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megan_bright - welcome to the Band of the Red Hand!


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After the slowness in setting up some welcome threads, I am on top of!


So, welcome to the Band of the Red Hand, the best Social Group at DM!


You have definitely joined the Band at a great time since we are marching on to our glory days of the past! So feel free to jump into our many activities, which will help you earn some points to get promoted in the Band.


I have requested that you be added to our usergroup, so you will shortly see a whole lot of new boards very soon. Horn will be along shortly to get you all set up in the Raw Recruit Scheme. So in the meantime, just enjoy yourself and meet all those that come to welcome you. And feel free to ask us any questions!

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Hello Megan.... I'm volke of the infantry. Hope you enjoy yourself here.

*hands Megan keg of guinfantry* Enjoy that... oh and stop by the infantry barracks. and the Pink Loin-Clothe Tavern. I'll set you up with some booze, food, and just plain old good fashioned fun!

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Hi! Glad to see Corki finally got on top of this whole greeting people ordeal...I'm Jea, second in command and suffering from overloaded travel fever....been studying in Spain but currently in Venice, headed to Bolzano tomorrow


Here, I just count people's points and correct their grammar :biggrin:

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