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dragon age question


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You mean the knight commanders who are so rude to you? There's a small side quest with them from the mage group that gives you all those quests in the sack.


This is assuming you're referring to Origins and not Awakening or 2.

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On the subject of DAO.... why is Morraine so mean to me? I got her affection up to 100 and she STILL wont tell me how to shapeshift Y_Y


Bloody woman... (goes off into some Alistair-ish tirade... hopefully with a slightly higher IQ though)


edit: Reread this... Morraine? Lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got morrigan to teach me finally, I have never found fergus (though I havent played human noble all the way to completion yet) and as for the PS3 version.... I found all the console ports of the game to be clumsy to be honest... I do not believe that the control interface was well translated, which makes things awkward... The DAII version seems more designed for the console market... though I find it rather lacking for the PC experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

DAII is aimed at the console market... personally I think it wasn't TOO bad for a console RPG... the game is built around having fewer controls... which means that in the PC version it becomes rather alien, as the interface does not adequately use the variety of readily available controls that we are used to in PC RPGs including the prequel... The result is frustration on the part of the PC user (not so much for a console user though!) in that the game functions are less accessible than the users were expecting due to the need in the console versions to provide access to functionality through a more limited interface, which led to either more limited features or else to a more menu based approach to accessing those features.


However they should have enabled you to choose your appearance right at the start of the game (you had to wait a little while until you could do so in game) as this lack meant that people buying the game would have to use the pre-designed characters from the get-go; something that builds a wall between the user and the gameplay experience... and simply said that is not appropriate in a modern game where the feature IS available to customise the appearance to a very significant extent. That is an element that contributes heavily to poor game design IMO; especially since customised characters were available in the prequel and are a common feature of many modern RPGs.

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I liked the change they did to DA2, after playing a Mage in DAO, I found I liked this system better, as my 'melee attacks' were now actually magical in nature, and, if i'm not mistaken, mana actually regenerated instead of forcing you to 'conserve it' like Ammo in Resident Evil.


Escentially, They finally got rid of there old Neverwinter Nights model for RPG games, and it was far less a CLONE of NWN1/2 Than DAO was, and that was one of the biggest issues I had with DAO, was simply it being NWN1/2 with more blood.

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