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Feast of Fools Discussion--Pranks

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What are some pranks you've done over the years??? This is not limited just to April Fools, but any prank


Both masterfully carried out ones and simply concepts gone bad are welcome.





I admit I'm actually not too much of a prankster in real life.


Though there was this one time that me and my siblings REALLY wanted to take my older cousin home with us (and he claimed he wanted to come too) so we had him lie down on the floor of our van and put all of our pillows and blankets on top of him and managed to completely hide him (which was hard because he was REALLY tall even then) and my parents actually didn't think anything of it.


They thought he had just gone inside because he'd already said goodbye and maybe didn't want to watch us leave (he'd spent a good deal of the summer with us) and we usually had tons of stuff taking up space on the floor anyway.


Then when we got to the end of the driveway and he sat up and said "It's hot under there!"


We would have taken him home with us too >.>

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Haha xDD recently, my father had his birthday ^^ Me and my bro was out looking for presents when we found a reaaally nice shaving machine!! And the best part was that it had a "christmas present discount"!


My father said once that he'd like to have a shaving machine, ONCE! and it was almost an half year before he had his birthday, Thankfully I remembered it xP So.. Me and my bro thought it might be fun to play a little prank on him.


So we went to the Store's support and asked them if they had a big cardbord box! We explained what we wanted to do (put the shaving machine box inside the bigger one and the wrap it) so my father wouldn't suspect the real present.


The funny part was that the support was AWESOME and gave us an even BETTER IDEA. He told us to wait and took our shaving machine. When he came back he was holding a Coffée box. After a couple of seconds me and my bro started to laugh so hard xDD He (support) was like, it's the best idea ever! So we had the real present hidden in a coffée cardbord box wrapped in some nice paper (our parents had actually suggested that we'd get them a Coffée maker). Then on his birthday, we gave him the present, whilst giggeling, and when he opened it we saw his face go all


He said something like "oh, how nice! An coffée maker"


And then we told him to open it and inspect it.


And the facialexpression he had when he opened it was PRICELESS XDDD

Something like


Best birthday ever! He was so happy ^^!


Yay more Foolishness!!!


Okay many of our DM friends either are currently in or have previously served in the military and know that the pranks fly fast and crude there. This is a clean one that I have told before but I love the expression on the victim so much I decided to share it here too.


I served in the US Navy as a chemistry and Radiological Controls Tech on an Aircraft Carrier. One of my jobs was to do contamination surveys on any space where food was served or prepared. The Captain has his own kitchen in his stateroom so each week I would have to go and survey his room to ensure everything was okay. The captain also has cooks to prepare his food for him. He is a busy guy after all. So anyway I would occasionally see the Captain during these trips and he was a pretty good guy. One day I go in there to do the survey and he is in there. 2 of his cooks are also there. One of them is new. Now the Captain is trained in what I am doing but the cooks are not. He suggests that I use my contamination detector to check the cook. So I start to do the scan and the cook is watching the dial closely as I am do the check. I get to his hands and push the battery test button on the machine which causes the needle to jump across the dial like he is contaminated. The Captain knows what is going on and gets all concerned asking the guy what he touched and like that. The cook's eyes are like saucers as he is stammering "i don't know" . We broke up laughing after only about 15 seconds though.


If I had known the Captain would be willing to play along we might have made a drill out of it and sent him for decon. The poor guy might have soiled himself. For anyone not familiar with Decon showers check out the movi e "Silkwood".


I love pranking my husband, he NEVER suspects XD I only do nice pranks tho. One of my finer was two Christmases ago.


He had mentioned a special type of coffee maker . Unfortunatly they are expensive and I could not afford one. But whilst I was browsing the stores I found a cheaper copy of it, and hot pink to boot. So I was like "yes!" and bought that. I come home and he's all like "What did you get me for christmas?! Tell me tell me!" and I managed to keep a straight face and say "A hot pink coffee maker". He was like "yeah, stop kidding, what did you buy meeeeee?". And every time he asked, I answered the same, and he never believe me. Now: Imagine his face on Christmas when he opened his present and found... The hot pink coffee maker! Priceless XD


And yes, he loved it and used it alot ^^


My siblings and I like pranking each other all the time. Unfortunately, this does not always work. As a result, we are immensely distrustful of one another :laugh:


A couple of years ago, we were boycotting our parents whenever they usked us to do anything involved with coffee, as we thought our parents drank too much of it. It was more like 'well you keep preaching that sweets etc are bad for us so we've decided we will not help you have coffee!". Anyway. One day, mum asked us to grind some coffee beans. She was pleasantly surprised when I sprang to it...however, I just pretended to turn the coffee grinder, and after a while, went into the kitchen and took out the cocoa powder. This, I proceeded to spoon into the coffee jug thingy, enough so it had the black coffee colour, and added lots of hot water. When it boiled, I served it up in their favourite cups and watched sneakily as they raised them to their lips. Mum actually swallowed a mouthful before gagging.


I hear mountains of pure cocoa powder in hot water is rather unpleasant when you expect a the sweet comfort of latté. :baalzamon:


/>(we made them drink some...well, we allowed them soooome sugar, but no milk >:D And they don't often ask us to make them coffee anymore. I wonder why??trollguyyoumadda5z1kaihqbu.gif


My grandfather came out to Colorado a few years ago so the entire family got together for dinner and my parents asked if I wanted to bring a friend along. Now, we were already at the restaurant but I called my best friend in the world and told her that we were having dinner and my parents had already ordered something for her so I needed her to drop everything so I could pick her up. My family just looked at me like I was some kind of reptile but she agreed, feeling a little put upon. When we got back and sat down at the table, I asked her what she wanted to order. Ladies, gentlemen amd Ogier - let me tell you. If eyes were lasers, I'd be burnt to crisp. She slapped me when I dropped her off that night. Just in case you was wundrin'.


I can't repeat some of my pranks because some of them are not fit to repeat in a PG13 setting. Suffice to say, you had to be there.


I saw a really cool and mean prank yesterday!


You take a pack of oreos, twist them apart, and scrape of the filling. Find a completely white toothpaste, give a good squeese in the middle of one of the cookies, place the other on top and push down until it's even and looking like an oreo. Proceed with the rest of the package. Leave it for a victim to find...


(maybe just do half the package, save the other half for your self, shame to waste a whole pack of oreos XD)


I remember back when I was young... We went through and painted all of the Ajahs. Red became Blue, Blue became White, White became Yellow, Yellow became Green, Green became Gray, and Gray became Red. The Browns we left alone because they wouldn't have noticed any change anyway


Sensible Fool - now that's quite a paradox.



paradox...paradigm....sack of dimes....sack of feathers....



*tosses brightly coloured feathers into the air*



When I was in middle school, we filled a classmate's locker with those bright feathers (the ones that you can get in a bag at the craft store, yaknow?) while she was on vacation with her family. We just put some in between every class, every day - shoving them through the tiny slits at the top and the bottom. It was quite entertaining to see her buried in feathers when she opened it - and the huge mass of random feathers floating about in the hallway.


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