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Cylon Hunt Day 3 Starts on Page 9


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Guest Emperor

The game will not start until Tuesday of next week. The first 15 people to sign up will be in the game. Please only sign up if you plan to be active.


The Cylon game will be a variation of the darkfriend games that have been hosted on the WT boards. Rules will be announced on Tuesday.

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Jhae, you keep saying you don't know anything about the games and then kickin' keister once you're in! I don't know about it either, but hell yeah I'm signing up for the game! (psst! you should too! you're active!)

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Yeap...it is popular, as I started a version up for the Band of the Red Hand by having an Assassin in the Camp instead of a Darkfriend...plus I have a nice twist lined up for the next version of the Game.

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How much of a variation? Is it enough to read the rules for the darkfriend game to play? In that case, I'm in.


Of course, if that is not the case, I expect you will explain, so I play anyway :D

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lol, Yveva, thanks... well, I know about the WoT world. I know barely anything about BSG, so I wouldn't really be able to play along in the theme. You kids have fun... I've been in most of the others, so I can sit one out. :)


Maybe I'll watch some BSG and play a second game... lol.

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pssht! go invite your active friendies! I don't think there was a lot of announcing done :) At any rate, Emp's internet won't actually be up and running until Thursday, soooooo there are a few more days to get this set up.

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Guest Emperor

I would at least like to get a few more people signed up before we go. So far we have:




Ben T


HotW Moiraine




Let's shoot for three more and we can start.


BTW, Io am stealing someone's internet connection to post this. Be back in full force on Thursday.

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I leave that up for people to decide for themselves. I mean, it's not like I've ever been into the business of telling other people what to think... :D

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I find the eagerness to point fingers before the game has even officially started highly suspicious.


Jason, you might as well confess, we're onto you now.

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