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A Sharan Village?

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In ToM, Chapter 4: the Pattern Groans Perrin comes across a random village. It is described as the following


The buildings were huts built from an odd type of wood, large like reeds, and the roofs were thatch- but thatch built from enormous leaves, as wide as two man's palms.

There were no plants here, only a very sandy soil


The Aes Sedai know nothing about its origins, it is not from any nation they know.


So, could it be a village from Shara?


Its certainly strange, nothing we have seen before.


I dont think the village itself is of much significance in itself, but could it be a plot device, a kind of forshadowing of something to come?


To be honest, i think its just something cool put in, but it is wheel of time.



OTher possibilites are Seanchan village. In tGS prologue the Seanchan soldier with Tylee talks about his home, near a beach with palm tree type plants.


A village from the Blight. The village comes with the tainting of the ground, although, in itself, it is not tainted. But the Blasted Lands are pretty arid. This would be an interesting possibility, a foreshadowing of people living in the Blight. (my favorite, Aiel Dreadlords)

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Sounds more like Australia The Land of Madmen to me.


Hmmm, I hadnt thought of that. I always thought that the Land of Madmen peoples just kinda wondered round scavenging what they could to survive because of the destruction and such the madmen would make. The BWB says something about the LOMM never being able to build any type of society, i kinda ruled a village out.


But you may be right. Specially after the taint has been cleansed. it oculd be a sign that the LOMM are rebuilding.


As for Australia, see Luckers' sig :biggrin:

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It possibly could be from Shara, although I always took it to be a village from the blight which serves as foreshadowing/confirmation of the society that many (including myself) believe exist up there. I began to wonder when Moridin has the black fortress in the blight and there are other humans up there, not just shadowspawn. My first thought when I read about the village was that it was more confirmation of that. Plus I believe there was some blight on the plants in the village, which IMO points more to a blight origin.

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It possibly could be from Shara, although I always took it to be a village from the blight which serves as foreshadowing/confirmation of the society that many (including myself) believe exist up there. I began to wonder when Moridin has the black fortress in the blight and there are other humans up there, not just shadowspawn. My first thought when I read about the village was that it was more confirmation of that. Plus I believe there was some blight on the plants in the village, which IMO points more to a blight origin.


Yes, thats what I thought aswell. A foreshadowing of my Aiel-male channelers (or really, just anyone i suppose) in the Blight.


I was unsure however, because the village itself is untouched by the Blight Taint and the thatching and wood, while strange, didnt seem to be particularly "Blight-y" (I would have thought they would be noticeably tainted)

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Thinking on it the Blighted ground could well be just the dark one's signature that he was behind the village's displacement. That foreshadowing in TGS was too well placed with Mishima. Also, I believe it's foreshadowing for large scale transportation (Trolloc parallel world) etc.

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In the margin of the guide::

The Sea Folk tell fearsome tales of those who chanced to go ashore on the Land of the Madmen and made it back to their ships. The natives apparently never recovered from the Breaking, and never managed to reestablish order of any kind. The people are reported to live in wretched hovels in small, primitive villages. Any foreigner runs the risk of encountering channelers of either sex. The male channelers are frequently insane, of course, due to the taint, but the women are just as dangerous and unpredictable. If the stranger meets no channelers, he is simply overwhelmed by a mob of villagers who attempt to kill on sight anyone unknown to them. There seems no possibility of peaceful contact.

Chapter 15. bold mine.



Another possibility might be Shadow Coast.

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