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[Light vs. Shadow] Film Discussion Thread!


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I haven't seen that.


I do like films that seem a bit dark on the surface,but underneath there are stories of hope, redemption, love, sacrifice etc - all very noble causes.


If I turn my eye mainstream now - I also love Underworld. Kate Beckinsale is my total girl crush in that film. I also like the way it weaves around from werewolves as the monsters and vampires as civilised - through to a reversal of that fact. Also the change in Selene's character as she realises the person who she thought was her saviour was actually the destroyer of her whole family.


In the second one - I particularly liked when the super vampire/werewolf hybrid ripped the white werewolf's head off.




Ithi! Spoiler alert!!!




jking lol

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frankenstein. who is dark and who is light? the monster destroys, kills children even, but he's an innocent, a child himself, with no evil intent.


his creator, in an act of total hubris, creates life, and abandons it to its fate. for purely selfish reasons.


a lot of christ imagery in the film, and in bride of frankenstein as well. the crufiction scene, the angels and demons in the graveyard, the fallen angel, the shadow crosses and actual crosses. the death and resurrection of the monster. the monster's immortality.


um, yeah. gotta see that again now.

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Frankenstein is definitely a great classic example of Light vs. Shadow. Really makes you question what makes a "monster" and where morals and ethics come from anyways.


I don't know why I started thinking about this (perhaps because both movies are in black and white) but how about Dr. Strangelove? Goes back to the whole dark comedy thing, and really very few movies get any darker in subject matter. And yet that movie's presentation is absolutely ingenious, there is not a more cheerful movie out there about global thermonuclear destruction :biggrin:

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Do you not find it interesting that the majority of films discussed so far are a bit on the dark side. Surely there must be some interesting films somewhere that are more light based.


*tries to think of some*


Erm ...


Yes ok, I'm thinking alright?










No. I have to admit I am stumped. Everytime I think of a film that has mostly Light as its core theme I think of a powerful dark scene within it. Even the Disney films lol.

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What about Life is Beautiful, the Italian movie about WWII and the holocaust? I know it sounds very dark but it was actually an incredibly uplifting story. Buongiorno, principessa!


I haven't seen it ... So I wouldn't know if it was intrinsically Light or Dark. Was is all sunshine and happiness or did it have the secret darkness of reality running as a subtext throughout. If it did then I would say it didn't count as a great film that had mostly Light Themes


Perhaps we need a certain amount of darkness in a film to be able to connect to it and read the messages contained within. If there is no darkness - how can we ever find the light.

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Exactly right Ithi! You have to achieve that balance to truly get a poignant story across. And you definitely need to find that movie and watch it, it's very Light-based. Another great Light-based movie with underlying dark-themed subtexts is the movie What Dreams May Come, with Robin Williams. Absolutely stnning visuals in that movie @.@

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That is such a strange little detail about that movie. It's obviously symbolic and doesn't represent an actual stack of glowing money or anything, but I'm not sure what it could be. I thought it would be funny if it glowed green instead of yellow, then it could be the orb from Heavy Metal :biggrin:


Speaking of Heavy Metal, that's an interesting take because the brighter that orb gets, the more evil it spawns. Kind of flips the light and shadow thing around

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