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*calls in his Minions*


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Hmm.. I approve of this method. You can have 40 points for this. (Mostly just because I like the thought of a Beiber being killed on my whim :rolleyes: )


Really, nicely done.


On another note, I am enjoying the recent wave of murders across SG. I now call for the death of Nyn.

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*Zombie-walks in, eyes closed and a horrible sharp-toothed maniac grin on her face*
















*slips in a puddle of blood*







*crawls to the Master’s feet and grabs the hem of his robes, wiping her hands on them*



I would like to make myself useful. WhAt Is YoUr CoMmAnD?/?/?

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How did i not see this thread???


I see your zombie and I counter it with


Me! as a zombie



*is unimpressed and noms the zombies including Dap for breakfast*


Just throwing this out there...


Where'd the zombie get the technical know-how to work a chainsaw?


I think it et the brrrraaaiiiinnnnzzzzz of a woodcutter it killed. Then his technical knowhow got transferred to the zombie...:unsure:


Zombie's with chainsaw's are the most pants-messingingly scary thing ever.


... :baalzamon: ...

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Oh noez....zombies now get the smarts of people they eat? Hopefully the ones after me eat Ed and Krak then.......



Badum dum.




Oh and consequently, if they ate Nyn as well, they would become too topheavy to walk and I would be able to escape them completely.

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