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So, I've noticed that the CotS boards are quite frankly disturbingly dead. I still have several posts on the front page... and that doesn't make me happy. As the baddies are kinda an integral part of the overall storey, I feel we need to breathe some life into them, and well, perhaps do something bad. As such I offer up my Dreadlord Arcon Da'Dread, I'll have to double check with Liitha, but I have a vague recollection of him picking up the travelling weave at some point, or the two of us can work on a reason why he'd be out. He is a Carhien to the bone, and about as proud and arrogant as possible. Really an incredible character for me to play, and I find most people find it really easy to hate him! As such, is there anyone, anywhere who wouldn't mind starting up an RP with him? I am writing up a "where has he been" that states that he has been making a stir in Carhien, claiming to be the returned-gentled son of a now far more influencial noble house. The rumors surronding that state otherwise, as his father has been playing up that he may very well have a channeling son to snipe down enemies.


Of course none of that is confirmed, or maybe not even true. Arcon would only go after his own rivals, and more likely through proxey. Still, could be an interesting plot? Or him mucking about in any of the other cities, building ties for his house and gathering support for the shadow. If there are any aspiring dreadlords out there, I'd even be willing to play the pick-up game, and same for darkfriends. All in all, I just really feel we need the shadow's influence back in main randland. In the books DFs are everywhere, and we need to represent that. I've got a second dreadlord to raise, and if I can get nyn back into it, a Myddraal to make into a true terror.


You should poke Kathleen - she's my resident Black Ajah Head, and she's forever plotting Dark stuff in Dark corners. I'm sure she'll love someone else for play dates *grins*


I noticed how old the next couple posts were as well. It's been ages since i've been on the dragonmount forums and would love to get my Fade back on his feet. I'll start over if I need to but I got an itch to RP!


Haha! I've got my fade as well. We can meet up in the blight if need be, or you can come to my Dreadlord. Both work, though I'd really like help raising my Lurk.


The character I was working on fleshing out needs to finish the Req post for his quickening to get him out of his adolesence from what I remember. A lot of those posts are still archived here so hopefully it won't be too hard to get going again.


Last I recall mine was learning more advanced weapon's play from Matalina, though not even sure if she is still around lol. I will have to dig out his reqs soon, I liked the pasty dude.


*runs in Out of breath* in here! I'm here!


As Elgee said, in the head of the BA. I play the nsw head character and i play another aes sedai who us a new black sister. She had been an was sedai for several decades and just joined the blacks recently main timeline.


I'd be up for rping with you with either of them I'd you want. I also have some 'good guys' in the way of a green aes sedai, a yellow nsw head, a child of the light in training and a wise one dream walker. Let me know if any of these interest you or inspires an rp idea and I would live to play along!


I poked you, willing to RP with any of the characters, though the BA makes the most sense. It actually could help with Arcon's reintroduction.


I need to get confirmation that I can just start swinging again with my Fade. Is Liitha still around and active enough that I could pm and get a response?


I need to get confirmation that I can just start swinging again with my Fade. Is Liitha still around and active enough that I could pm and get a response?


Yes she is

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