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I shall wish her a happy birthday for all of you, thanks everyone! She had a hello kitty birthday, it was adorable. It was kind of one of the first little shindigs we've had at our house, and I think it turned out pretty fun all in all.


And don't worry everyone, I'm letting me evil slip through our bond to her; she's already so eeeeevvviiilllllyyy adorable the other day she made a woman at the supermarket who tried to pinch her cheek explode.

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It's an inside joke (don't worry Louii, your secret is safe for now :wink: )


How do yall like that, SG?! I have an inside joke with someone on DM now! So :tongue: /blows raspberry


/end immature jealousy (or would it be jealous immaturity?)



I'm pretty sure Ed yelled my name cause it translates to Stella in Bavarian.

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Oh yeah I would drink more when I worked in restaurants and stuff, but drinking is kind of hard to fit into a third shift schedule. I don't really feel like drinking right when I get off in the morning, I feel like sleeping. And I def don't want to drink when I wake up before I go to work either, so it works out for everyone. I think DM gets plenty of drunk postings from me when I'm off to fill it up for a while...

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She made a thread entitled "Adelle" which was kind of a complaint about the fact people always call her Adelle, instead of Adella. Perhaps her request to have a thread with her name in it was in the hopes that seeing the correct spelling would familiarize SG'ers better with how her name should be typed?

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It's an inside joke (don't worry Louii, your secret is safe for now :wink: )


How do yall like that, SG?! I have an inside joke with someone on DM now! So :tongue: /blows raspberry


/end immature jealousy (or would it be jealous immaturity?)



I'm pretty sure Ed yelled my name cause it translates to Stella in Bavarian.


Lol! You're one of the cool kids now too! :cool:


*wipes forehead*

Glad to hear it! :)

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