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Channeling Saidin 101


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Much better.

Well Ladies and Gentleman, once you have all completed the last weave, that completes your basic training with Saidin.


You've all survived, and bettered yourselves in the area of channeling, so I'd say it's been a good day.


Now what I would like is some feedback on this.


Did you enjoy this class/thread?


Would you like to see higher levels of it (Intermediate Channeling, Advanced Channeling, etc.)?


Do you think this is something that should be done every so often for new members and/or be a requirement for promotion?


And of course any comments any of you have would be appreciated. This was the first thread like this, so far as I know, so I'd like to know what you all thought.

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Thank you all for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Now by my count, Headache didn't complete any weaves, Sandy needs to do most of his, Barid needs his last two, and Tina needs her last one.


The rest of you have passed with flying colors.

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W00T W00T! Break-up party?



I think we will see eachother a lot around here but any excuse for a party is a good excuse!



Thank you all for the feedback, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Now by my count, Headache didn't complete any weaves, Sandy needs to do most of his, Barid needs his last two, and Tina needs her last one.


The rest of you have passed with flying colors.


Oh, I missed the last one! Ok - *seize saidin. makes the earth form into a bar*


Now we have a (temporary)bar to our party! :tongue:

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*Walks in and see everyone eating and drinking*

Blood and bloody ashes. I missed the class :sad: Atleast I can join in the drinking!


*grabs some ale*


Well, like Berid Bel Medar I´m a sparker, so the this is nothing for me!


*grabs hold of saidinand channels a small flow of Air to grab my ale mug, then deftly weaves a thread of fire. The mug of ale bursts up in flames*

Woah, maybe too much fire there!


*Lets go of Fire and weaves a tiny flow of water, letting it drop over the mug of ale*


I guess I´ll settle for water...

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Ah, we have a new student everyone. Everyone say hi. ;)


Only two weaves away from completion too.


Later tonight, every one who has completed all 5 weaves will be awarded 10 points.


Just so you all know. :)

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Ah, we have a new student everyone. Everyone say hi. ;)


Only two weaves away from completion too.


Later tonight, every one who has completed all 5 weaves will be awarded 10 points.


Just so you all know. :)


Oh great Talmanes, which weaves have I failed to demonstrate for you? This will be easy. *cracks knuckles*

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Sorry for the delay - been busy.


*seizes saidin*

*focuses on air and weaves a nice cushy chair out of air*

*focuses on fire and sets fire to the papers on his desk*

*controls rising panic and focuses on water dousing the fire just in time*

*focuses on earth and picks up a rock outside and moves it a metre - will have to practise more to get it further*

*lets go of saidin and collapses in exhaustion*

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I did actually all the weaves, only not in the classroom, just lonely in some corner, forever alone, cuz I'm afraid to be laughed at.


But I will show you what I can do:

Seizes Saiden, which goes easily now, weaves a thread of fire, weaves a thread of water, and air, all at the same time, throwing them everywhere, then mixes some spirit into it, to give that extra bit. Then the air comes in, and creates on one side of the room, a huge water tornado, on the other side a huge firestorm, burning all the assessment papers. Then he moves the water over to the fire to extinguish it, and the spirit to Talmanes, to give him a little push in the head.



After all the weaves sees the drowned BBQ, and the watered ale, and hits himself. But well, water can be dried, with FIRE! Only some processes are irreversible, so the meat is still spoiled, but no problem, HeadAche can fix it. There must be some pigs here :D

I start looking around, spots a pig in the distance, with spirit makes it come over here. Here we kill it, and put it on some new BBQ, so it can roast again.


And as a compensation for the loss, I will get some new drinks: wodka, beer, more beer, and some girlish drinks, for the ones here, that are not male.

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Beer is "boyish" s*** like prosecco is girlish, or gay, dunno which, then there is apple cider, also girlish, and there is some vague liquor, in the netherlands we have some drink called boswandeling, english is forestwalk, but that is something with cocos, banana, Guarana, and cream, this kinda drinks, in the netherlands we call girlish.

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Forgot Spirit. ;)


Mother´s milk in a cup!


*weaves an intricate pattern of Spirit, pulls gently at the threads and lets the weave fall over Talmanes head.* You will pass me in this class!

*grins confidently*

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Hmmm it appears some have tried their weaves of Spirit on me without realizing I'm probably too insane for that to matter :D


Now as far as completion goes, this thread is closed .


Feel free to continue posting though if you wish.

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