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*Hears Lor yelling and resists urge to run and hide until the storm passes*


Actually yes, that's exactly it in my case..real life is kicking my but this month...really really badly! I had everything from deathiversaries (who of them) to writing for 3 weeks then crafting for a week, then last week of my Goose's school had me out of the house! Now the sun found us so I may be gone more still :( stupid family wanting to be outside in the sun..not inside with my DM!

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RL is a good description. Work has been throwing extra projects at me and 3 of the people a lot higher up the chain of command have decided to take special interest in the work I'm doing (and require perfection). Money needs have added a plethora of new jobs to the schedule (contract work for friends ranging from pet sitting to serious labor).

My daughter is busy being run from end of year activities to various camps across the region and my free time is spent making memories with her (like going to the lake to play cards and watch a storm move in...until it starts to rain or staying up late playing board games and eating pocorn). She's 12 and time is slipping away fast. I've been able to throw a few things in the direction of other kin for the fair but not as much as I wanted.


So yeah. *hangs head* RL is interfering with my fun and it all started the end of April. I'm hoping it calms down a tad in August.

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Trust me, I live there, lately! School ending was exhausting and usually the week after is easier. Not so much this year, probably because I couldn't move anything myself. I started working on cleaning up the Science lab (my new awesome job! YAY!). After ANOTHER week, we finally have the room to a place where the custodians can clean it. Now I get to sit through classes for the next week and try not to fall asleep listening to people who really don't know what they're talking about lecturing for 8 hours. The only good news there is that it's only a week.


It roughly translates to me having time for a quick drive by here at DM after I get Peanut to bed (while I'm still convincing her that staying in bed is a good idea, no less).



So what kinds of fun stuff are they forcing you to do out in the sun, Kathleen? I need to work on my tan, personally... though I doubt I'll get any of my poor skin out for some Vitamin D for a bit. :(


What kinds of camps is your daughter in, Lyliann? Are they specialized or just general fun camp stuff kinds of camps?



(and if you haven't already, don't forget to drop into the sign in thread and add your here!)

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I'm here! Though the only posts I've had time for this month were the Faire thread.


Yes, this month has been crazy. We are house-sitting for my folks while they're in PA waiting for the birth of my nephew. I'm having new tile installed in the hallway of my house today. The boy had art camp for two weeks, and I've had him and his best friend at my house most days since summer break started back the end of May. On top of the usual chaos of course. :rolleyes:


July promises to be even crazier. It involves more trips.

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So what kinds of fun stuff are they forcing you to do out in the sun, Kathleen? I need to work on my tan, personally... though I doubt I'll get any of my poor skin out for some Vitamin D for a bit. :(




Oh the usual summertime horrors! Beach days, and cottage days. Family BBQs. Amusement parks and every festival that comes to town. Bike riding, sports in the back yard. Walks to the park to play with all their school friends. Checking out the seasonal shops. I don't know how I'll ever get through it hee hee hee!


I got a good burn at the end of year class feild trip. I was there for four hours running around following 3 kids. I made sure they all had sunscreen and forgot my own! But hubby used some aloe vera and I'm all better now! Still red as beat, but it doesn't hurt!

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What kinds of camps is your daughter in, Lyliann? Are they specialized or just general fun camp stuff kinds of camps?

(and if you haven't already, don't forget to drop into the sign in thread and add your here!)


Oh, I haven't even done that this month. Wow, I'm behind.


Camps in order of occurrence: Environmental Engineering Camp, CPR/First Aid Certification Classes, Flight Camp (day) and Sewing w/ Grandma (evening)-started today, sleepover with her friend, then off for two weeks of traditional camp w/horses, canoeing, rock climbing, basket weaving, church, etc...

We will pick her up from that on the way to Virginia and Pennsylvania to interview a couple of highschools and visit family and friends in that area (as well as throwing in a few educational field trips and museums that week). :D :D She decided to skip choir camp and scout camp this year.


I hope your classes are going well. It sounds like you have been incredibly busy as well.


*realizes the reply above that was typed two hours was never sent..*

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*laughs* ya'll are too much! Got so busy you forgot to hit "post," Lyliann? Sounds like something I'd do! ;) I'm so impressed that ya'll are getting so much out of this summer!


And please don't forget to slow down and enjoy yourself at some point this summer, you three! Sounds like you're all being run ragged (even if it's run ragged via fun stuff!). Take it easy! Work on your tan! Read a book! If I try really hard, I may even get to take my own advice! Lol



My doctor officially benched me at my last appointment, so if it takes longer than an hour to get there, I can't go. My anniversary is this weekend and there won't be much celebrating going on because of my little Tadpole. I live in a tourist trap, too, so doing anything downtown this weekend (it's Independence Day, just in case anyone reading this is overseas and doesn't know) is a bust, as is any beach time. I can't do a lot of walking, anyway. So, my anniversary will most likely be spent getting Peanut's baby stuff out of the attic and starting the washing of clothes and the moving of furniture into the nursery. yay.


And I've been busy, but, honestly, it's all been work. Work that I volunteered for and don't get paid extra for. I'm determined not to be a teacher for the entire month of July, however. Now all I have to do is stick to it... wish me luck!

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*Grins* So would now be the time to mention that in the last three months I've reread the majority of the Valdemar novels and am currently most of the way through a complete reread of Dragonriders of Pern? On top of everything else and trying to get back into the writing groove after my thesis. I need to average at 'least' a chapter a week of my fan fiction to keep my current buffer of finished chapters up for posting *grins*. Lately I haven't been managing that well, though I think I'm finally making my break-through. *hopes* It's a challenge, because I have trouble managing to both 'read' fantasy and write at the same time. Switching modes back and forth is sometimes a challenge.


I'm also having fun planning this summer's road trip to visit the in-laws, high school friends, and my brother and sister-in-law and the new nephew (we are at 5 days and counting to due date.... apparently he's quite comfortable in there).


Rest well, and I hope you have a great anniversary!

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*laughs* alright, I'll let you slide on sheer volume of reading and knowing that you're having fun planning stuff. As long as you have as much fun doing the stuff you're planning as you did planning it, that is. I expect periodic reports... ;)


I'm currently only 1 book behind where I should be on my quest to read 100 books this year. The last few weeks have not been good for allowing me to read, but I hope once this class is finished and I have more flexibility with my day (yeah, that's not happening next week, either... :( ) that I can get caught up and relaxed.

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Yes Lor, definitely take your own advice! And make your anni special even if you can't go out. Make a special stay in date night or something! I'm probably going to have to do that for mine. We have very little money, and very little free time. Its our 2 year, so not a big one necessarily, but still another year we didn't kill each other, so that's pretty big haha.


Maybe 'being on the bench' will help you make time to just sit and enjoy your summer. Play the old "my doctor told me to" card a few times to just lounge in the back yard with a good book for hours!

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lol, I'm trying, I swear. Though things not getting done drives me insane and doesn't bother my husband, at all. This weekend's goal, for example, was to get the rest of my stuff out of my old office and get the baby stuff out of the attic. Get the crib put together, drag out the changing table and even get down the clothes for the 0-3 month stretch. My goal was during my free time (hahahaha) this week, I could start cleaning all of that stuff, washing the clothes, etc. and get it in that room so that next weekend, we could move Peanut in.


How far did we get? I finished boxing my stuff up and even stacked it annoyingly in the hallway so he wouldn't forget to get it moved and out in the attic/garage. That was Saturday morning. This was a long, three-day weekend for both of us. What got done? I got my stuff boxed up. That's it. He laid around yesterday and napped all morning, no matter how much I nagged, until it was too hot to get up in the attic. And today, his tummy was bothering him, so he didn't do anything today, either. He was ok with a trip up to Hobby Lobby for BUNCO prizes, though. *sighs*


So, I guess the good news is that after I get home from the dr's office tomorrow, I have time to read. *grumbles*


As for our anniversary, we went out to dinner at one of my favorite places (The Melting Pot... fondue, YUM!). We don't have the kind of family around who would take Peanut off our hands for the night, so she went with us. It was alright, though. We've reached the point in our lives where we can laugh about how very typical, old married people, our lives have become. The good news there is that we can laugh about it. Here's hoping we can keep that up for a while...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy crabcakes, Batman!


Sorry I've been a bit MiA the last week or so. I bullied my husband into getting the baby stuff out of the attic last Tuesday and haven't stopped since! I've cleaned my house twice, washed 20 or so loads of baby stuff and regular laundry, my parents came to visit, we moved Peanut into her new room and set up the baby's furniture in there, too, went to the beach, we got the office/playroom started, I hosted BUNCO... *drops into a chair and sighs* I'm bushed!


What're ya'll up to? More sun and fun and stuff?

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On my end, hiding from the heat (It's been over 104 regularly and up to 112 a few times, without any heat index), doing a lot of laundry and housework, had a 3-day gaming weekend over the 4th that was fun.


Now that my usual son-entertainment is off at her own summer camp experience, I'm also having fun trying to keep the near-6-year-old entertained. ;) I'm glad our trip is coming up soon, even though packing is keeping me busy.


And we are at Due Date +8 and still waiting on my nephew.

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WOW! +8 and still waiting? He doesn't want to come out, huh? Are the doctors talking about inducing her?


Our temps have been in the mid to upper 90's, but the heat indexes are 110+ the last few days. I don't even want to think about next month when the temps are going up some more. Ugh.

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She's keeping her blood pressure down, though, right? Everyone's yelling at her to take it easy?


ok, except for the ones pushing Mexican Food and Mall walking... *laughs*

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