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Should I wait until ToM 2 edition and read it then? no spoilers


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I haven't read Towers of Midnight, so no spoilers please =)


The thing is, I started reading WoT as a teenager about 13 years ago, and the books have been a part of my life ever since. I was sooo looking forward to reading ToM last autumn when it was released but just before I went to buy it, i paid Brandon Sandersons website a visit. There Brandon wrote that a few errors in the story hade been found by readers who hade bought the first edition. He also wrote that they were to be corrected in the second edition of the book released when the soft cover/paperback would be released (this autumn one year later?).


I was okey with that because I was in the middle of writing a university thesis. But now, my fingers are really itching to read it ;(. But I dont want to read it and get disappointed because of errors and regret I didnt wait for the 2 edition.


My question to you all that have read it:

Are the errors in the ToM 1 edition, that are to be corrected in the 2 edition, small errors you wont notice? Or are they narrative inconsistencies that would make it wise to continue and wait until the 2 edition is released?


I really want to read it, but as this is the book story I love so much, I don't want to ruin it either if all I has to do is wait.


// Greetings from Scandinavia =)


Welcome to the forums :myrddraal:

I didn't really notice anything drastic. There is one moment when RJ/BS gets a Maiden's name in the wrong place (said Maiden is apparently in two places at once) but it has no real bearing on anything at all, and in all honesty I didn't even see it 'til I came on here...


Kind of depends on how fast you intend to read it. It's mostly typos/sentence structure issues, not narrative things. They disappear when reading at top speed for the story but really stick out if you try to spend time with the book.


I honestly don't care that much about grammatical errors, so I would say get it now. It's a great book.


I wouldn't say that. I think there are SERIOUS timeline problems which are confusing. They get fixed later, hopefully, though for some of them I can't imagine how.

I'd wait for that 2nd edition, if I could stand waiting (no I wouldn't be able to, but you might).


There are a few annoying things, but the biggest problems are the timeline, which in most cases is unfixable due to how far behind Perrin's timeline is. And there is one point in which something happens that had already happened a few books ago, but it is only a couple lines and isn't disconcerting. The grammar issues are survivable, you will notice some of the more obvious ones but they aren't too much of a problem.


No way - don't let a couple errors stop you from reading this book! Its awesome. I didn't notice any errors, but I'm not the most observant person in the world either. I got the hard cover (US edition) shipped to me to go with all my other hardcovers, so I wouldn't want the 'corrected' paperback version anyway... I would say that the errors would be no more distracting than some errors that you would find in your favourite movie.


Most of the timeline issues won't get fixed in the second edition, since it would require massive changes, for which Brandon has no time now. A lot of minor misspellings would be fixed, and other minor issues, but if I were you, I wouldn't wait 6 months for that. Not worth it IMO.


I guess the prologue with Delana and Halima and (OK, no spoilers...) won't get "fixed" in the 2nd edition; that was more jarring than the timeline complaints to me (I think Verin's boots explain the timeline issues somewhat - somewhere there may ba an assumption that's out of kilter). I noticed one time when "Galad went to the of the camp" during a battle, and there was an Egwene scene after that one that seemed to be missing something. Otherwise, go for it!


Wow! Thank you all for your responses. They really helped to answer my question.


Some of you only think the errors are of minor concern. Others think they are of more significance. This makes it really ambiguous.


But, because of what David above tells us - that the major errors wont be corrected in the second edition - it becomes an easy choice. I could have waited months for a second edition with all the errors corrected, but not years. So I will order the book now =D.


I will just think of it as a story that is being told to us by different people (Jordan vs Brandon etc), and because it isnt an objective account, just second hand informtion, errors will occur. Just like the bible, just like different movies depicting the same storry und so weiter.


Thanks again =)


There are a few annoying things, but the biggest problems are the timeline, which in most cases is unfixable due to how far behind Perrin's timeline is. And there is one point in which something happens that had already happened a few books ago, but it is only a couple lines and isn't disconcerting. The grammar issues are survivable, you will notice some of the more obvious ones but they aren't too much of a problem.


Apart from the thing you mention (yes, it's irritating because there are two-three references), there's also the odd sentence construction like "the Aiel will ride to war" (which is fixed in later editions and the e-book apparently).

But I don;t think you'll be upset if you pick it up now.

The timeline issues probably won't get fixed in a later edition of ToM - they'll more likely get retconned/ brushed over in AMoL.


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