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Tuatha'an Male Channelers


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I'm not sure if maybe I just missed it,

but do they ever discuss what one of the Traveling People would do

if they discovered a male channeler in their numbers?

Would some view gentling as a form of violence?

You would consider severing your arm as violence, so why not the

connection to the True Source?


So what would they do?


We have never been told what they do if they discover one of their men can, we know that when they discover one of their women, they make it a huge celebration and bring her to the tower, possibly the man just wanders away in the middle of the night, or jumps off the nearest cliff.


Dunno. im sure the red ajah gets some, and at that point, the traveling people don't really have a say. for the rest, maybe they just "travel" away by themselves. or maybe they go batsh*t crazy, but the Way of the Leaf is so ingrained by that point that they still don't hurt anybody.


Wow. As much as it sucks when male channelers go nuts and strike out at people... Imagine a Tinker doing it... Assuming they have moments of clarity, how would that feel?


The Amayars Water Way is similar to the Way of the Leaf in its pacifist nature, and their male channelers have no problems offing themselves. So I would say that is a possibility.


Though, if I were to guess, I would think the most likely way to deal with it was to go and find an Aes Sedai, and ask for instant Gentling.


Though, if I were to guess, I would think the most likely way to deal with it was to go and find an Aes Sedai, and ask for instant Gentling.


But, that would encourage another to do violence, but I guess they could accept gentling, but not ask for it.


Just sending the male channeler to Aes Sedia and not requesting anything might be more probable than having him request gentling.


Not sure how many tinkers would have known about gentling/severing and/or about the Taint.


Now that saidin is cleansed, tinkers might let their saidin sparkers decide.


I was thinking that they might run away to protect the People,

But some of them would have to have the desire to stay,

What if one were to try and stay when the people tried to send him to the Reds?

Could they exile him as they would one who abandons the Way?

If so on what grounds? He hasn't commited violence..yet


Though, if I were to guess, I would think the most likely way to deal with it was to go and find an Aes Sedai, and ask for instant Gentling.


But, that would encourage another to do violence, but I guess they could accept gentling, but not ask for it.


Why would they consider Gentling as violence? Especially since the Tuatha'an might be the best place a gentled channeler can return to, and overcome that suicidal tendency we saw in Logain.



Why would they consider Gentling as violence? Especially since the Tuatha'an might be the best place a gentled channeler can return to, and overcome that suicidal tendency we saw in Logain.


Some might consider Gentling as violence due to the fact that it's cutting away a part of the person

Just as they would consider beheading someone as a violent act then they might consider severing

their tie to the True Source as violent as well,


I do like the thought of gentled ones going to join the people though, it does seem a fitting place

Either there or a stedding.



Why would they consider Gentling as violence? Especially since the Tuatha'an might be the best place a gentled channeler can return to, and overcome that suicidal tendency we saw in Logain.


Some might consider Gentling as violence due to the fact that it's cutting away a part of the person

Just as they would consider beheading someone as a violent act then they might consider severing

their tie to the True Source as violent as well,


I do like the thought of gentled ones going to join the people though, it does seem a fitting place

Either there or a stedding.


I think that rather than comparing it to a beheading, they would compare it to cutting of something like a finger, if it gets gangrene. Or pulling out a broken tooth.


It's not the link to saidin that was infected or broken tho, it was saidin itself.

Though I do see your opinion. Either way though, we haven't seen the People do either of those things

so who's to say they don't see them as violent as well?


I think that rather than comparing it to a beheading, they would compare it to cutting of something like a finger, if it gets gangrene. Or pulling out a broken tooth.


I don't know if the Tuathuan allow that either. If you compare to say the Jain religion, you can take non-violence to extremes. Jains don't even pick fruit. There are special grocery stores where they only sell stuff that fell naturally. They also wear masks to prevent themselves from breathing in and possibly harming micro-organisms in the air.


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