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Cylon Hunt Day 3 Starts on Page 9


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wait Pait, weren't you the one who wanted ALL of us DEAD? Isn't that just a petty Cylonic ploy to destroy all your enemies right away?


Sure, I was the first one to vote for you, but I did it because this time I don't care. During the DF hunt when I was one of the DFs I made secret spreadsheets, voted after it was pretty clear who was going to go down, etc, because my goal was to beat the lightfools. This time, I want to catch the Cylon, but I am not all stressed out about living or dying because I am *not* the Cylon. With my death the game won't end, with yours, it just might.


As a gesture of goodwill I'd like to share the spreadsheet I've made to track the players in this game... if you have a gmail email address let me know what it is if you want in. mine is miriam.e at goodole gmail of course.

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wait Pait, weren't you the one who wanted ALL of us DEAD? Isn't that just a petty Cylonic ploy to destroy all your enemies right away?


No, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah, but, no, but, yeah but I know because I'm not wasting everyone's time explaining that because you know Micha? Well, she saw the whole thing, right, because she was bunking off school because she was gonna go down the wimbley and get off with Luke Griffiths, only she never because he's been trying to grow a moustache but it just looks like pubes, so she got off with Luke Torbet instead, only don't tell Bethany that because she's fancied Luke Torbet ever since she flashed her fanny at him during Home Ec'.


*looks shifty*



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Guest Emperor

After hours of deliberation and ignoring the facts, the council casts their votes one last time and find the outcome is the same.


Empy: The council has spoken and deemed you to be the cylon spy.

Yveva: He's a witch!

Empy: Errr, Yveva, quiet down, for the last time Cylon's are not made of wood, you should know that by now.


*turns to Paityr*


You have been charged with being a cylon traiter and will be flushed out the airlock. Do you have any last words?


Paityr: I like rain.


Empy: Err excellent.... so... *shuffles Paityr into the airlock, closes the airlock door and looks deeply into his eyes. Paityr places his hand on the window and Empy reaches out his hand for a touching manmoment, but Jason interrupts and slaps the red button and everyone watches Paityr whip out of the ship*


Jason: What?


Thinking that the fleet is now safe, everyone returns back to their bunks. The next morning at breakfast they notice Ben T missing and quickly rush to his room. Ben had been sufficated with his own pillow while he slept. A note was left on his chest and it read Missed me this time, but it sure was fun watching Paityr float out that airlock

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Well as usually in these things the first one to go is an innocent. Had a quick look through and the ones left are.




HotW Moraine





The votes went as such


Paityr - Yveva, Jason, Twitchy, Tessa, Ben T


Twitchy - Maj, Paityr


Moraine - Herself.


(Yep I'm at work with nothing better to do till my boss gets in :D )


Yveva voted first...which draws attention to herself so maybe not a good move for the cylon. Jason was quick to push the button to get Paityr out the way and he voted second...good place to vote after someone else has started it without leaving it too late to look suspicious. Moraine voting for herself after the vote has already been decided!


Well thats just a few of my thoughts for the moment. does anyone else have any.

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Here's something I think... Several of the people in this game frequent these boards, a few aren't here all that often. Now, when the game started Emp sent a pm to the cylon telling them of their cylonitude, other than that the only way to tell that the hunt was on is that people started posting on the thread again. Now, Moir showed up waaaaay after the game began, Tessa, however, showed up pretty early on (even though this is the only thread I've noticed her posting in), voted for the one most likely to die and it pretty quick to evaluate/point a finger (but vaguely enough that she hopes no one group of people will go gunning for her).


So my vote this time? Tessa

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While that reasoning does have some merit, I want to point out that Tessa was one of the last to vote for the one person who got the most votes. Now, given that she is not one of those who usually hangs out here, and thus carry a constant suspicion against Paityr, her vote does seem more based on following the crowd.


On the other hand, following the crowd is probably a good way to keep a low profile, probably what I would do if I were the cylon. (Unless I got home drunk, and accidently killed myself :lol: )

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I've only just found this org...though have posted on the DR Who thread a bit. Don't know anyone too well which is why I followed the crowd on the first vote and also because it would get the game moving...I'm innocent and that's all I can say but so will everyone else....so doesn't mean much really! :D Oh well thats my reasons for my last vote.


Something I've just thought of....Yveva is the first to vote each time....which could be suspicious or that she likes to get the game rolling...but Twitchy has followed on from that twice now. If you were a cylon you might want to keep a lowish profile but not too low to be obvious.


I'll go with Twitchy This time based on above

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Guest Emperor

You mean Ben is the guy you teamed up with that time you tried to kill me and tricked me into believing you were innocent! Yeah... this is Empy still bitter *g*.

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yeah, that is Empy hoping Yveva still feels guilty enough about that that she will continue to "make up for it"


'course, after giving you the wrong directions tonight I probably do feel pretty guilty.

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