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Channeling Saidin 101


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get the void riiight, seems like saidin's been getting quite aggressive since it was cleansed, guess it liked being tainted


Having trouble picturing the void, inexplicably my mind keeps turning to chocolate desserts?


AHA!! success I am emotionless, at least for a while I must be swift before something distracts me, must stay focused. *Butterfly goes past* no reaction. OK step one mastered now for beating the hell out of saidin.


Apparently Saidin's quite strong no wonder the Lord Dragon became dizzy over seizing it. As I grappled with the force that helps power teh universe Saidn shouted "THE CAKE IS A LIE", which confused me, the confusion nearly shattered the void so the confusion (and the cake) got thrown into mah fire!


Currently trying to drink flows of spirits

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*seizes Saidin and manages to discern spirit* hmmm *sees a ghost and a bottle of wine, talks in a dumbfounded manner* Oooohhhhh S P I R I T S *fumbles his weave and happens to shoot the ghost into Tina's body* oops!!!

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* suddenly there is a strange feeling - like someone is, hm, in her body*


Hey! There is not enough room for two in here!


* Tina throws up and starts screaming and running around like a mad woman*


Help me!!!!


* Saidin is totaly gone*

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*focuses on weaving the thread of spirit, and then throws it at Talmanes head, but misses and hits Smiley*

WOOT! I DID IT! *forgets he is still weaving and hits him self with a thread of spirit as well*


O.O WE ARE LEGION!!! For we are mannnyyy.... *draws his sword and lunges at the nearest person*

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Hit by a flow of spirit I turn swiftly to defend myself from whatever threw it at me, weaving spirit I start to make a weave, then I lose concentration and start playing Cat's Cradle like what those Far Dareis Mai are wont to do

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Calm down everyone, wouldn't want to have to restrain anyone with flows of air.

Coincidentally, that is what we are learning next.

Air can be quite useful, for many reasons. Holding things, knocking things over, making it look like you can use the force, or just giving someone a little smack, if they say, fall asleep in your class or something.


So what I want you to do, is weave air, not TOO hard mind you, we don't want to bludeon anyone to death or anything, but weave air and give your neighbor a light tap to ensure they are awake.


Then, we'll have some fun with the papers in the next room. ;)

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weave there like so.. and ther like so... and voila!!!

a switch of air!!!

*Bludgeons TinaHel*

critical hit!

Smiley73 gains 23 exp!

Oh wait Smiley73 is evolving (press b to cancel)

OK so im still under the effects of that spirit, so sue me

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*have just stopped from running around screaming and feels like her normal self again. Then suddenly feels pain - a lot of pain.*


*Starts screaming again while turning around and immediately finds the guilty one. Have no problems seizing saidin because of all anger that makes it easy to focus*


You there! *points at Smiley* Evolve? When I´m done with you, you are going to cry like a baby. Evolution will have to do without you!


*Start spanking Smily with air like it was Caddy who focused all her irritation into spanking Rand.*

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I retaliate with a weave of air to hold Tina in the air then make a intricate Rudy Goldberg machine that when tied off continuously flicks her ear.



Top that.

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You know Tina, you seem to be very popular in this class.


Finaly I get to know how it is to be popular. I didn´t thought it would hurt so much. :sad:



let us spread the hittings around


Yes please! :smile:

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Hmmm...Everyone still hasn't done their weave of Air, but seeing as that was getting violent, I think we'll move on.


Oh and before I forget:


*heals Tina* That should help with the pain.


And everyone give a round of applause to leelou, who has recently been promoted to Soldier.


Now, on to something that is actually more dangerous. :D

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Lol, just for the record Sandy, I'm a Storm Leader of the Light, TMD is the M'Hael.


These next two weaves will be learned together, so as for safety purposes.


First though, some background.


Recently, I found some papers. They weren't just ordinary papers, they were papers detailing Top Secret Black Tower Operations information. Just to be safe, we are going to destroy them so that they don't fall into the wrong hands. ;)


So first I want you to reach out with a weave of Fire toward the mound of papers just beyond that door.




Then, once we have a nice blaze, I want you to weave water to put it out.


For this one, the weaves are a bit trickier, so I've included an example:




We're looking for a nice controlled blaze here, so don't go to crazy, though I mean, I'm a bit insane so I guess I can't expect you guys to be too much the opposite.


Just don't burn anything important. Or anyone for that matter.

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