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[SG Faire: Artists Crafters Writers Guild] WoT Emoticon Story Competition


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ok. turns out i cant make it smaller though lol.




one day, :moiraine: was out having a nice visit with her friends, doing some studying to help :rand: when suddenly draghkar_emoticon_by_blackhoof-d3jh1wz.gif appeared and made it's seductive crooing noise, hoping to draw her in and give her the kiss of death! Luckily, :lan: was there! he :flamingsword:-fire 'ed the draghkar_emoticon_by_blackhoof-d3jh1wz.gif and saved :moiraine: from having her soul sucked out.

  • 2 weeks later...

The Judges are diliberating and the results will be in within the week! Check in often for the results. You have until the end of this day to post entries! Any last minute stories to blow us out of our minds as the competition wraps up?


While the :darkone: & :baalzamon: were hatching a new plan, :rand: made his way into the Three Fold land and became the :aiel: 's leader. While in the Waste he fell in :wub: with :avi: and forgot all about the hussy in training :elayne: (even though, :bela: noted, they looked alike except for the hair color).



:mat: went his own way, having found :uno: who was a seasoned soldier and starting up a rag tag :bandredhand: . though they fought some battles, they mostly spent their time dicing and drinking and chasing skirts. it was a very :happy: time for them.



And :perrin: , well he and :hopper: were the :cool: est of buds. He wanted to show off his mad wolfish skills and so they journeyed back to Edmonds feild and lived happily there for the next few years. Infact, everyone claimed that :hopper:'s fur was the softest.



holey snickies i forgot about this!!! so anyways ....


So for the next few years in Randland while the :wheel: turned on, everyone was happily ignorant of the :darkone: 's stirring. you see :baalzamon: had finally convinced :darkone: that the creator :bela: was acutlaly pulling the strings and interfering. So :darkone: told :baalzamon: to take a chill pill and go maniulate some of the :whitecloak: while he worked out whats what. oh the fun :baalzamon: have with the :whitecloak: , because it turns out that even though the :whitecloak: thought they were fighting for the creator, :baalzamon: had twisted their entire gospel and they were actually doing :darkone: 's work for him. in fact, the story of :baalzamon: 's fun with the :whitecloak: is rather short. you see, :baalzamon: sent the :whitecloak: to edmond's field where :perrin: smashed them all with a great big hammer and :hopper: burried the rest in the back yard. it was a very epic battle that :thom: ended up composing as "The day the wolf ate the sun!" and went on to win the pultzer prize for best epic EVER!!!


having been convinced that :bela: was the reson his plans had failed so far, :darkone: went to confront her for this mis deed. you see they had agreed not to interfere with the way their pawns turned out, and :darkone: felt he had a legitament greivance. :bela: argued that :darkone: was a LLL and shoudl have been lynched from the start, while :darkone: claimed :bela: was a usurper and was trying to get :jordan: lynched so she could rule the entire Randland. so there was only one thing left to do, they approached the mystical ever present being of :jordan: and asked him to decide their fates.



Laughing a grandfatherly laugh, :jordan: declared there be a fight to the death. :bela: beign the sly creator and always having the upper hoof, quickly pulled out :flamingsword: and sliced :darkone: 's head clean off hsi shoulders before he could even draw upon his so called "true source".






Now this had adverse effects, you see :darkone: doesn't die that easy. like a hydra, :darkone: rose back up from the ground and grew two heads where one was. :bela: was :unsure: of how to proceed and instead she channeled the awesome forces of Star Wars and revealed that she was :darkone: mother and there for her death would end his creation and neither could live while the other survives cause there can be only one.


:jordan: grinned and laughed at :bela: 's blatant rip off of many fantasy tag lines ad appreciated her cunning; :darkone: was fooled though and quickly submitted to having a glass of tea and some crumpets and they all lived happily ever after. atleast until :jordan: 's master plan went into effect which was a bunch of smiley-alien010.gif invading Randland and enslaving everyone while depleing all of the resources before moving onto the next planet in the system.



the end. because alien invasion trumps everything :tongue:


The results are coming slowly due to holidays, but here, with out further ado, is the Prize for Best Use of an Original Emoticon in a story!


Thank you to Tor for the image and Player for making it into a siggy.


Congratulaions Blackhoof!!


*holds out wonderful original siggy*




*tears up* oh... im... im so touched, i.... will you excuse me for a second, i have... something in my eye. *cries*


can i still be proud of winning if i was the only entry? :huh:


Absolutely! You went to the trouble of making something original, coming up with a story to put it in, writing and submitting said story! I think that is something to be proud of.


Plus, its an original pic made by Tor, specifically for you in this competition, made into a siggy by our very busy Artist Lead! Now them's something extra to brag about!


*Gathers everyone around again*


Congratulation go out to the person who used 238 emoticons! In a land slide we are pleased to present Red with the siggy for:




More the 100 emoticons more than the others! Good work Red!!!


*hops up & down excitedly*



i'll add it to my sig rotation soon!!


who said being excessive isn't a good thing :baalzamon:


It was a long story so I don't think it is overly excessive. And anyway too much of a good thing is a good thing! It was a very entertaining story, and the emoticons made it even more entertaining. Good work!


We are still coming with the rest of the awards, but it may be a few days before we give out the next one, as we are still waiting on siggy creation and I'll be away the next two days.


Sorry for the wait, due to a number of reasons I won't go in here (feel free to blame me for it all, as it is mostly me) we have had to delay the rest of the awards longer than I had wanted, and longer than you deserved. However, it is now time to give out the next award!



This award is for the Most Creative Emoticon Story




And it goes to TinaHel! Congratulations on your work. You managed to not only incorperate the WoT characters, but you took them out of the world that RJ created and put them into your own creation, while still tying it back into RJ's world. Not only was it creative, but it worked well and was entertaining! Good job!


Wow! I am so happy right now. I thought I did a good work but the others were really good to. It´s still hard for me to write in english but I guess that I will be better the more I do it.


We had a lot of really good options for this category (one of the things that held us up was trying to figure out who gets this one actually). But your work was really good!


I'd like to see more. You're right, the only way to get better is to keep practicing. I had no idea you didn't normally write in English! Good job!!! If you do practice more and want to post it, the ACW Guild is a great place to get some feedback (if you want it) or just some high-fives for hard work!


New Siggy! Hot off the Press!


Congratulations to Moon, for winning in the Funniest Story Category!


*presents Moon with the siggy* Don't burn your fingers. Congratulations!




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