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I want to join the Kin


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So here I am. I browse your thread every now and then and they look like fun. Im not too got at the whole knitting and sowing thing but I do crafty things all the time


Your store convinced me to join. i thought it was cool


I have 2 questions


1) Lor why is your username U4ea when everyone calls you Lor and your siggy and stuff is all Lor?


2) Am I the only guys here???


1) My main RP character's name is Loraine and when I joined (I use this username everywhere, btw), it was easier than explaining U4ea (aka Euphoria) every time I said hello. Now, *shrugs* it's just another of my collection of names. :)


2) no, we have quite a few guys on our memberlist. We are coming out of a post slump, so I'm sure they'll appear a but more soon. :)


And we do a lot more than just crafts. :) we are the "jack of all trades" group here.


So... *clears her throat and wraps a bright blue sash around dapianoplay3r's hips and kisses both cheeks*




Haha that is one of the worst things for me to do. Trust me.


I can't dance and that just wont be pretty


on another note do you have hidden boards I should now see?


You'll see them when the admins add you. :) you're not missing much, to be honest. We do most of our stuff on this board. :)


And dancing is good for the soul, even if you're not good at it. :)


It's always good to be good at something! :)


I do a little bit if everything... Sewing, crochet, cross stitch, scrapbooking, quilling, kid crafts... Seriously, my favorite craft is collecting new crafts!


PS- you should be able to see the other boards, now. :)


That I can


Haha I learnt to knit once as a kid. Im not good at it


I know this girl who can crochet the socks off anyone. She does it faster than anything I've ever seen


It's always good to be good at something! :)


I do a little bit if everything... Sewing, crochet, cross stitch, scrapbooking, quilling, kid crafts... Seriously, my favorite craft is collecting new crafts!


PS- you should be able to see the other boards, now. :)




What other boards? :unsure:


the sub boards

Only members can see them



You mean the ones I've been posting on?




*busts through the door into the room*


ooh Oranges! I like oranges...who brought the oranges..can I have some? I think I feel a cold coming on.


ooohhh....code orange...not oranges...um...does anyone happen to have an orange I can have?


*busts through the door into the room*


ooh Oranges! I like oranges...who brought the oranges..can I have some? I think I feel a cold coming on.


ooohhh....code orange...not oranges...um...does anyone happen to have an orange I can have?



I have two orange trees in the back yard.


Wow. Orange trees and grapefruit trees! I don't have any fruit bearing trees :( though every year we talk about getting apple, pear or plum trees.


hehe I like oranges. They are great to just much on


I have a grapefruit tree but the grapefruits are quite bitter


I love grapefruit! I put some Splenda on it.


Grapefruit is a necessary evil. Good for the body, but my tastebuds hate me for a while afterwards. LOL


I don't have any fruit trees, fruit bearing or otherwise. :( I'd love an Apple or cherry tree, though.


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