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The Newsroom

John E. Kelley

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can i just say though. i LOVED that the show attakced the sensalitzaiton type reporting of the likes of TMZ and such.



seriously, i agree! why is it so important or news worthy what celebrety is doing what on a specific day?! and take down pieces are disgusting *nods*

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Wow I love the liberal leaning of the show... I think I would prefer if it were a bit more balanced as it would more accurately portray what their show is suppose to be doing.


Keep me updated on Rush! I am not sure how you stand listening to him.

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because i'm more conservative in nature and agree with him on economical issues and the place of government Emp. but yeah if Rush pops up on the Newsroom again i'll make sure to listen to his show on following monday to hear what he has to say :laugh:



truely the one i can't stand is Ed Choltz, whom i refer to as Ed Shmu.... i'll stop there. theres such an ideological difference between me and that LLL that i would have a perminate red spot in the middle of my forhead from head desking too often while tryign to listen to him. and i did try, when Bubba and i had Sirius radio there was Ed's show that Bubba could stomach and some liberal black guy Bubba listened too as well. not that Bubba is liberal, he wanted a more rounded opinion and to get both sides whcih i greatly respected.


anyways, i tend to laugh at alot of what Rush says, even if his attitude is mroe than a bit condescending and high and mighty :laugh: that and he seems to get the facts right alot more than the left side; because if he messes up its all over the news. where as if Scholtz or Mathews flubs up, theres barely anything said.


tbh, Beck is the one i have the hardest time listening to now; atleast Rush sticks with the issues and doesn't degraded into acting like the other side and flings dirt as much. i used to not think of Back like that (pre-tea party) but now he's just degraded to the mentality of an 8th grader. if anything, i always preferred Todd Schnitt the most ... Hannity is slowly growing on me, mostly because of how often he has the candidates on and his "liberal" guests aren't the a-typical morons most shows have on to purposefully make the other side look like idiots.

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Sam posted this elsewhere but i figure you might want to read it Emp.





also, in the article above, it included the section where Rush responded :happy: so you can listen for yourself his response


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Good article. Here is what I learned from the episode if you strip away the liberal leanings of Sorkin.


1. News Agencies would rather be first when reporting something than right. They often jump on news with one source that is often not even validated.

2. Sensational media (TMZ, Rush, Beck, Maddow) skews facts or non-facts to entertain its audience. News should not be entertainment, it should be unbiased information presented to the public.




Personally, I equate Rush to the National Enquirer. I do understand why people listen to him, he is damn entertaining; but rarely is he reporting facts. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was talking about how The Dark Knight Rises was liberal propaganda because they cast Bane as the villain to bring more attention to Bain Capital. I am picking on Rush because he is the most well known talking head, but like I said earlier I equate many other shows (like Maddow) to this type of entertainment.

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2. Sensational media (TMZ, Rush, Beck, Maddow) skews facts or non-facts to entertain its audience. News should not be entertainment, it should be unbiased information presented to the public.




Personally, I equate Rush to the National Enquirer. I do understand why people listen to him, he is damn entertaining; but rarely is he reporting facts. Wasn't it just yesterday that he was talking about how The Dark Knight Rises was liberal propaganda because they cast Bane as the villain to bring more attention to Bain Capital. I am picking on Rush because he is the most well known talking head, but like I said earlier I equate many other shows (like Maddow) to this type of entertainment.

Colbert and Stewart fall under this category as well

Not intentionally I'm sure but I've seen many people act as if their shows are legitimate sources of news (moreso Stewart)

I'm glad that Stewart at least vehemently denies this any time it's brought up and calls himself what he is, an entertainer

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Right! I didn't mention them because I thought people knew they were obviously fake... you know... being on Comedy Central and as you said... admit to being fake news. However they are sometimes less biased than other 'news' programs.

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As far as bias goes it's pretty obvious Stewart (and/or his writers) lean way Left

People say stupid things all the time from both parties but 85-90% of the clips you see on TDS is Republicans making asshats of themselves

That's fine though, I don't mind

It's funny and that's all I'm looking for when I watch Comedy Central you know?

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actually Emp i want to say they were pointing out the idiocy of the left for comparing Romney to a comic book villian because they share the name. i personally didn't listen to Rush yesturday, but the local guy i listen to at 7am was talking abotu it yesturday.


the Washington Examiner and the Obama campaign started the comparison and attacks





heres the article released by the washington examiner on 7/16/12




"It has been observed that movies can reflect the national mood," said Democratic advisor and former Clinton aide Christopher Lehane. "Whether it is spelled Bain and being put out by the Obama campaign or Bane and being out by Hollywood, the narratives are similar: a highly intelligent villain with offshore interests and a past both are seeking to cover up who had a powerful father and is set on pillaging society," he added.

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yeah i noticed the shot at Rush was snuck in there. he just can't help himself can he. maybe its cause he knows Rush will give him free plublicity. that quote, btw was 100% taken out of context. if memory recalls correctly, Rush was being his tongue and cheek self at that point and went on to show how this so called "democratic" process in egypt was anythign but that seeing as egytp was trying hard to keep what was really goign on from leaking out to the western world.


and the Koch brothers was worked in like they were building up a story to do later, but i would have preferred more focus on the Egyptian uprising. i kept waiting for them to list hte connection between the start of the Arab Spring and the Islamic Bortherhood and call it what it turned out to be; yet the closest they got to that was to point out the military's involvement. i also noticed they said nothign abotu the female reporter that got raped during this event as well.



re-scott walker. again, this is boched on the shows part. while they reported the numbers of salary, they failed to report that Walker didn't only target school unions, but all government unions (as he did recently) also, they left out the fact that all democrats in that state congress fled across state lines in protest to the bill.

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What I do appreciate in the show is the writing and humor. I wish it were more fair and balanced as they wanted the news program to be. This week tweaked my interest in the Glass-Steagall Act. I do appreciate they are bringing up points of discussion and sometimes informing the audience on issues, but yeah... it is a bit one sided and sometimes distorted.

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the rose colored biased "reporting" to the 9/11 Mosque was disgusting tbh.


but everything else was good; i particularly liked the black man who was on as a Sanitorum supporter (majorily how he handled himself, very good writing and a very moving response)

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Plus, I'm just not a Santorum fan, so I enjoyed that scene in particular. Santorum is far too eager to legislate social issues, and that's the one area that I disagree with some Conservatives on. Government has no business legislate the social side of society and to that, I say no. Stick to defense and the economy.

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that's the one area that I disagree with some Conservatives on. Government has no business legislate the social side of society and to that, I say no. Stick to defense and the economy.


^^ ditto on that 100%

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Just started watching it.. on ep 4 now.


Just gotta ask.

how does the kncoking on the tea-party = its a liberal show? (This was brought up in D&D)

That said as for the balanced part, yea, they could do more democrat knocking to.. but you konw.. Tea-party is just... well, needs a lil knocking down. :tongue:

Perhaps we'll see more democrat knocking when they get to some of the more modern and election based issues upcoming?

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Just like every interest group, the TP is right on some issues, dead wrong on others. The same way I find certain liberal groups to be correct in certain areas. But the fact that the Newsroom points out nothing at all about the kook viewpoints liberal groups have, and focuses only on the kook views of the Right, proves that it's out to mock the Right. But I'm still hoping that you're right, and that as the show reaches the current timeperiod, that it will maybe change some.


It's still a great show though, I can't lie.

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its called a "liberal" show because


a - Sorkin is (apparently) well known for his liberal biased


b - the pot shots they've been taking at Right-wing talk (and excluding the left wing)


c - they attack Right Wing groups, but leave left wing groups out


d - on many things they've "reported" now, they're quick to point out and attack the points the Right brings up but glaze over or dont bring up the faults of the left or even point out the lack of reporting on certain things by the left-sided media.



examples of D include, but are not limited to


- Arab Spring and neglecting to mention the Islamic Brotherhood ties

- the reporting on Scott Walker, Jeff Dnaiels character points out the Right side shipping in supporters of the bill but also fails topoint out the NCAAP and ACLU did the same for proponents of the bill (as well as ommitting the actions of the Democrate State Senators who fled across the State line in protest)

- and most recently, the botched reporting on the 9/11 Mosque.




tbh i'm trying to leave politics out of this particulare thread, and instead discuss the TV show aspects of thsi show; which is why i've made a seperate thread for this show in the D&D. and in that thread i complained at length about the biasedness your asking about. plus the blog BG provided and i linked in this thread on page 2 is a greate companion read to this show :happy:

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best episode yet :happy:



i especially liekd the airplane scene; where old boy is about to yell at the pilot. he looks at the strieps and the realization hits; the reason they're being like that is not to inconvience him but because of the attacks of 9/11. that his actions, while he felt were justified at the time, we're really uncalled for; and that really, if anyone diserved to hear the news first among them are the pilots of that specific airport.


yes, i cried during that part, it was very moving

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