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I haz happies. My property books balance! Just over 3.5 million Rand (R3,503.929.72 to be precise) and EVERY SINGLE CENT accounted for! :biggrin:


(Too explain: we get audited and a report has to be sent to the South African Institute of Estate Agents. If we can't account for the money that tenants or owners gave us, we lose our license to practice.)


Now for the office books. Them's easy, though - they just want to see what we got and what we spent, and the tax man takes the rest :P


Would really love to do the recon for the Deposits too, since ... yah ... that's kinda the most important thing we get audited on! The auditors report has to be at the above mentioned institute by the 30th of June. The bank, however, will only be issuing the IPsomething form (which shows what interest was earned on our deposit accounts, etc) in ... wait for it ... the middle of May :blink::angry:

Come on - seriously??? It takes them from the 28th of Feb (end of the financial year) till the MIDDLE OF MAY to print those and send them? Bull*... especially since they very kindly offered to send it to us early. At a nominal little fee of almost R40 per account! Anyone smell money making scheme?

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Yes it is seriously called the Rand :biggrin:


R3,500,000.00 is about 314,896.22 pounds sterling.


Its ABOUT that, huh? ABOUT?!


No wonder your books balanced...OCD much??


*watches as Elgee carefully counts and stacks the Towers copper pieces into piles of 10*


Huh...well at least we know the treasury wont be run dry...

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*Eyes Snarly* ... I'm not OCD, I just think all things should balance to zero ... :unsure:


*Grins at Poet* lovely feeling when it adds up, innit? Poor Van has had to go through 3 years of me bouncing up and down and screaming "it balances!!". Or "I can't find that frigging 26 cents! ... oh, there it is! Woohoo!". Thank the Light his wife is in the same business, so he's learned not to be TOO openly "seriously, you need a life" :tongue:

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Yo, Tif! Lowly computer dude, heh? *Grins* ... let me show you what I know about computer ... stuff:


Van: have all kinds of crap to do

Elgee: aaww ... what kinds of crap?

Van: usability studies

Elgee: ... in english? :tongue:

Van: site usability testing?

Elgee: go a bit lower on the idiot scale

Van: Site work gud? No? What we do? How make better?

Elgee: *slaps you upside the ear* :tongue:

Van: :tongue:


I've even got a little notepad document RIGHT in the middle of my desktop with instructions from Van on how to fix my taskbar (? ... thingy at the bottom of my screen). I keep breaking it.


What kind of musician are you? (If you say "the bad kind", ima smack you :P)

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Oh that darn .26 cents! I hate when that happens. I just want to pull the change out of my pocket and say "Here! Now it balances!" :D Last week we were off by $1.10 and it took hours to find it.


That is awesome! Although I have to say, to a lowly musician/computer dude like myself, it seems incredibly complicated!

There's no such thing as a lowly computer guy. ^-^ One of my favorite quotes is "Do not meddle in the affairs of geeks, for your passwords are...available." LOL I used to do IT helpdesk for a bit. It's not easy. hat kind of music do you play?


Yo, Tif! Lowly computer dude, heh? *Grins* ... let me show you what I know about computer ... stuff:


Van: have all kinds of crap to do

Elgee: aaww ... what kinds of crap?

Van: usability studies

Elgee: ... in english? :tongue:

Van: site usability testing?

Elgee: go a bit lower on the idiot scale

Van: Site work gud? No? What we do? How make better?

Elgee: *slaps you upside the ear* :tongue:

Van: :tongue:


I've even got a little notepad document RIGHT in the middle of my desktop with instructions from Van on how to fix my taskbar (? ... thingy at the bottom of my screen). I keep breaking it.


What kind of musician are you? (If you say "the bad kind", ima smack you :P)

Haha, love it. :D

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That was Volke's fault! Totally *sniffs*


And at least I didn't form the Bonding Weave instead of the Healing Weave, this time. I always get those 2 mixed up. I believe I'm still bonded to Goldeneyes' left foot :unsure:

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Hehehe, no you didn't break me! Unfortunately I just don't have access to an online computer all the time. My being able to check the board will always be a little spotty, so if I don't respond back to something promptly, trust me, it isn't you:)


I play a little bit of everything actually. I am primarily a percussionist, so basically, anything you can shake a stick at, I can play;) And yes, I am also a computer dude. If you ever have any questions about anything, sure, feel free to put me on the 'if your laptop breaks, someone who I can email' list. I can't promise I'll be able to fix anything, but I am positive I can sympathize with you:)



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Tif! Welcome back ... and glad we didn't break you :biggrin:


Sometimes I feel like beating my computer with a stick :unsure:


So what kind of music are you into, Tif? I'm a metal fan myself, though I'm also a classically trained pianist (no longer playing, since I buggered up my left pinky).

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Hehehe, no you didn't break me! Unfortunately I just don't have access to an online computer all the time. My being able to check the board will always be a little spotty, so if I don't respond back to something promptly, trust me, it isn't you:)


I play a little bit of everything actually. I am primarily a percussionist, so basically, anything you can shake a stick at, I can play;) And yes, I am also a computer dude. If you ever have any questions about anything, sure, feel free to put me on the 'if your laptop breaks, someone who I can email' list. I can't promise I'll be able to fix anything, but I am positive I can sympathize with you:)




That's really nice of you Tif. I may take you up on that in the future. Its been ages since I owned a computer so I have no clue how they work really. I don't have access to the normal internet at all at the moment, but the wonderful people who made this place created a mobile version too, so if you have a phone with a data plan you can visit whenever. That's how I manage to seem like I'm here all the time lol.

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