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Concerning BS & RJ


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So does anyone know which parts of TGS & ToM were written by BS & which by RJ? and /or how much of AMoL will be RJ/BS??? Sorry if this is already common knowledge and for any ignorance on my part... if so is there a link to a page that might answer my question?? thanks in advance for any help!!!

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There has been very little disclosed on this topic. Although BS did let it slip that the ToG sequence was written by RJ.


1) What was the most jaw-dropping scene (or scenes) to you when you read the material for ToM?



"That's what you answered for Book 12. I'm asking about book 13, which I've already read"

"Everyone in line close your ears"

"The whole Tower of Ghenjei sequence. That was all written by Jim. Also, the surprise proposal at the end"

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Brandon said he might fill in some details after AMOL. If you look in the reference library link in my sig, interview database, um...maybe I should make a new category for this or something. There are various quotes in the categories for individual characters, like Rand and Egwene, etc. We know that the first scene of the TGS prologue was written by RJ; it was funny because people bitched about it after TGS came out, saying that Brandon had done a bad job writing it. But there are audio recordings of RJ reading the scene aloud before he died. We know he wrote at least one scene in every prologue, maybe two or more. We know he wrote a good bit of Egwene in TGS, and a good bit of Mat in TOM, and a good bit of Rand in AMOL. We know that everything he wrote was in draft form and had to be revised by Brandon, so it's often difficult to tell who wrote what. Many people assumed that Brandon wrote the Ghenjei scene because of a turn of phrase here and there that was reminiscent of Brandon, but it seems he has deliberately done this to everything RJ wrote simply for consistency. In that sense, you might say Brandon wrote all of it, because his mark is on everything. We don't know much about which scenes were Brandon's gap-fillers, but the indication is that he had full creative license on this. From what I understand, he came up with ideas first, and then Team Jordan looked at his ideas and made suggestions. He hinted that, while RJ had planned the Hinderstap thing, it was a sort of loose 'Mat does this, bubble of evil, etc.' and the details of it were Brandon's idea. There are some other hints scattered throughout the database of things like that.

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I'm really surprised to hear that RJ wrote the whole ToG part, since that is one of the parts in the book I was least impressed with. I would have thought RJ would do much more of a story that we have been waiting for so long.

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I'm really surprised to hear that RJ wrote the whole ToG part, since that is one of the parts in the book I was least impressed with. I would have thought RJ would do much more of a story that we have been waiting for so long.


My theory with that, was that the ToG sequence was essentially a first draft. I know when I write stuff I edit edit edit edit, until its unrecognizable from it original form. However since RJ had at least written that section, even if it was basically a first draft, it becomes 'untouchable'. So it can't be edited heavily, which means that essentially a 'first draft' is released with little more than spelling corrections. I understand why they would do it, I mean at least it was something written by RJ, but it still saddens me. It's discoveries like this which make me miss RJ all the more, however Brandon is doing a fine job of it since we can't have RJ.

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who wrote the seanchan- white tower raid? that was probly my most exciting part of TGS, novice circles adelorna's near capture and sul'dam bursting into flame, siuan + bryne cuteness and the quote that was something like "each faceless seanchan egwene struck down was renna in her mind's eye..." lol epic continuity. renna was the one mat had to ride down in CoT right? I wonder does egwene ever learn what happened to her in the next book, or the final? for me egwene was the best of the 'heroes' in TGS

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I'm really surprised to hear that RJ wrote the whole ToG part, since that is one of the parts in the book I was least impressed with. I would have thought RJ would do much more of a story that we have been waiting for so long.


My theory with that, was that the ToG sequence was essentially a first draft. I know when I write stuff I edit edit edit edit, until its unrecognizable from it original form. However since RJ had at least written that section, even if it was basically a first draft, it becomes 'untouchable'. So it can't be edited heavily, which means that essentially a 'first draft' is released with little more than spelling corrections. I understand why they would do it, I mean at least it was something written by RJ, but it still saddens me. It's discoveries like this which make me miss RJ all the more, however Brandon is doing a fine job of it since we can't have RJ.


That makes a lot of sense. I guess RJ was known for editing and rewriting ad nauseam, wasn't he?

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