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Someone needs to nail me down...


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...with something that will keep me here a bit more often!


Anyway, there has been a reason why I have been a little absent...which some of you might see in a few weeks time. That is all I am going to say about that.


The other reason was that we were a man down at work. Being a small accountancy firm, losing a member of staff does not help, so I have had to take on extra responsibilities at work. Anyway, we have a new member of staff starting next week or the week after.


Just so you are away, I am away at the latter end of the week as I am going home to my parents for my Easter break. They weren't around this weekend, so I am going back next week. After that, I should be online more often.


Now, where's the Brew?


*comes up with a big hammer and giant nails* So is that permission to assault the MG?? :wink:


*passes Corki a very dusty bandy* I found a few of these hanging around my tent


those are laced with anesthetic Kat?



Oh and Corki?? once we nail you down do you reckon you could add those newbies to the boards that signed into the newbie thread? Theyve been waiting quite some time.



Oooo if a redarm thinks it's permission then it HAS to be...


*gets ready to start nailing corki down* How many nails do ya'll think it will take?

Oh and Corki?? once we nail you down do you reckon you could add those newbies to the boards that signed into the newbie thread? Theyve been waiting quite some time.


Sent in just now.


*gets out a nail and holds it with one hand and hoists her hammer up with the other* I'd like to say this won't hurt, but it will... You sure you want us to nail you down?


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