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WoT Movie questions

Murchaad Boruze

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Okay, as everyone more than likely knows, I'm new here and to dragonmount. I'm sure this topic has been brought up several times throughout the website's history, but I gotta know...will there ever be a movie? Even an animated one? Now, I've heard that a movie company purchased the rights to the movie, but doesn't have the cash to do the WoT justice. Wouldn't even an animated version work though? Sure it wouldn't be as exciting, but it could work. The other question is this: why hasn't the movie company sold the rights yet? It can't do anything with them, so why not sell? And if the execs are being frugal (is that how you spell that?), we should petition the dang place! I don't think there is a fan of WoT that wouldn't want to see a movie made. Well, I guess that's it. Sorry if this topics been done, but I'm just a newb that doesn't know better.




would you enjoy a 2-3 hour movie?


cause thats all they could afford and it just wouldn't work


I don't know how they did it with LOTR but they did quite a good job


it just wouldn't work, they'd try getting main points in the movie but then non-readers won't get it at all


meh, a movie (or even a trio-whatchama'callit) wouldn't do for WOT. They'd need to make 1 movie per book. Or at the very least per 2 books.


I'd be all up for that though! God knows that there's been plenty of crap series, why not a series of WOT?


They could make it as long as they want then.


If I had a choice, I'd give the whole thing to Peter Jackson. Though I doubt he'd want to get into that again anytime soon.


They won't sell the rights, as they figure the rights will be worth much more once the book series is finished.


Peter Jackson managed to find another financing studio 1 week before he lost the rights to the movies of LOTR. The hollywood studio that first wanted to finance, only wanted him to make 1 movie. He couldn't live with that (damn straight!). The new financing studio he found (in the nick of time) was from New Zealand itself. It was their idea to make it a trilogy (eureka! found the word).


*is slowly falling in love with Mystica*



Yes yes :D give it to New Zealand...*is biased*


i use to live across the river from the Helms Deep set...



and thats my claim to fame :cry:



Yeah Peter Jacksons got some talent...i reckon hed do WoT justice...and if he didnt...NZ aint that big a place :lol: we'd find him


hehe, well i been biased for NZ since i saw my first documentary at 9 years old. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy back in the Age of Dragons.



:shock: PJ got 'some' talent??? *twaps!*


All of these points are well and good, but it wouldn't have to be just a trilogy. It would take a while to make the movies, but look at Star Wars and the whole Batman series. You have six already with SW and talk about doing the last three. Batman has five and another one on the way. Of course, I would hope there wouldn't be some huge break between trilogies like SW. The problem is financing. It would take more money than all of SW for the special effects to do one trilogy. And you're right Cashew, it wouldn't work with a two or three hour movie, but I'd sure as hell watch it. And I'm sure it would make a ton of money. Think about it, you've got six movies with the twelve books right now. Two per movie. Well, I can dream can't I? And what about some kind of animation...would that do WoT justice? I think it'd be a downgrade, but surviveable.


one book a season would be dragging it out a lot, though, i think. In movies one can show a lot in a sec which would take up several pages in a book to describe.


And thinking of how 'less fun' some of the books are, those seasons could very well end up equally 'less good' lol


But yeah, I'd definately pay to see each book in a 3 (even 4) hour movie. I'd take special off days at work for it lol (if they're done right..... if they're not, i'll take vacation to go give the producer and director a piece of my mind *nods*)


*strokes her cattle prod*


I think a TV series wouldn't do it. There are too many main characters. Nowadays, all of the tv shows contain 8 or 9 main characters. If there is too many, they just kill them off. Plus, the budget for spec eff is cut dramatically. Either that, or they're super cheesy, and that would suck.


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