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In the memory of Roka!!!!


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Oh yes, I remember the old days when the great roka used to mock all of us lowbies and harass us to no end. I remember well, he hasn't changed a bit (except for the harassment powers have diminished somewhat).


So I will bring back an old Roka classic.



Pledge your loyalty to me and proclaim my greatness!!!

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Oh, TMD you are so awesome that I wish I was as great as you. I has such a dying hope to be as great as you one day. I am such a miserable pion that I deserve to be punished! Send me to the ed dungeon!!! I wanna be abused!!!! TAKE ME NOW!!!

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You need to read the subtitle of this thread, once TMD sees what you post, he's going to edit it and change it at his whim



and his whim is such a great thing, unlike myself which I have no whims and no mind, so everything that I mention is just a figment of your imagination and I have no say what-so-ever compared to the greatness that is TMD.

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If you want to, but then he'll just edit it again, or delete it and lock you out of the thread perhaps



Yes because he has all the powers of greatness and shall abuse you to his heart content as he does to me in his bedroom, before he gives me over to ed and Talya to have the leftovers.

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Do you really think you've got what it takes to pull off a Roka thread?



no, but i didn't want the OP to feel bad about lack of response.



Oh TMD may not be as great as in the powers of Roka but he may get close since no one has the greatness of the Roka and his powerful burek. Since TMD has not the power of the burek but the power of the pie, he is close but not quite there. TMD IS however great in his own right and all that see him worship him and all that he contains.

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i pity us all. Since we are no where near as great as TheMasterDude. We can only wish that we were as great as him, and I give myself freely to him to whatever his wishes may be because it is mere ecstasy to just be within his presence and I wish to be there with him as much as I can so that I can experience it with my own mind and body.

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you are a very good post editor.


Except when he misspells words in the post during his edit, words that were already spelled correctly before his edit...



I knew what I was in for when I posted in here, but now you've crossed the line, I shall not have you editing misspellings into my posts!!!



Across this line, YOU DO NOT!!!


I see no line, and I was slightly drunk when I edited, so some few mistakes missed my spellcheck...And it was only words that I retyped, not any that you typed :/



Oh and I like riding donkeys while flailing hot steamy TUNA FISH!

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