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What would you say

Moon Sedai

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to a police officer who pulls you over at 7:30 PM and asks "So, what are you doing out this time of night" like you're up to no good?


I usually do, cindy.


It's just obnoxious that they throw in "this time of night" when it's still dusk out.


Like i have to have a minder or something.


The cops around here. . . well, I live just outside of a 5 mile speed trap and I work on the other side of it.


I get pulled over at least three times a year.


yeah, they can be.


nothing to do about it but not grin, and bear it, tho.


sometimes they need to get their quota, and sometimes they're just mkaing friends.


either way. yes sir, on my way home form work sir, thank you.


I got stopped once on a routine check in my town. So he asks for my driver license. Fair enough. And then for my cell phone number. And well, I gave it to him cause it was the first time I've been stopped and all.... and later my dad said that it's not a routine request :P






  • Club Leader

Nyn, he must have thought you were cute. Did he ever call?


Moon, that's just crazy. I'd go with being respectful, too. Cops are often obnoxious and have little sense of humor. Of course, you do find the nice ones, but you never know....

  • Club Leader

My experience with them is that they have no respect for our rights. Peeking around our property with no cause and no permission. One time, I let two in my home to look for something, and escorted them. Another snuck in and had my 9-year-old daughter showing him the bedrooms. I had no idea, and I'm a super-protective mom. That was just not cool, no matter how you look at it, and that's not the only thing. It is the worst, but not the only. They don't get in my home anymore without a warrant. Period.

  • Club Leader

Arizona, actually. Every time someone comes in and tries to change things, it never happens. Small towns and their ruts, I suppose.


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