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Princess Bride Mafia - Game Over!


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Not a bad night! I´m so sorry you are dead, Song. :tongue:



Anyways, I also think CTM's plan stinks to scum heaven. Here's some of the main things about it that reek: Forget putting a shelf life on our cop, our cop can literally be NK'ed the first night scum get the chance!!! Weaksauce plan already. Second, mafia might be clever enough to claim their character, but say that it's not mafia based. Nolder did something similar not too long ago when he claimed a Darth Vader character or something (I wasn't in the game, just heard about it) and claimed to be town, which town ended up buying. So in other words, the pool from which the cop can try and find scum would be made smaller with the chance that mafia end up outside of it.


But THIRD, and here's the major thing: CTM is completely buying Sol's Doc claim right now, and using that to prop up his idea that the roles are character driven, when Sol hasn't been vetted yet! No one has mentioned this, everyone is taking it at face value that because Sol revealed to be the doc, he must be so. He was about to be strung up people! If he's mafia which I kinda still believe him to be, it wouldve made a world of sense for his teammates to tell him to claim doc, cause there woulda been a chance the doc wouldve cc'ed and the mafia would've gotten something for one of their teammates deaths.


After rereading btw, it does make sense that Talya would be one of the ones least likely to false-claim her vanilla role. Rhea, Player, AND Nyn all deserve some attention now I'd say, as well as a few others. As far as the case on Rhea, I felt the vast majority of it came from her removing her joke vote from me, but that "what other kind of townsfolk are there" post did really ping to me after going back through some of that stuff again. Kinda feel stupid for not catching that sooner.


I agree with most of your points here. I know, it is weired. I feel that Nyn is less suspicious than Rhea and Player. I also think we should remember that Solimind might not be the doc. I felt it was a first time mistake when claiming so late and found it believable that he is our doc. But of course he could be mafia as well.



For reasons stated by a lot of you I´m willing to vote Player and Rhea. I´m a bit suspicious of CTM too. Vote Player.

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Meesh, Yellin (Mafia goon) is dead.


I guess this means we have a vigilante, I would put Westley forward as the character with the highest likelihood, but characters don't matter as much as the fact that we have a vig



Not weally fact. Could just as easily be a 3rd party SK who hit scum on N1. Either way, good outcome for town.

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Why is it so surprising to have so many townsfolk? I can understand false claims and all. But there are usually more vanilla roles than not. Right?


What I have seen in the few games I've played are the scum claimimg power roles of some kimd to mislead town. Maybe I have been looking at it wrong.

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Alwighty then. Here is my list:


1. A. Heart (D1 - claimed Fezzik, town mason)

2. Smiley

3. Song (D1 killed - townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

4. Ithi (D1 lynch - one of the townsfolk of Florin, vanilla townie)

5. Turin (D1 - claimed BOO hag, roleless w/ PR)

6. Despo (D1 - claimed Inigo Montoya, town mason)

7. Rhea (D1 - claimed vanilla town, and then added "aren't all townsfolk from Florin?" when asked to clarify)

8. meesh (N1 killed - Yellin, mafia goon)

9. Paet

10. BG

11. CTM

12. Locke

13. Player (D1 - unnecessarily offered a third claim of "townsfolk of Florin" to vouch for Talya)

14. Talya (D1 - first to claim "townsfolk of Florin)

15. Nyn (D1 - second to claim "townsfolk of Florin" and vouch for Talya)

16. Sakae

17. John McApe (D1 - claims Clergyman, roleless w/ PR)

18. wombat

19. Solimind (D1 - claims Miracle Max, town Doc)

20. Tina

21. Verbal



Final Day 1 Vote Count



Rhea (11): Song, CTM, wombat, Ape, Verbal, BG, meesh, Solimind, Player, Locke, Turin

No Lynch (5): Des, Talya, Nyn, Kae, Rhea

Solimind (2): Smiley, <3

Talya (1): Tina

Turin (1): Paet


With 21 alive it takes 12 to lynch.


Not voting: Ithi




There are other vote counts I'd like to go back and review, but I'm a bit busy this morning with work. I think the most informative lynch right now is Rhea or Player. After seeing so many roleless claims, and seeing a couple of coroner reports that say specifically "townsfolk of Florin" I believe Talya and Nyn to a degree. I don't believe Rhea, and definitely not Player.


I believe BG, CTM, Nyn and I have all expressed that those 2 are probably in our top 3 FOS right now.


This post below really pinged me:


Rhea I don't believe you. Also I dont trust Ape...



Vote Rhea



I'll put my vote on Player, but I'm also happy to lynch Rhea as I think it will be informative.

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Vote Count


Player (3): CTM, Tina, Ape

Rhea (1): BG


Not voting: Heart, Smiley, Turin, Des, Rhea, Paet, Locke, Player, Talya, Nyn, Kae, wombat, Solimind, Verbal


With 18 alive it takes 10 to lynch. Deadline Saturday 9 AM EST

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Why Rhea, rather than Player? I could go with both but why do you prefer Rhea?



I liked both, but I ultimately choose Player cause meesh voted Rhea, and I think rhea was the first person to use the word Vanilla (but I haven't double checked as of yet)... Maybe Vanilla is common over here, but it's not where I play so when she said "Vanilla" and the role came back with Vanilla in it, I felt a little better..


That being said, i suspect scum was given the role title to use for a fake claim, so I could go back there as well.. just like player a little better at the moment

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Another townsfolk of florin I see....



I feel more comfortable with Rhea or Ape today.


Vote Rhea


I totally undewstand the FOS and vote on Whea, and think she might be the most infowmative lynch for us wight now...


I thing its further justified if you look at how she didn't really claim "townsfolk of Florin" like the others, and then said she was okay to lynch, but then voted No Lynch rather than putting the last vote on herself and forced it to go random. Not a town-friendly play at all.


I'd actually like to see competing trains on Player and Rhea. Both have revealed, so it will be very interesting to see what sort of maneuvering goes on around their trains. Will be helpful with vote train analysis later in the game too.


Not sure I understand the FOS on me, other than me being me. But okay. We can hash that out later. Haha...

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Why Rhea, rather than Player? I could go with both but why do you prefer Rhea?



I liked both, but I ultimately choose Player cause meesh voted Rhea, and I think rhea was the first person to use the word Vanilla (but I haven't double checked as of yet)... Maybe Vanilla is common over here, but it's not where I play so when she said "Vanilla" and the role came back with Vanilla in it, I felt a little better..


That being said, i suspect scum was given the role title to use for a fake claim, so I could go back there as well.. just like player a little better at the moment


A couple of self-centewed obsewvations fwom me:


I get the sense that Player's vote on Rhea and "I don't trust the Ape" post was him being scum voting a possible townie with the bandwagon, and then planting the seed for a future case on me for being the most vocal about suspecting Rhea, who (if this theory is right) will flip town.


Look who the NK was too... Song. I was the only person that suspected Song. Now we see she was town, makes for an easy case against me.


I wouldn't put it past a scum team full of noob to make a play like this to set up a lynch on a strong player.

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Vanilla is a common enough term here. So nothing to learn from that in my opinion.



My reason for Rhea is this:


A few pointers, Rhea's town claim, seemed off to me, she just said Vanilla townie, no mention of the forin bit nor townfolk. But when asked if she was one, she only answered with a question, a bit like someone worried about a lie detector. I think turin was in my head at some point, because he pointed out a few things I wanted to say!



As far as Rhea goes.



Not so bad, and yet a fourth townsfolk of Florin vanilla... rhea, are you claiming townsfolk of Florin as well?



Aren't all the townsfolk from Florin?


This leads me to believe that she's lying her ass off. So I agree with Turin and Talya for feeling that this comment is off. If she was actually what she claims, she wouldn't have asked this. She also wouldn't have named herself vanilla town in her initial reveal. Talya, on the other hand, was very specific in her reveal (which is why I believe her). So yeah, I'm pretty sure I know where my vote is going on day 2.




soo... yeah.



@Ape, I'm background suspicious of you and Turin as vanilla because you have obvious PRs and are both characters that are ambiguous enough to be both town or mafia. I have the sneaking suspicion mainly that one of you is town and the other mafia. A PR'd goon and a PR'd vanilla would make sense to me, but not 2 PR'd vanilla.

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A couple of self-centewed obsewvations fwom me:


I get the sense that Player's vote on Rhea and "I don't trust the Ape" post was him being scum voting a possible townie with the bandwagon, and then planting the seed for a future case on me for being the most vocal about suspecting Rhea, who (if this theory is right) will flip town.


Look who the NK was too... Song. I was the only person that suspected Song. Now we see she was town, makes for an easy case against me.


I wouldn't put it past a scum team full of noob to make a play like this to set up a lynch on a strong player.



my strong suspicion is that scum was cop hunting last night, rather then trying to set up a case on a roleless player down the road.. but that's just me..

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Why Rhea, rather than Player? I could go with both but why do you prefer Rhea?



I liked both, but I ultimately choose Player cause meesh voted Rhea, and I think rhea was the first person to use the word Vanilla (but I haven't double checked as of yet)... Maybe Vanilla is common over here, but it's not where I play so when she said "Vanilla" and the role came back with Vanilla in it, I felt a little better..


That being said, i suspect scum was given the role title to use for a fake claim, so I could go back there as well.. just like player a little better at the moment


A couple of self-centewed obsewvations fwom me:


I get the sense that Player's vote on Rhea and "I don't trust the Ape" post was him being scum voting a possible townie with the bandwagon, and then planting the seed for a future case on me for being the most vocal about suspecting Rhea, who (if this theory is right) will flip town.


Look who the NK was too... Song. I was the only person that suspected Song. Now we see she was town, makes for an easy case against me.


I wouldn't put it past a scum team full of noob to make a play like this to set up a lynch on a strong player.


Self centered or just paranoid? I think there is one person that has fos´d you today? Or do you feel the need to protect yourself in advance?

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Vanilla is a common enough term here. So nothing to learn from that in my opinion.



That certainly changes things, as vanilla is not a common term where I play..


That being said, what about meesh putting down a middle train vote on her so close to deadline? bussing already, betting that we wouldn't be able to get to lynch total anyway??? Possibilities yes, but better bet he was preferring a rhea lynch to a no lynch

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I'm not sure I'm following your logic here, CTM. I get the general idea of lynching from the townsperson pool, and it would make sense that scum might try to hide behind a fake claim of that, but what I'm not following is your suggestion that whoever is Westley should claim townsperson....


It *could* be that I only got a few hours of sleep and I'm kinda out of it, but all I'm seeing here is not good for whoever Westley is.... Unless you're thinking that Westley is also vanilla, in which case I guess there's not much problem, although then it would be fairly pointless to have them fake claim.


However, even still, what happens if Westley were to claim a simple townie, and then was strung up for a lynch, and said, "Wait, never mind, I'm actually Westley?" I mean...how likely would people be, in general, to believe that?


That's what I'm seeing a major problem with, I guess...any clarification would be nice. I can be dense sometimes, I know, so if that's what's going down, I apologize. XD


@BG, maybe it was just that you were tipping the scale both times...if I recall correctly, it was pretty evenly matched between Talya and No Lynch, and then you went No Lynch, and more people followed that way since it had more votes....and then the same with Rhea and No Lynch, I think.


That's just from memory, so I could be wrong and you could, indeed, just be paranoid. XD



fwiw... I'm going through meesh's 14 posts, and you'll notice she DID not like my plan.. Which supports the idea that some of the people opposed to it were scum, other's just mental midgets, like our prehistoric friend john mclape.. and still others just conservative people

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A couple of self-centewed obsewvations fwom me:


I get the sense that Player's vote on Rhea and "I don't trust the Ape" post was him being scum voting a possible townie with the bandwagon, and then planting the seed for a future case on me for being the most vocal about suspecting Rhea, who (if this theory is right) will flip town.


Look who the NK was too... Song. I was the only person that suspected Song. Now we see she was town, makes for an easy case against me.


I wouldn't put it past a scum team full of noob to make a play like this to set up a lynch on a strong player.



Aaand, this makes make me even more worried about you.


Pointing out that Song was NK'd and you were the only person that suspected Song is blatant WIFOM. Feels like nobody picked up on it so you wanted to make sure it got brought to everyone's attention.


Then using the ol' noob mafia team arguement is just insulting in general. Nearly everyone in this game is plenty experienced (Solimind is new I know, and I'm not sure about Smiley and Paet, though I seem to remember them playing before) to not be classified as a noob.


Also, middle train vote of Meesh is too ambiguous to learn much from unfortunately.

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Asking if all the townspeople are from Florin was a legit question. Why would anoyone ask me if they are all the townoes are from Florin to start with?


Um... your not helping yourself.


Who is your character Rhea?

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