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If You Give a Llama a Banana...

Aiel Heart

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For those of you who have not read these books


or any of the other books that sprung from these four, here's how this works.


If you give a llama a banana, she will want an apple to go with it.


When you go to get her the apple, she will see the fruit basket and want to paint it. She will ask you for paint and paper.


When you go to get the paper, she will notice the radio sitting on the desk where the paper is kept. She'll want you to turn it on so she can dance.


When she is dancing, she will pretend like she is on Broadway and is famous! She'll want a fancy costume to dance in.


When you go to get her some make-believe dress-up clothes from your basement...


Your turn!!! What does the llama think/want/notice next?!?!


In the posts above, I made each color what one person would say. Finish the sentence with what the pig will notice/want (maybe make it two sentences) and then start off the next sentence with you going to get what her latest want.

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AWWWW how cute!! :laugh:



When you go to get her some make-believe dress-up clothes from your basement...


Your turn!!! What does the llama think/want/notice next?!?!


In the posts above, I made each color what one person would say. Finish the sentence with what the pig llama will notice/want (maybe make it two sentences) and then start off the next sentence with you going to get what her latest want.


When you go to get her some make-believe dress-up clothes from your basement...teh llama will want a lucky penny necklace too >.>


As you start to drill teh hole in teh penny...

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