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Theory Time

Gabriel Kross

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Sooooo what happens when a firey bird gets hit with fire? Share your theories!


I guess I'll start with my theory...

my theory is if the fire is already burning it would do nothing, if it was not burning it would just reignite iono



Also if you have something you would like theorized add it on!

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Maybe it's like Marlin (Nemo's Dad) and anenomes. Because he constantly lives inside anenomes, he is immune to their stings - this also gives him protection against jellyfish stings.




So I think nothing would happen, as long as the attacking fire was equal to or of a lesser temperature than the phoenix' own fire. I think there is more likelyhood of damage occuring the more the temperature of the attacking fire increases above that of the Phoenix' fire's natural parameters.

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Important moment: My first post ever from my phone. Because I finally have one...


*notices he must not forget his colour*


My theory about this, is that the phoenix will absorb the fire, and I think that it would maybe make the phoenix stronger.


Hope I did the colour right...

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Is it truly stated that a phoeniz is constantly aflame? All I have ever read is that they basically spontaneously combust at the time of their death and are reborn from their own ashes. If that were tru then to paraphrase Storm with regard to lightning, "what happens to EP when he is set on fire...the same thing as everyone else."

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