read number 1,274. Maybe not quite so many. I used to read through the whole series about once a year, but at the moment I don't find a lot of time between full time work and part time school.


whose ure fav character? and ure fav all time WoT scene?


I can't say I have a single favorite, but I'm fond of Mat because he's not too serious even in the face of everything; Loial because he's nerdy and bookish and I have a feeling he may turn out to be even more badass than he was fighting trollocs in Emond's Field; Ishmael/Moridin because he's not cartoonishly evil, he's intelligent and sinister. Actually there are few characters I don't like.


As far as favorite scene, that's even harder. Some of the later books I don't remember as much because I haven't re-read them as many times (or at all after the first read). I guess the cleansing, although that may be a bit obvious. Nynaeve breaking through her block was kind of cool; not an epic scene, but I liked it. I don't know, I don't think I have an answer for this one.


Welcome to DM :)




Honestly I'm not sure why I created an account. I don't feel a particular need to discuss the books, but I'm here now so perhaps I will.



As some of the others mentioned, you're here - you might as well join the Social Side :dry:


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