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Red Ajah BTS: Yearbook Photos and Memories

Moon Sedai

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So, in the United States, every year schools put out a Yearbook showing all of the faculty/staff from their school that year. Students pose for pictures and are included in the yearbook, and have a chance to buy a year book and get signatures of their friends (and acquaintences).


I do not know if other countries do this or not, thus the explaination.


Most often, the most memorable/important yearbook is the Senior Year yearbook, the last one of a twelve year education.

In some cases, the photos are taken in the summer before school, and students are given the opportunity to choose between a number of different photos to go into the yearbook (Most senior yearbooks, at least in my day, required students to select one of th "formal" poses.)


So, Let's see them.


And to show I'm not bashful about me, let me show you a Moon circa 1997:



Band. I was Red even in my senior Year!


and the yearbook photo:


yes, that hairstyle was out of style even then.

I hate this pic.


Oh man, this is going to get interesting ... lol


We didn't really have anything like a yearbook back in my day, but we did have school photos taken every year. I'll go hunt some down and scan them in when I go back to work next week.


Ummm...I'm going into my senior year and I also don't have any yearbook photos. I could use a pic my friend took of me last year for our pep rally. Green and Gold all the way! :biggrin:


Oh fun! This is my sophomore year (10th grade, 15 years old) yearbook/class photo:





And this was my official Senior Photo, we got to choose a photographer:




I still look the same? :P Seeing as I was still in High SChool last year? :tongue:


Hahahaha okay after looking at this picture, not quite :biggrin:


This is me in grade 9... And I was 14?




And this was for prom.. so I was 17 46576_424655043358_625633358_5102040_6889145_n.jpg


Ok found two pictures I can use. This first one was taken in my drama class and there's a story behind it. Our drama teacher from the years before was teaching at the university for the year, he's back for my final year :biggrin: , anyway so we got one of the English teachers that took drama as well. But instead of it being stage acting it was all film stuff. You know that cop that is almost shot in the head in X-Men? That's my teacher last year. As part of the class, we had to get porfolio's done. This is that picture of mine.




This next one is me ready for our school spirit day. I kinda go all out in my school colours, whereas not everyone at my school does, so I get weird looks for it but I don't care :biggrin:




Oh heavens. I've got most of my yearbooks going back to middle school. It's mildly horrifying seeing how young and naive I looked

  On 8/20/2011 at 2:48 PM, Lessa Nikia said:

This next one is me ready for our school spirit day. I kinda go all out in my school colours, whereas not everyone at my school does, so I get weird looks for it but I don't care :biggrin:




That's why you should've won that election, Lessa.


*sighs* I know right. No offense to jocks but I lost to one and she didn't even have a speech written. Out of the three of us who ran of Spirit Coordinator, I was the only wearing our school colours. It was sad really.

  On 8/20/2011 at 2:48 PM, Lessa Nikia said:

Ok found two pictures I can use. This first one was taken in my drama class and there's a story behind it. Our drama teacher from the years before was teaching at the university for the year, he's back for my final year :biggrin: , anyway so we got one of the English teachers that took drama as well. But instead of it being stage acting it was all film stuff. You know that cop that is almost shot in the head in X-Men? That's my teacher last year. As part of the class, we had to get porfolio's done. This is that picture of mine.




*keeps this picture under his pillow* :unsure: what? :tongue:


We didnt have a yearbook ¬_¬


There was only two pictures of me in my entire school and none of them were up close.




This was taken on our final day of school. Im the guy on the far right of the back row. The pic was hung up, but one of the guys took a pic with his phone and put it up on FB fr everyone, hence the big flash lol




And this is the other one. School hurling team. Im the guy with the sky blue helmet in the background. Not a great pic of me but meh. I was a quiet kid in school :laugh: All I was in was the hurling team and the choir, but no choir photos exist >.<


Unfortuneatly. only pics I have of me arent from when I was at school :P Havent *cough* finished highschool *cough* But heres one of me recently..





and one of me At a Renaissance Faire last weekend




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