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[Ghoulies]Staff member of the year


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So I said to myself, "Self", (and I knew it was me talking because I had on my favorite bunny slippers.... anyways) "Self, do my loyal minions appreciate me? Do they know all the hard work you and your staff do for them? Someone should get rewarded or something for all the stuff we do. " Self rambled on for a good thirty minutes. She pondered and pandered (whatever that means!) and then she watched two seasons of Dr. Who on netflix. I realized there was something I needed to do but couldn't think of what. I figured I was bored enough to mosey over to my social group and rig the awards for Staff member of the year. So I broke into Amadine's rooms and searched for the ballots. Unfortunately for me, I was drunk and couldn't see straight. I thought for sure the cards read "Most high Main in attendance" and I figured that MUST be the best staff cards.. I did wonder why Nynaeve was the only other nominee when she's not even staff! But, I digress... -looks down at the cards in her hands sadly- I don't know WHY you all nominated the deserter. That gives me sadness.







The nominees are.................................................















And the winner is:




It won't let me past the darned banner. -kicks something-



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Congratulations! And someone should get points for the vampire... It took me a second to figure out it was referring to ed I just got confuzzled for a second...


Hey! That should be one of the awards next year, "Most likely to secretly love Twilight" lol

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