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The Walking Dead - Season 2


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I know lots of people who have thumb nails or pinky nails grown out longer than others because they use them to open stuff, my uncle can slice open a card board box with his thumb nails, and does at his job, not just the tape, the actual card board.

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at the season finale...

Makes me wonder about season 1's finale.. wonder if he whispered "we didn't make the dead walk" or something like that...

Cause it litterally seems as if.. the dead walk regardless of being bitten now. (either because of virus is now latent in everything living, or something else, be it mystical or otherwise.)

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Sin - You've seen the season finale? Cause it is not on till next week.


I wonder where they are going with the no bite dead coming back to life thing.


Notice how the polorizing people in the party are gone now? I kind of wanted Shane to be eaten though.

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Sin - You've seen the season finale? Cause it is not on till next week.


I wonder where they are going with the no bite dead coming back to life thing.


Notice how the polorizing people in the party are gone now? I kind of wanted Shane to be eaten though.


Eh, forgot they dont do 12 episode seasons. Thcought that was the finale because of the way it ended.

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okay i've got to stand up for Carl. yes he's annoying and the mistake he made with the Walker in the woods last episode makes me itch to tear off my belt and give the kid a spanking; but put yourself in his shoes.



hes a pre-teen, we all know how pre-teens are. their stubborn and at that akward stage where their still a kid but consider themselves adults. so the begin to rebel agaisnt their parents and pull stunts to show that their not kids. this is whats happening with Carl. he wants to be treated like an adult, but is constantly told he can't be in on adult decisions and is placed in the house to help with house work instead of helping keep look out. so natrually, he's trying to do things that prove (both to his parents and to himself) that he is capable and diserving of taking on more adult experiences.


also, he probably feels a bit of guilt and responsability for what happened to the little girl that was with them; which only compounds the problem.



unfourtunately in this world, immature pre-teen actions that are normal can easily cost you your life. my guess is that either Carl is going to get himself killed in an act of bravado or will striaghten up. really it's on his parents to set him striaght and to start treating him like an adult.

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Did anyone else find Carl making that shot kind of strange? His father is totally blocking a clear shot at Shane. Yet Carl is able to kill Shane with no problem and Rick is unharmed. Carl should have realistically either told his father to get down, or shown some kind of worry over hitting Rick, moved to get a better angle, or something. He is way too confident of making the shot despite having Rick in the way for someone as young and inexperienced with guns as he is.

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Did anyone else find Carl making that shot kind of strange? His father is totally blocking a clear shot at Shane. Yet Carl is able to kill Shane with no problem and Rick is unharmed. Carl should have realistically either told his father to get down, or shown some kind of worry over hitting Rick, moved to get a better angle, or something. He is way too confident of making the shot despite having Rick in the way for someone as young and inexperienced with guns as he is.


Camera angles.

the camera wasn't directly behind the kid, else you wouldn't have seen his face.

It only appeared as if they three were all lined up in a straight line, but because of the angles, shane was further to the right and behind the father.

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spoilers guys? the season isn't over yet...



I'm going to miss Shane

he wasn't exactly a good man anymore but he made for good TV

with him and Dale both gone I fear for the future of the show


did anyone else notice the small army of zombies heading for the Farm as the episode ended?

I'm thinking the season is going to end with either the farm being overtaken and them fleeing OR with them trapped in uhh the basement or whatever Hershel was talking about where he was saying it was supplied enough for a few days and season 3 picking up there


either way that last episode was actually really great

it's taking awhile but the show does appear to be getting better


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So after seeing everyone post, without reading spoilers, I decided to watch the first episode today. And damn you guys if I didn't get to Ep 2 of season 2 cause I couldn't stop watching. :p Good show. It's what I expected not to expect from a typical "post apocalyptic zombie infested world" scenario.

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Good episode. Looking forward to the finale...




Yeah I share the same concerns about Shane and Dale being gone, though I also don't see how them staying could have gone on any more. Their characters had already pretty much been set, and really only served to act as opposing point of views... kind of like Rick's angel and devil on the shoulders. With Rick deciding to honor Dale's memory by freeing the prisoner and try to things more Dale's way, Shane was just going to get old and repetetive constantly opposing Rick. There were only three options for Shane, die, change (which would have ruined the established character), or go off somewhere else. I guess maybe they could have put him in with the other group and created some extra conflict there, but we'll see what happens. Though since he died, I think they did that right having Rick kill him...


As for the Zombie army headed towards the farm... I have a feeling there is going to be some sort of stand-off/battle type deal followed by the farm being abandoned.


Season three will probably (imo) be something along the lines of surviving against rival groups on the road/continual survival against walkers, and the no bite walker angle will be looked into more in-depth.


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I read some spoilers on reddit (don't read past this if you care, actual future spoilers follow) that said the next storyline would involve someone called the Governor

apparently he runs a group of survivors in a prison and he does terrible things or somesuch

the other group that that kid came from was a part of the Governors group


also apparently some chick with a katana and two zombie pets is going to hook up with Ricks group after they escape from the farm


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You know, it doesn't bother me Shane shooting Otis in order to get away with the med supplies. I kind of admire it in a twisted way, not sure what that says about me. IMO, in a post apocalyptic, zombie infested world, dying little boy > old guy who shot him.


I assume he'll end up being a bad guy and get killed, I'm on EP 5 of season 2. But so far the only faults I've seen in him are his attempted rape of lori (not that I take that lightly) and his contemplation on shooting Rick in order to stop everyone from agreeing to go the CDC. Which, given what happened may or may not have been a good idea. Especially when we find out what jenner whispered.


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some spoiler thoughts on that for you, might not want to read it until you're all caught up though



I basically agree with you

Shane is direct and a loudmouth and honestly kind of a dick but I don't think he fell into the realm of "bad person" until he tried to kill Rick the second time

the thing with Lori was a mistake and I forgave him for that

everything else he's done has either been about survival (Otis) or just doing what he thinks is best to protect everybody

who died and made Rick King of the World right?


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we're going to be watching the season final tonight :happy: now i've not seen the 1st season but



i disagree Nol, Shane became a bad guy to me when he decided to open the barn and force their hands on the Walkers trapped there. that decission was more out of personal angst and challenging for authority than doign what was best for the group.


as well as what he did with the prisoneer last episode.


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I believe he still had the groups interests at heart when he did that

a barn full of Walkers isn't going to make anyone feel safe and honestly Hershel was wrong to put them there in the first place and even admits it later

did he go about it the wrong way? yeah definitely

it was dangerous to just let them out like that but no one was listening to him so he had to just take matters into his own hands


and the part where he killed the prisoner was basically the part where he tried to kill Rick the second time

it was all part of the same plot you know? so yeah he became a bad guy then but before then I wouldn't have called him one


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Red, the first season is well worth checking out. As for last night's episode...



The first twenty minutes was amazing. It doesn't get much more intense than the massive herd invading the farm like that. At the same time, you don't see much more blatant abuse of the "endless bullets" cliche than you do in this sequence. Any of the good guys that has a gun is just shooting all over the place, without stopping to reload. Herschel blasting his shotgun nonstop was ridiculous; where was he keeping his shells? I think I saw him reload once, maybe twice. But for the number of shots he made, his pockets should have been positively bulging with shells.


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Good Finale...




I don't like the 5 second intro of katana chick. But that's more of my need to see what's next than a dislike of how the writers are keeping interest. I think it's interesting the turn that Shane is taking. I think that it's one he should have taken all along, as long as he doesn't go power nuts I think it'll be good. Also I really am starting to dislike Laurie, she was all whispering in Rick's ear a few episodes ago about how Shane was a threat and Rick needed to protect his family.... now he does that and she get's and disgusted with him? Big turn to the dislike list.



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I seem to have thought at one point, Shane was the one that put Rick into a coma, (A shoulder wound doesn't seem coma worthy ont he initial openin scene, I coulda swore he got put into a coma after him and shane went into a drug den and he got shot in the back?



Probably wrong though, memories playing tricks on me.


The real question is, who's going to be the New Shane? My bet is on the blonde lady they abandoned.


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Nah, I don't think Andrea will turn bad. She seems like the type to realize they did what they had to. I don't think there will be a "new shane". I think there will be new crazier Merle.


Honestly, my biggest complaint is in the writing with the way everyone turned on rick after he told them about shane and about the fact that they all were infected. So you killed the guy we all knew was totally unbalanced after he broke his own face and lured you into the woods so he could kill and cuckold you? So when we die we're still going to turn into zombies? Oh noes I was looking forward to being buried in the ground or burned when I died. Like...Big fu**ing deal? After everything that's happened and the decisions that have been made THAT is what makes them all decide he's an evil dictator evil bad guy?


Sinister..Uhh, what drug den are you talking about? IIRC they were talking in the car when they got the call to go lay out the spike strips and he got shot. I assume it hit a main artery or some such thing and he just went into a coma due to massive blood loss. It doesn't really seem relevant at this point anyways, but I don't think shane had anything to do with it.


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