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A pressie for Verbal!


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That one took me about a week. But not full days or anything, since I have to be in the lab during the day. But yeah... about 5 days of just working on it at night and then 2 days of the weekend where I sat and worked on it. Since it was a lot of guess work about proportions I had to stop at times to think about what to do... sometimes I had to undo stuff that didn't look proper. Not to mention having to add more wire cause I didn't anticipate how much it was going to be (which was a LOT lol).


My only disappointment is that it doesn't stand properly so I had to make a stand for it to hold it upright. But it's not the end of the world and it still looks good.




I will be starting to work on your Dragon tomorrow, hopefully ;)






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Not specifically Shayol Ghul ones but they are the easiest to make, IMO. I will also try making a Trolloc later on. And perhaps a generic Ashaman and Aes Sedai. I hope the detail of them (aka build and symbols) would overcome the fact that I can't really give them physical features. So we'll see






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