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[Ghoulies 1542] This award should be for funniest looking


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But sadly its only for the funniest member. I won the Empy award for funniest member once. It was awesome. Seriously, it was. Of course then Empy got jealous and thats how I attained my title of unfunny. True story.






Really, it is a true story, stop acting like you don't believe me!


OK. FINE. Don't believe me. And don't believe me when I tell you that ineedfourberfs won the ghoulie for funniest member either.



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But sadly its only for the funniest member. I won the Empy award for funniest member once. It was awesome. Seriously, it was. Of course then Empy got jealous and thats how I attained my title of unfunny. True story.






Really, it is a true story, stop acting like you don't believe me!


OK. FINE. Don't believe me. And don't believe me when I tell you that ineedfourberfs won the ghoulie for funniest member either.




I can confirm - it is a true story. A better story is how I've won it twice....consecutively. Suck it, Spidacral.

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Rox is very funny looking. Everytime I looked at his pic, I got the giggles... I used to giggle a lot come to think of it, damn pic ended up as my wallpaper somehow... for 6 years... I don't get bored easilly is what I'm getting at :dry:

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let's get an admin to balefire this thread and make it as if Barmi never started it in the first place. It's easilly done, I did it myself a couple of times, you just remove the first post...



And I don't want to hear any mumbo jumbo that if Barmi didn't start this thread, all the replies wouldn't even be possible, so don't go there, just trust me :baalzamon: ooh, balzamon smiley

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there you go, killing the thread again



It's the same thread...


How can I kill something that's already dead?


You want me to give it mouth to mouth so I can kill it again?


I'm sorry, but these lips aren't going to touch a thread from Canadia




*sighs and blames it on Barm as that is how it should be, now and allways*


and that's the way we like it

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Oh snap. I didn't even notice I won this one with the hidden text and all that.


Silly Rabbit.


Anyway, if all the women would like to line up now, I'll be autographing boobs for the next 30 minutes before retiring to my casta de titi on the spanish coast. *counts* I have twelve strippers left, but I wouldn't go near the one ed touched...


That's just... well, contagious at the very least.


Cheers ladies and gents! I couldn't have done this without crack.













Oh I meant Krak. Much love, brother. If I could share this award with you, I still wouldn't. But I'd let you touch it.

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