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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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HAHA!!! nothing like trying to make my vote on you makes me look like scum! Funny that I wasn't even on you post that actually had a couple of suspicions, but I have gone up on your ;list...


I got a reaction, quite a large one in fact, thank you...


No, thank you! - this has made my day. I don't think I actually wrote my whole list out here in the game. I like to play my cards to my chest when feeling things out.


I mentioned I was ok with a Locke Lynch and you came out fighting. Duly noted.

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Locke really does a lot less he is certainly above Tina, especially after his second vote on Sol on day one, Something about the vote is a little odd


I was gonna explain that when I got back from Districts, but since it didn't seem relevant anymore, I didn't. Since you mention it now though, I'll just briefly say that the basis of that vote was the strangeness of Soli's vote/post against Turin (I've never seen a joke vote quite like that, and I was looking for something of an explanation.) As for that bit on the end about it being the second vote, I have no idea what I was thinking, since that's obviously a terrible reason. Call that backtracking if you will.


And locke...I didn't find that such a good way in the end, I did the advance search on the Bt board, but then I did use your ctrl F ...mush easier to find things!


Whatever works. :)

Well done Tayla. I never said there were not 4 more Mafia players, I just asked CTM why he thought there were 4. You are very good at twisting words - :smile:


As for saying nothing of value - when I joined the game it was still night. So, your vote on me consists of me having suspicions about Locke, pointing out your error in thinking Vizzini was still alive and that he could be part of the Mafia team, and basically making one(ish) daytime post.


My casting suspicion on Locke seems to have rattled you somewhat. I think I like that. You move up my list, although you were already quite high.


Also - the 'helpful help from Locke' points to 'we are definitely not talking on a QT honest guvnor'.


Finally - your first couple of posts do not have Paet/Me even on your suspicion list, but now you are voting me. Quite a contradiction I think.


And I will cast my vote when I am ready too. As you very kindly point out - I have just joined the game again, I think I will bide my time and not rush into anything. I do think you should probably have words with your team for feeding you to the dogs like this though. Your flip flop change of opinions and weak case are giving me the bestest smile I've had all day.


Wow, overreaction much? Bold is valid, but the rest...


Locke is nice to me even though I voted him. Is he trying to win me over?


*puzzled* Huh? I FoSed you 3 times....

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HAHA!!! nothing like trying to make my vote on you makes me look like scum! Funny that I wasn't even on you post that actually had a couple of suspicions, but I have gone up on your ;list...


I got a reaction, quite a large one in fact, thank you...


No, thank you! - this has made my day. I don't think I actually wrote my whole list out here in the game. I like to play my cards to my chest when feeling things out.


I mentioned I was ok with a Locke Lynch and you came out fighting. Duly noted.


This is so ridiculous that I'm starting to be suspicious of the Kivam gambit (Kivam/Talya gambit). Ithi's right, Talya's suspicions did come out of nowhere, and they both totally overreacted to each other. And then that laughing stuff? Contrived?

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I am most suspicious of Talya and CTM. Talya has been playing oddly and the way she is making a big deal about the scum possibly having fake claims thing makes me think maybe she is scum with a fake claim. CTM's character claim with no roleclaim is pretty odd, especially considering that we have a doc claim outed and that there was no pressure on him. He has also been pinging me with all his talk about how character reveals can break a game. Makes me think he could be scum who is a little bitter that character claims are allowed. CTM seems like the best bet right now. Also, everyone on the player train deserves an FoS. That was pretty much a wasted day.


Vote : CTM

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I am most suspicious of Talya and CTM. Talya has been playing oddly and the way she is making a big deal about the scum possibly having fake claims thing makes me think maybe she is scum with a fake claim. CTM's character claim with no roleclaim is pretty odd, especially considering that we have a doc claim outed and that there was no pressure on him. He has also been pinging me with all his talk about how character reveals can break a game. Makes me think he could be scum who is a little bitter that character claims are allowed. CTM seems like the best bet right now. Also, everyone on the player train deserves an FoS. That was pretty much a wasted day.


Vote : CTM



You're smart enough to know why I didn't reveal my role. As I said, let scum decide if I'm rolled or vanilla. Further, the fact is that I'm an uncountered character who is clearly in the game (the queen was) and who is clearly town aligned. This is a sloppy sloppy vote, scum

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Vote CTM


I'd type more but I gotta go work on my blog and finish the audit at work. Talya is moving up my list again tho, and Tina is still pinging to me. Locke I'm somewhat on the fence about at this point, but I don't really think he's the player we should focus on today. That being said, I didn't like how he came out so strongly against the "lynching townsfolk of Florin" strategy. Maybe he's scared we'll find him and his teammates :myrddraal: I'm still worried about Nyn as well, and I'd like to hear more from Kae so I can get a better read on her.


CTM feels like the best option to go with today, it kinda seems like he revealed without any need, and his hinting at a role when the Queen didn't have one stinks to high heaven.

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I can not honestly vote for CTM.


And for goodness sakes, try and show a bit of independent thought and argument and that bloody kivam thing is always brought up. I think I'm gonna make a siggy and award it to the first person who mentions it in each game I play in. It's such a cop out argument to make. Proper lazy thinking lol.


But I'm begining to have serious suspicions as to who I think the Mafia team may be.


Talya's out of the blue defence, plus lazy 'kivam gambit' casing is enough for me.


vote Locke

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HAHA!!! nothing like trying to make my vote on you makes me look like scum! Funny that I wasn't even on you post that actually had a couple of suspicions, but I have gone up on your ;list...


I got a reaction, quite a large one in fact, thank you...


No, thank you! - this has made my day. I don't think I actually wrote my whole list out here in the game. I like to play my cards to my chest when feeling things out.


I mentioned I was ok with a Locke Lynch and you came out fighting. Duly noted.


This is so ridiculous that I'm starting to be suspicious of the Kivam gambit (Kivam/Talya gambit). Ithi's right, Talya's suspicions did come out of nowhere, and they both totally overreacted to each other. And then that laughing stuff? Contrived?


what is the kivam gambit?

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To be honest I'm not really sure. It happened before I joined DM. Something to do with Kivam being on a Mafia team and having a massive barney with another team member that got them lynched, leading him to look like a hero and confirmed town.


It seriously winds me up when it gets mentioned in every game. I think Mafia mention it most as a way to get Town to shut up when they are on the right track.

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Next, Tina:[/color]


9. Player, very suspicious by all above stated reasons. His vote on the dead Rhea doesn´t change my mind about him.


I don't think your hammer of Player was scummy, but implying that his vote on Rhea was scummy? Player was obviously in a state of mental befuddlement when he said that, completely irrelevant to alignment.


I´m going to read through the last day and see what I can find. Player is of course a suspect and I voted him yesterday (although I was okay with Rhea too). I can see why Turin looks more suspicious but as I said before, I have never seen a mafia with post restrictions like this before. I would rather judge Turin by his play. I will check out his posts again. I will also take an extra look on CTM.


Imo good post here.


Anyway, I do agree with you. The scummiest player this far is Des. So I´m going to vote Des and start a real bandwagon.

Vote Talya. She is acting very weired. I will check in again before I go to sleep to see if I need to change it for consolidation.


Sketchy Day 1 votes here.


I'd still like to look at Smiley, Turin, Wombat, and Nyn too before I vote. Paet (Ithi) doesn't have much to look back at, and I'm believing Talya/CTM for now.


Yesterday I read your post as you looked through my post but didn´t find me scummy and wanted to look elsewhere. I see now that it wasn´t the case. So I take back my other comment of you being to nice to me. :biggrin: After some of my last games my confidence isn´t very high (I sucked in the last game), I get irritated when people don´t listen to me but when they do I fear that I´m wrong and that it´s mafia that are supporting me. Well, well...


About my vote on Player - someone (I think CTM) questioned if Player could be scum since he voted a dead player. He would have gotten help from his team mates in the QT. I said that his vote didn´t change my mind about him. So it wasn´t something that made me think he was scummier but something he could have done either as scum or town. He was clearly confused.


About my votes on day 1. I voted that way on purpose. I thought Des and Talya was the scummiest players at the time I voted them but I left out why on purpose. I have been nk´d a lot on the first nights lately in mafia games and I have found it better to be a little bit suspicious just to stay alive. (Last game I kind of overdid it.) I don´t think I have been acting scummy after that but I have refrained from commenting people that has questioned my votes because I didn´t want to give this explanation. (I do that now because more people bring it up.)

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Vote CTM


I'd type more but I gotta go work on my blog and finish the audit at work. Talya is moving up my list again tho, and Tina is still pinging to me. Locke I'm somewhat on the fence about at this point, but I don't really think he's the player we should focus on today. That being said, I didn't like how he came out so strongly against the "lynching townsfolk of Florin" strategy. Maybe he's scared we'll find him and his teammates :myrddraal: I'm still worried about Nyn as well, and I'd like to hear more from Kae so I can get a better read on her.


CTM feels like the best option to go with today, it kinda seems like he revealed without any need, and his hinting at a role when the Queen didn't have one stinks to high heaven.



Where did I hint at having a role?


Why would the king be scum? It makes no sense from a flavor perspective

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1. A. Heart (D1 - claimed Fezzik, town mason)

2. Smiley

3. Song (D1 killed - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

4. Ithi (D1 lynch - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

5. Turin (D1 - claimed BOO hag, roleless w/ PR)

6. Despo (D1 - claimed Inigo Montoya, town mason)

7. Rhea (D2 lynch - Queen Bella, vanilla town)(D1 - claimed vanilla town)

8. meesh (N1 killed - Yellin, mafia goon)

9. Paet/Ithi

10. BG (N3 killed - Westly, town guard of the Princess)

11. CTM (D2 - claimed King, no role)

12. Locke

13. Player (D3 lynch - townsolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

14. Talya (D1 - first to claim "townsfolk of Florin)

15. Nyn/Ape (D1 - second to claim "townsfolk of Florin" and vouch for Talya)

16. Sakae

17. John McApe (N2 killed - Clergyman, roleless w/ PR)

18. wombat

19. Solimind (D1 - claims Miracle Max, town Doc)

20. Tina

21. Verbal (N2 killed - Vizzini, serial killer)




Final Day 1 Vote Count



Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, Heart

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet


Not voting: Ithi




D1 Vote Count on Solimind at its longest point that I could find (Note: not long after this, I think it was BG that placed the first vote for No Lynch)



Solimind (9): Des, Locke, Rhea, Turin, Player, wombat, Nyn, Smiley, Heart

Turin (2): Paet, Meesh

Des (1): Verbal

Rhea (1): Song

Smiley (1): Solimind

Talya (5): Bg, Tina, CTM, Talya, Ape,


Not voting: Kae, Ithi




D2 - Final Vote Count



Rhea (10): BG, Turin, Kae, Nyn, Heart, Talya, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

Player (5): Tina, Smiley, Rhea, Verbal


Not voting: Des, Paet, Locke, Solimind




People who voted Rhea both days: BG, Turin, Player, Wombat, CTM, Ape

People who only voted her on D1: Song, Meesh, Verbal, Solimind, Locke

People only voting Rhea on D2: Sakea, Nyn, Heart, Talya




D3 - Final Vote Count


Player (8): CTM, Turin, Des, Smiley, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Tina


Not voting: Heart, Paet/Ithi, BG, Locke, Player, wombat, Solimind

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