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Hi Chris,


Welcome to DM. Hull eh? I went to uni there and remember it well :wink: I still go to the Fair every year with my family.


So ... Any plans for how you are going to get more involved? The Social Groups are pretty good for interacting more with Members and can be a lot of fun.


Ithi :smile:

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Well that could get confusing ... hey there, Wolfbrother the 2nd :biggrin:


Have you had a look around the site yet? Seen anything that you would like to ask questions about?


Gambler, have you had a look at the Social or the RP sides yet?

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Welcome to Dragonmount :)


I always think the best way to join is to start off as a lurker and then make the shift into a member. I'm very much the observer sort though when I joined DM I was pretty much all WOOO, SHINY! and joined about 5 seconds after I found the site in google >.> But in real life I am more of an observer, yeah.... lol


There have already been quite a few suggestions for you to explore by the other people that greeted you. If you're into discussions you should definitely give the discussion segment a look as well but watch out from spoilers (pending on how far along the series you are...).


I couldn't help but notice that you're using the Seanchan symbol as your avatar. Any sort of affinity towards that group specifically? Because if there is you'll prolly want to check out the FL RP group that contains within the Seanchan subgroup. Assuming you're into writing ^_^



Well, If you need any sort of help or have any questions I'd love to help out. So feel free to shoot me a private message and we can chatter some ^_^









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Ithillian - Hey man, great to hear from you, didn't expect anyone to have even heard of old Hull! What did you study at our fine university? Do you live near to Hull, or is it a trip when you take your family to the fair? I must admit I haven't to the fair in years, since Hook-a-duck went from being 20p a go to £2.50 a go! Everyone's mentioning these social groups, so i'll definately have to check them out! Cheers for the reply buddy!


therealgambler - Hey dude! Nice to meet a fellow novice! Maybe i'll catch you in one of the social groups!


Elgee - Have i stolen someone's name? Sorry! Thank you for the welcome, i've had a quick look around, but I had to go to band practise, so will have a thorough search through the forums now! :)


Nynaeve - Thank you very much Nynaeve! I've lurked alot, basically stealing information and reading theories and such. Looking at all the great artwork etc, but felt guilty not giving anything back. I know what you mean about observing in real life ;) In terms of the series, i'm safe, on my second run through to finish for A Memory Of Light's release so i will definately check out some of the discussions! I love writing and am a bit of a nerd when it comes to roleplaying lol! The only affinity I share with the Seanchan is that we both like our women chained ;) (obviously a joke btw!) I just like the symbol alot, one of my favourite from the WOT series bar the Children Of Light's. Thanks for the welcome, i may take you up on that offer of a chat sometime! :)


Thanks for all the reply's guys, looks like a nice friendly community here!



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Guest laxmanila

Hi, everyone! I'm still a novice at Dragonmount, and will probably go through a lot of hoops to become Accepted, but like my namesake, I'd like to skip the novice part and jump to the Accepted part right away, LOL! Then, who knows, I can become Aes Sedai with the ageless face in no time at all.


Like Wolfbrother0, I'm on my second run through (now on Book 11) to finish in time for the final book. I'll probably be an observer like Nynaeve, and check out the other topics. Hope I don't meet any spoilers, of course.


Well, as the Aiel would say, may you always find water and shade, sisters and brothers, until next time.

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Lol you didn't really steal someone's name, there is just another wolfbrother around on DM.


I lurked for a bit AFTER I joined actually before I became active, but am quite active now lol.


I'd also recommend the Social Groups, they are awesome. :)

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Welcome to Dragonmount.com, Chris.




We have many different forums and sub-forums where you can discuss practically anything that you want; including discussions that are not WOT based, but on just about anything else in this world that you might want to discuss. I encourage you to browse the forums, read and also participate in the countless discussions that are ongoing.


If you are interested in discussions about the WOT that are very structured, and therefore easy to determine whether or not you might read a spoiler in that disscussion, then I suggest this forum here on dragonmount.com :






Also, some of the places where WOT fans can have the most fun are in the various Social Groups here, based upon different groups written by Robert Jordan in the Wheel of Time. These Social Groups include, but are not limited by; the Aiel, The White Tower, The Black Tower, the Ogier, and Shayol Ghul.


If you are interested, post what you like best in The Wheel of Time series, and then you can be given suggestions as to which ones of the Social Groups on Dragonmount that you might like. Dragonmount also has roleplay forums for those whom want to immerse themselves in character into the most fascinating fantasy world ever created, the world of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time.


You have found what I believe is the very best fan forum and message board for a fictional series of books. Also, I believe without a shred of an iota of doubt in my mind that The Wheel of Time series is the VERY BEST series of fictional novels that has ever been written. Stick around here long enough, and I can promise you that not only will you meet cool and interesting people online, but also that you will become friends with some whom you regularly interact.



If you have any questions, please feel free to PM me at any time.

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Nynaeve - Thank you very much Nynaeve! I've lurked alot, basically stealing information and reading theories and such. Looking at all the great artwork etc, but felt guilty not giving anything back. I know what you mean about observing in real life ;) In terms of the series, i'm safe, on my second run through to finish for A Memory Of Light's release so i will definately check out some of the discussions! I love writing and am a bit of a nerd when it comes to roleplaying lol! The only affinity I share with the Seanchan is that we both like our women chained ;) (obviously a joke btw!) I just like the symbol alot, one of my favourite from the WOT series bar the Children Of Light's. Thanks for the welcome, i may take you up on that offer of a chat sometime! :)


Thanks for all the reply's guys, looks like a nice friendly community here!




Wooo, nice, a RPer then. I'll be looking forward to see you there ^_^ And woooo, yeah, Children of the light kick ass. And I'm not just saying that because I'm the RP Leader of that group >.> Nope. I'm far from being biased.









And what's not to like about chained women? :D






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Another wolfbrother! Welcome! Christine is very much right, chili and tequila are the never ending supplies in the wolfkin division... and I'm sure you'd get a kick out of the Warders Guild as well.


You'll find many more rabid TWOT fans here, especially in the General discussions, they go real crazy there..

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