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Hellooooooooo DRAGONMOUNT!!!


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Hello everyone!


I finally finished TOM this very afternoon. A good friend at work introduced me to the series at the end of last school year, and I've been devouring them as often as I could ever since. I popped on DM a couple of times before looking for answers to who this character was or "Wait, where are they again?", you know, this or that... but didn't stick around long as I was so worried I would be spoiled on something in one of the next novels. For once in my life - with great patience and willpower I managed to keep my need for answers at bay (first time for everything), and now I'm REALLY ready to start talking about the series! Can't wait to comment on the various posts and discuss with everyone these absolutely incredible novels.



Ben Light (Blight)


Welcome to Dragonmount!


Favourite character and scene?


Since you just finished ToM, Favourite ToM character and scene?


If you have any problems, just ask!





Welcome to Dragonmount!


Favourite character and scene?


Since you just finished ToM, Favourite ToM character and scene?


If you have any problems, just ask!


Hey Pankhuri, thanks for the welcome, and thanks for asking. I think I'd have to say my favorite character throughout the entire series is Mat, I look forward most to reading scenes with him in them. My favorite scene in the books, there are so many, but I'm going to go with one that I remember giving me chills up my spine when I read it the first time. The final few scenes of TEoTW. Here we have a young man in Rand whose entire world has been turned upside down. He's learned he's a male that can channel, that he's a danger to his family, that he's being hunted by things that were up to that point fairy tales told to keep kids in line. He's visited the blight, met the GREEN MAN!!! Then the part that gave me chills, here's this 18/19/20 year old kid, trying to find his way and deal with all of that, they get attacked, and out steps not just one, but two of the Forsaken myths in their own right, in the flesh ready to take him apart, and he manages (with help) to put them down. LOVED that scene.


Regarding ToM, I loved the sequences of Mat in there as well. Brandon seems to really have fun with the character, (some get a bit frustrated with that), but I've enjoyed it. I loved the sequences of the Tower of Ghenji. I'm a big D&D guy, so love the concept of something that is unexplored, that few have returned from, and the valiant quest to get inside of it. Loved that entire sequence (would have loved to see Noal make it out, but whaddyagonnado?)


Welcome Ben! I'm glad you finished your read so you can join in on the discussion! The main WoT discussion can be found in the Wheel of Time Discussion Forums, but you'll find you can discuss the books just about anywhere on the site! If you have any questions, please feel free to ask :biggrin:


Mat is also one of my favorite characters as well, not only is he funny but he's also a BAMF warrior! You have any thoughts on how the series will wrap up?


Hello Ben,


I see you have already met my counterpart :smile:


I didn't read ToM till last spring, so was behind everyone else as well, and it was reading it that brought me to DM also. I did post a little in the general discussion, but then found myself drawn to the social boards further down, because I thought it would be nice to interact with people who liked the same type of books as me. In general where I live, people look at you like you are a total weirdo if you say you like Fantasy and sci-fi.


Have you explored much of DM yet? It really is a massive, but surprisingly welcome place?


Took me a second to realize what you meant by 'counterpart', then I noticed the signatures. :)


Despothera, and Ithillian -- I haven't had much of a chance to explore too far to be honest. I've made it to the Wheel of Time Discussion section, have yet to visit the social boards, and haven't decided whether I have the time right now in my life for the RP. Will have to make my way down there at some point though and introduce myself.


Regarding how I think the series will end - there are so many incredible prophecies that have been written in the books so far, I love that RJ and BS are working through those prophecies to line out the story, it's just a very cool way to do it. Right now I've been digging into the Shadow Prophecies, (and am going through New Spring as I haven't read that one yet - I've read the comic, but not the novel yet. So I'm going to go through that, and then hammer out a re-read before AMoL drops in January) and am fascinated by the possibilities.


I get the feeling that Rand will be successful in whatever he does, but I keep getting a feeling that he's going to destroy the wheel in the process - no more repeating of lives, just history and future. When the Dragon dies, the Dragon dies. I'm fighting over whether 'Three will become one' refers to himself and the two women involved in wielding Callandor, or whether he will take Saidin, Saidar, and the TP and somehow combined them. I guess regardless of how it all goes down, there will be a second breaking, like the prophecies say, but the second breaking will be for the good. I have to hope that after the past novels and all those years, that it ends happily and satisfactorily -- not some tragedy where the Dark One is released, and casts down Rand, Destroys the White Tower, breaks everybody, conquers the Seanchan, makes Graendal Nae'blis, eats Moridin, and rules with an iron fist of death and horror.


I have to hope. :)


Lots of nice theories there. If you are a fan on theories, then Despo is the person to be speaking to. He is actually DM's front page blogger, as well as scary shadow asha'man extraordinaire. You should go and have a look at some of his blogs. I was pretty clueless myself about the whole 'how will it end' and 'what's going on' kind of stuff - but I have been somewhat enlightened.


*goes and finds a comfy chair to sit on, because Despo can talk forever about theories*


Just read the Blog, at least this weeks and last weeks! Love the concept of "Darkfriend Month". Fain is an interesting character, and I'm realizing very quickly as I read the blog how badly I need a re-read already. lol


You definitely pick up on a great possibility a few others have also thought of, the idea of Rand "breaking" the cyclical style of the Pattern and making it a linear based model. One of my favorite blogs kind of touched on that issue, and whether the the model of eternal return in the Wheel of Time was all that bad. Honestly, it is my favorite blog :blush: The link for it is right here, in case you want to read it. And if you click on the "Theory Blog" link in any of the blogs, you can browse through past editions.


/shameless self promotion :tongue:


Anyhoo, I'm glad to see that we have another intuitive fan of the series to come and toss around ideas with! Welcome once again!


:ohmy: Now I see the tools you use Despo! How unfair :tongue:



Welcome to the site, Blight! (ooooh that rhymed!)


You seem to be getting along just fine, so I can but hope you enjoy your time here and decide to never ever leave :tongue:


Despothera -- Loved the blog post you shared! It seems that even within the series, there is a yearning by some of the characters to have that cyclical nature continue. You mentioned the oaths they take - they seem to want to continue with the cyclical nature, but is that because they want to, or because they've never known anything else. Birgitte is fascinating, because here is a person who is clearly part of the pattern - has been spun out in numerous turns as different people, but it seems at this point that Birgitte is one of the few characters living outside of the wheel, Her near death in TAR where she was forced into the world rather than being spun out may have changed things permanently for her never allowing her the opportunity for rebirth at death (correct me if I'm wrong, but she said something of the sort in one of the earlier books) but its interesting to me that even though she's losing some of her previous memories, she still pines for Gaidal. She still has that desire to find him, like the two of them are linked even now. It makes you wonder what would happen if it were gone. Perhaps that's what the prophecies mean when they say that he will break the world a second time, all ties that bind. No rebirth. One life, live it well.


Tynaal - I'm having a great time here so far! Everyone has been great so far, and I'm learning at alot. I've started my re-read (realized I needed it after I read Despo's blog post.) So I'm pouring through New Spring right now, (actually never read that, so getting through it, then when that's done, straight into Eye of the World and on.) I like that you called me Blight. I'm working on getting the name on my account changed to that - I accidently swapped the two things on registration not realizing which nickname was which. Wanted to be 'blight'. :)


Ithillian - No slight intended - in fact, not only is your name bolded and underlined, I even italicized it! Because you have been so helpful and welcoming. I had assumed you were still in your chair. ;)


I'm a girl ... We can multitask :smile:


*sits in chair and helps with questions*


Hey! I do have a question. Is there a location that people have where much of the interviews that RJ and BS have given are stored? Questions asked and answered for example on the series? Is that on here?


I'm a girl ... We can multitask :smile:


*sits in chair and helps with questions*


Hey! I do have a question. Is there a location that people have where much of the interviews that RJ and BS have given are stored? Questions asked and answered for example on the series? Is that on here?



'Tis here:




And it is comprehensive and wondrous.


I'm a girl ... We can multitask :smile:


*sits in chair and helps with questions*


Hey! I do have a question. Is there a location that people have where much of the interviews that RJ and BS have given are stored? Questions asked and answered for example on the series? Is that on here?



'Tis here:




And it is comprehensive and wondrous.


In his most pleased Montgomery Burns voice... "Excellent."


Aaaaaaaaah Simpsons reference! :laugh:


I absolutely LOVED new spring. It was just so refreshingly different


I just finished it last night, and jumped back into Eye of the World last evening, and into today. They're outrunning the Dragkhar right now. Are people typically interested as folks do re-reads at reading their thoughts on the re-read, I'm tempted to blog it. There are already some things that I noticed the second time that I made NO connection to the first time.


Like the first couple of times that our youngsters channeled!! I never made that connection!


Hahahahahahaha Quite funny, I am exactly there now too :tongue: It's my 3rd re-red though, but even now, I still notice things that slipped my attention the other times. RJ's writing is simply amazing like that.

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