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[TOWN WINS!]BG's Super Smash Bros. Mafia (now with more Ithi)!


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Also, what are the odds on BG sending the maf bosses a cover PM?


Not sure. Sometimes the scum are given fake character names so as to prevent mass character reveals. This is usually sufficient since in most games you cannot quote your PM. Since BG allowed quoting of Role PMs in this game, I think it is possible he gave the scum cover PMs. Not sure though.

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It says I may not be able and trust the princess. I would also like to point out that John is putting words in others mouth again, claiming that Zelda/Link are combo'd. However, Link is being claimed by Womby's team the page before. There are so many assumptions going on and so much WIFOM spewing from him that I am amazed he hasn't died yet. These reveals do not seem to be getting us anywhere..

I do agree that these reveals are not as much help as I thought they would be.

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List of suspect players:

















Confirmed town (to me): AJ, Rand, Darthe, Andrew, David, Lily, Dice, Tiink (still watching the last two though somewhat)

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Haven't asked my partner about revealing so I am redacting some things:





Hero of Time... Hero of the Stars, I have brought you both here because a great evil has been unleashed upon the galaxy. Nintendo Mascots are being transformed and changed. There are evil forces lurking about that have infected the minds of Nintendo characters and turned them into Bad Guys. You are two of the remaining Hero's that I know have worked against evil like this before... Dark Link and Dark Samus. Having faced your own demons before I want the two of you to work together. Find out who has become a Bad Guy! It may be an old foe or an old friend, nobody is safe.


Lessa Wombat you are Link

*partner redacted* you are Samus Aran



*powers redacted*


Please don't communicate outside of the QT provided:


*link redacted*


You win when all the Bad Guys have been eliminated.

Yes Dave..they have. And voting them will pressure them into revealing.


Okay, since some of you all don't see it.

Tiink said he was in the Royal Mason Team.

Royal. As in Peach/Zelda (maybe a few others that I don't know of)

As in Peach's partner.

As in the doc's partner.

As in duh.

Yes Dave..they have. And voting them will pressure them into revealing.


Okay, since some of you all don't see it.

Tiink said he was in the Royal Mason Team.

Royal. As in Peach/Zelda (maybe a few others that I don't know of)

As in Peach's partner.

As in the doc's partner.

As in duh.


Or that's what I think he's implying

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Arez, Nyanna, Songstress


I could post the characters as well, but I think this is unnecessary.

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Darthe, why is that again?

OMGUS or because I'm not a noob?


I couldn't care less. TBH, if you're trying to convince us all that you're a noob you have begun to do a pretty good job. However, scummy play trumps almost any claim and removal of WIFOM is second only to removal of scum in my book. Be happy Lord Snow, you currently sit on the good side of a bad list. Probably.

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David, you should stop posting this stuff. Mass reveal is getting ready to get us in trouble if two people who have yet to claim claim. It will, by proxy, out your teammate if it hasn't already done so. (If the other two unclaimed are mafia we are about to lose our cop..

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Darthe, why is that again?

OMGUS or because I'm not a noob?


I couldn't care less. TBH, if you're trying to convince us all that you're a noob you have begun to do a pretty good job. However, scummy play trumps almost any claim and removal of WIFOM is second only to removal of scum in my book. Be happy Lord Snow, you currently sit on the good side of a bad list. Probably.


Well, I'm sensing OMGUS here. I vote you today, and today you "suddenly realize" I'm scum.

Then I post my PM and offer to die, and you're fine with me. Interestingly enough, in this process I got rid of my vote for you.

Then, I re-affirm my FoS, and what do you do? Re-accuse me of scum-dom.


If that's not OMGUS, please, someone show me where I went wrong.

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David, you should stop posting this stuff. Mass reveal is getting ready to get us in trouble if two people who have yet to claim claim. It will, by proxy, out your teammate if it hasn't already done so. (If the other two unclaimed are mafia we are about to lose our cop..

I have realised this already, and I'll take your advice. I think this mass revealing is going to bite us in the butt.

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David, you should stop posting this stuff. Mass reveal is getting ready to get us in trouble if two people who have yet to claim claim. It will, by proxy, out your teammate if it hasn't already done so. (If the other two unclaimed are mafia we are about to lose our cop..


:/ now doc has a 1/4 shot of blocking the NK. assuming they go for Doc/Cop. If they only go for cop, 1/2

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1. David & (hehe not going to reveal that! ;) ) - Earthbound masons Claimed COP

2. John & Basel - Captains to the Rescue masons Claimed able to use extra vote and claimed one-shot cop view

3. Lily & EP - Dreamland masons power absorber

4. Desp & Lenlo - Starfox masons Claimed double buff power thing

5. Alanna & Rand

6. Ironeyes & Turin - DK masons claimed roleblockers

7. Darthe & AndrewLee - Mario Bros. masons (funny) claimed has interesting power

8. Moon & Peace - Retro-Nintendo masons

9. Niel & lightning bolt

10. Nolder &

11. Dice & Tiinker - Royale masons claimed doc

12. Wombat & - Team of Heroes

13. Razen & - Non-Nintendo masons


Players who haven't revealed : Arez, Nyanna, Songstress


I could post the characters as well, but I think this is unnecessary.


Another tidbit can be gleaned here. One of those claiming a mason group with one person is lying. Niel has to be someone's teammate but what would be the purpose of not claiming him as such? Also, we have five groups of one and three people left. Which two single person claims do we believe least? I personally think one of the unclaimed is aligned with Niel and that two scum have tried to claim seperate mason groups for the temp WIFOM. Perhaps someone is being silenced?

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