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Grüße from Germany

Guest AoifeMorrigan

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Arbitur? Lol welcome! If you are only two books in I would suggest u tiptoe around the discussion boards(spoiler)


But we still have the social boards and role play section. As for social boards I can't help yah but if your interested in tryin ur hand! I will be glad to get you started


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Guest AoifeMorrigan

Hallo!!! Es ist super mal jemanden zu sehen der Deutsch spricht! :D


Hey! Welcome to Dragonmount!!! German is my mother tongue, I even got my Abitur last year, but I* live in South Africa. Once again, nice to meet you! :biggrin:


Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum bestandenen Abitur! :D


South Africa, huh? That's pretty far away (from here ^^). I happen to know someone who was born in South Africa and now lives in Dresden, Germany (his father is still there doing his missionary work), and my mother was there once on an educational trip for morticians. It was quite hot but rather interesting for her. :)


Nice to meet you too, by the way. ;)

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

Arbitur? Lol welcome! If you are only two books in I would suggest u tiptoe around the discussion boards(spoiler)


But we still have the social boards and role play section. As for social boards I can't help yah but if your interested in tryin ur hand! I will be glad to get you started



Thanks for the advice. I already had a glimpse of what's going to happen. However, I have yet to find out how that (which I now already know) has come to pass. Still I will be careful in order not to spoil the enjoyable reading experience for me too much!


Er, this might be a stupid question, but what do you mean by 'trying my hand'? ;)


Thanks and greets! :)

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Lol some people like role playing and others don't. You actually have to perfect it cause its basically writingg. But I strongly encourage it cause its a great way to spend ur time and you can meet amazing people when rping together. If your interested I can get you set up

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Guest AoifeMorrigan
Hallo Aoife,

Grüße aus dem schönen NRW! Wenn man bedenkt, dass die ganze Welt hier vertreten ist, sind wir ja quasi Nachbarn. Hab auch mal eine Weile in Sachsen gelebt, genauer gesagt in Leipzig... :happy:

Woher kommt denn dein Name?


Huhu Elayrin! :)


stimmt. so gesehen, sind wir wirklich fast nachbarn. ;) in leipzig war ich bisher leider nur sporadisch. ein mal auf dem weihnachtsmarkt und ein mal im zoo. der zoo hat mir besser gefallen... sonst hab ich noch nicht viel von leipzig gesehen, aber den bahnhof find ich toll - also das gebäude von außen. schicker als der dresdner bahnhof allemal.


mein name setzt sich aus zwei irischen legenden zusammen. 'aoife' (dt. "iefah" ausgesprochen) war eine kriegerprinzessin und 'morrigan' war eine göttin des krieges und des todes. von der gälischen bedeutung der namen her, bedeutet mein name, so wie er zusammengestzt ist: große königin der schönheit oder große, schöne königin. irgendsowas. ist kitschig, ich weiß, aber irgendwie hat's mir gefallen. ;)


was hat es denn mit deinem namen auf sich? hab nur was biblisches dazu gefunden... aber er hat auf jeden fall einen sehr schönen klang (wenn ich auch nicht weiß, ob meine aussprache die richtige ist). ^^

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"Bahnhof" trifft es ja nicht so ganz, "Einkaufszentrum" wäre treffender - obwohl es mittlerweile auch schon ein paar Jahre her ist, dass ich dort war.

Also Morrigan war mir schon bekannt, Aoife ist mir neu... aber das klingt wirklich gut (und danke für die Aussprachhilfe, die war nötig! :happy: )


Was Biblisches...? Oha, jetzt bin ich neugierig - was hast du denn dazu gefunden? Denn eigentlich ist mein Name eine Eigenkreation. :happy: Habe es mir angewöhnt, mir immer selbst Namen auszudenken, dann ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit größer, dass sie einzigartig bleiben. Ach so, ausgesprochen wird er so: eLAYrin eleaZAR


Hm... maybe we should switch back to English, otherwise the others might think we're plotting something... :cool:

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

I guess you're right about that last one. ;)


Your name is indeed quite unique. The only two hits concerning your full name refer to this community and your profile here. Nevertheless I learned that your last name derives from the Hebrew name El'azar meaning "my God has helped" and it's supposed to be one of the sons of Aaron (whoever that is - I'm not too familiar with the Bible, you know...). However, your first name stays unique!

I was, as it seems, quite right about the pronunciation of your name. It really does sound beautiful. :)


I like that idea of yours to invent your own names. I tried that a few times, too, but I never found a name I liked. So I stick to searching ancient or mythic names with certain meanings that suit my imagination of a character or a certain idea or purpose. ^^

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Yeah I can't read German but it sounds like you guys had a deep conversation. :)


Welcome to Dragonmount though!


I'd reccommend checking out the Social Group side too if you have a chance! There are a lot of cool groups and people.

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Could one of you just translate a bit of German for those of us who don't speak it.


The next sentence I write is in hindi so don't worry about it. Kya yahan kyo hindi bolne wala nahi hai.


Aoife is you don't mind can you tell me more about the name Aoife. i cam across it in a book which had some mythical characters and I want to know if Aoife is one of them.


Enjoy your stay here.

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Guest Nyanko_Susu

Halli Hallo! :)


And yet another German joining ranks... I'm from Bavaria - as you (Aoife) might know already.


Unfortunately, my Hindi is confined to Bollywood production titles... ^^


Whatever! This community seems to be rather good fun already. Nice people all around (as I gather from my observations).


Be reading you. ;)

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

Yeah I can't read German but it sounds like you guys had a deep conversation. :)

Welcome to Dragonmount though!

I'd reccommend checking out the Social Group side too if you have a chance! There are a lot of cool groups and people.


Quite deep regarding names, yes. ;)

Thanks for your welcome!

I've already been browsing some social groups and picked one so far.

It's rather fun. ;)


Wow, langsam glaub' ich, hier wird ganz Deutschland vertreten O.o Ich bin ursprünglich aus der Nürnberger Gegend, wohne aber seit 12 Jahren in Neuseeland.

See you round,

Nya :biggrin:


OMG. Germans all around the Web and all around the world, too. ;)

CU2 :happy:


Could one of you just translate a bit of German for those of us who don't speak it.

The next sentence I write is in hindi so don't worry about it. Kya yahan kyo hindi bolne wala nahi hai.

Aoife, if you don't mind, can you tell me more about the name Aoife? i came across it in a book which had some mythical characters and I want to know if Aoife is one of them.

Enjoy your stay here.


Um, we were just talking about where from Germany we are and about the city Leipzig here in Saxony and about the meaning of our characters' names.


Concerning my name 'Aoife'... Let me guess: You read the name in the "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel"-series. I haven't read the books, but I came across them as ed2funy mentioned a character called 'Aoife of the Shadows' to me.


'Aoife' (pronounced 'ee-fah') originates from an Irish legend and means "beauty". In Irish legend Aoife was a warrior princess. In war against her sister Scathach, she was defeated in single combat by the hero Cuchulainn. Eventually she was reconciled with her sister and became the lover of Cuchulainn. This name is sometimes used as a Gaelic form of EVE or EVA. ^^


What does your Hindi sentence say, anyway?


Meine Oma sagt mir immer, wenn mein Kopf nicht angewachsen wäre hätte ich ihn schon längst verloren :tongue:


my mom says the same about my behind... ^^


Halli Hallo! :)

And yet another German joining ranks... I'm from Bavaria - as you (Aoife) might know already.

Unfortunately, my Hindi is confined to Bollywood production titles... ^^

Whatever! This community seems to be rather good fun already. Nice people all around (as I gather from my observations).

Be reading you.


It took you a while to set up your profile, but I'm glad you made it here. Yet another thing we've got in common. ;)


I'll be reading you, too! :laugh:

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I guess you're right about that last one. ;)


Your name is indeed quite unique. The only two hits concerning your full name refer to this community and your profile here. Nevertheless I learned that your last name derives from the Hebrew name El'azar meaning "my God has helped" and it's supposed to be one of the sons of Aaron (whoever that is - I'm not too familiar with the Bible, you know...). However, your first name stays unique!

I was, as it seems, quite right about the pronunciation of your name. It really does sound beautiful. :)


I like that idea of yours to invent your own names. I tried that a few times, too, but I never found a name I liked. So I stick to searching ancient or mythic names with certain meanings that suit my imagination of a character or a certain idea or purpose. ^^


Actually, the name Eleazar eventually morphs into Lazarus by New Testament times. So it now has connotations of resurrection. Fun, huh?

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

definitely fun, and rather interesting. so the son of aaron of the old testament was resurrected by jesus in the new testament... :wink:

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My wife and I are both descended from German immigrants. My wife's surname was Wahl, and my mother was a Petermann before she married. Are those common names in Germany? I'm not sure which part of Germany they were from.


My kids are dying to visit Germany... they want to see Neuschwanstein and the other fairy tale castles.

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Guest AoifeMorrigan

well, i'm from the eastern part of germany. i cannot say that these surnames are common around here. common german surnames are: müller (miller), schmidt (smith), schneider (tailor), meier (steward), fischer (fisherman), weber (weaver), hof(f)mann (courtier), schäfer (shepherd), richter (judge), schreiber (writer), schuster (shoemaker), schulze (sheriff or village chairman), and lehmann (vassal), zimmermann (carpenter), neumann (the new guy), hermann (first and last name) - most of them are (former) professions.


i've been to 'Schloss Neuschwanstein' once, but i can't remember much since i was too young.

i love 'Burg Stolpen' - though it's not a fairy tale castle - where countess cosel died after saxonian king august the strong placed her under house arrest there because she meddled too much in his politics, as well as 'Festung Königstein' and 'Schloss Egg'. :happy:

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