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I would like to thank...


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...Everyone that had me over throughout my trip abroad to the States and England. I've already thanked everyone individually when I was there, but I thought a special thanks on the boards was in order. I didn't know where exactly to post this...but I figured I'd post it here.


Firstly, I want to thank Wendy and Dan. Wendy used to be a member at DM. She went by the handle Gaea. She and her husband were wonderful with me. They showed me Orlando and took me to Disney and Sea world. You will always be carved in my memory, you guys. Thank you for being kind enough to let me into your lives and letting me get to know you two a bit better. And apparently Wendy's parents as well *lol*

*hugs Wendy and Dan*


Jennifer and Jimmy. Otherwise known as Kathana and Segurant. Wow...I don't think a thank you quite covers everything you've done for me. Letting me stay with you in your hotel room, knowing too well that it was already packed. Making me feel welcomed as you did. Having me in your house after Dcon. Treating me as kindly as you did. You are a beautiful couple and very special people. Thank you for the warm hospitality and I just might surprise you and do come back to the states one day *laughs*

*snuggles both*


I also want to throw in a thanks for Lyniar, who is a member from Tarvalon.com for picking me up from the Atlanta airport, bringing my safely to the Con, driving me to Kath's school and mainly just being around when I had no idea what to do *L*

And of course all the lovely people I met in DragonCon, it was a pleasure!


To Ethelian and Lyn, Ethelian being Owen here in DM. You and Lyn are just incredible people. I've never met anyone quite like you two. You've welcomed me to your home and that's exactly how I felt. Like I was home. And I didn't want to go away *laughs*

But all good things must come to an end I suppose. But unfortunately for you, I assure you, I WILL BE BACK :P

*hugs Lyn and Eth tightly*


Also I want to add an extra thanks to Eth for letting me have my little NuritCon at his house. Letting me invite Russ, Sirayn, Anette and Lara to your home was very kind. And meeting the three of you (Sira, Lara and Russ) was something i've been wanting to do for a very long while and I'm glad I managed to :) *snuggles Sira, Lara and Russ*


Anette and Ian. Anette is Egwene here on DM. I've spent a wonderful week with you two, though Ian wasn't around much *wink*. It's been really interesting to see you work and traveling in your car in pretty much every road in Devon *lol*

The movie, the chineese, the Safari. I could tell you wanted me to have a good time and I really did. Thank you for all the time and care :)

*hugs Anette and Ian*


And last, but defenitely not least is Neil, known as SaidinTrue here in DM. Baby, you are just amazing. I knew this way before I met you, naturally, but being able to see it live made it even more special. We didn't do much sight seeing, other then London but you know what...I wanted it that way. Pubs are my favorite sights anyway. And you *wink*

Thank you for having me over, for letting me drive you crazy with the trains, for making you walk for 5 hours and hurting your feet *laughs* And I would also like you to thank your parents for allowing me to come. Your mom is a lovely person and you two have a really nice relationship that I enjoyed wittnesing. And I'll be seeing you again....start stalking up on Chocolate ;)

*liiiiiicks Neil*



That's about it. I don't think I missed anyone, but if I did let me know and i'll remedy my grave mistake *G*


In conclusion, some of you knew me really well and been talking to me for years, some didn't know me that long of time. But you all accepted me in your homes. Hopefully I have not disappointed anyone. I swear I was on my best behavior :D


I will always consider each and every one of you a friend. And if you ever decide to drop by Israel, you know who to call :D


Love you guys! and don't miss me too much *wink*



*liiiiiiiicks everyone*




reporting from Israel

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Guest Emperor

I am going to reread it again and see if my name made it in there somewhere. If not I will write something up myself and stick it on my fridge from you.


Glad you made it back to Australia alright!

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Awwwww! I have to say I am really mad I missed out on the Nyna experience. I hope in the future we can coordinate our visits to be at the same time ;) For there MUST be another time Nurit!!


I have met a few of those people you named in your post and so I can vouch for all the great things you have to say about 'em *g*

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Glad you had a good time here in England, Nyn :D


...and thank you for leaving out the details of our visit to Lyme Regis... thus safeguarding our reputation here :wink:


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Honestly, we should be thanking you. You left us a gallon of hooch!


And we'll be very happy to host you again, once the terror dies down. =)


The Watcher of the Seals

The Flame of Tar Valon

The Amyrlin Seat


She did that to you as well Kath?


Damn Nyn you are such a light weight leaing hooch with Kath and Jameson's with us.........mind you, at least you are cheap to take out :wink:



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