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Evilest Potential


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So I was curious. I work in a bank, and daily I have opportunities to be a really evil guy. Just really do some horrible things. And it got me to thinking, what is the EVIL POTENTIAL per workplace? I think I would have to rate pretty highly.


Here's what I COULD do:


- Ruin someone's credit, preventing them from getting any phone/debt/life

- Steal all their money.

- Steal OTHER money, and blame it on someone else.

- Steal someone's identity

- Decline credit applications for no reason whatsoever.


And probably a tonne more stuff I havn't thought of. I give my EVIL POTENTIA a 8/10.


So what about you guys?


People have a habit of telling me their secrets. Now im a good person an dont spread these but if I was evil I could slowly spread out their secrets and make sure that their lives become a living hell. Id be selective and target only one or two people and slowly whittle away at their social life and make it so they felt so isolated and alone they could kill themselves so I would be completely removed from the murder.


I usd to work for a video store.


If a customer made me upset, I could wait to check their movies in, lose their films in the "mis-matched" drawer so their credit cards would get charged for buying the film (or game).

I could put their accounts on hold, or cancel their accounts.

I had access to their phone numbers and addresses.



Of course, I'd have gotten fired for doing any of this stuff.


I manage a gas station... i could quadruple the price of gas at will.... mwahahahaha


Thats only evil if you are the only gas in a 100 kilometers. Otherwise you're only hurting yourself, and thats emo, not evil.


I manage a gas station... i could quadruple the price of gas at will.... mwahahahaha


Thats only evil if you are the only gas in a 100 kilometers. Otherwise you're only hurting yourself, and thats emo, not evil.


Close... closest gas south is 25k and north about 35km - funny how many people say they were right on empty when they come into pay....


I'm working for an estate agent, I can (and have) manipulated the situation so the tenant gets evicted ;)


PLus worked for Credit card company, bank, the driving standards agency (on the test section so you can't pass) and a few others :laugh:


Evil potential...


Well, my job is in a high school dormitory, so I have a large pool of minions...


but in previous positions I built relationships with several of my state's political leaders. I can call them and tell them which direction to go on bills they're considering, and so far the bulk of them go with what I tell them. If I were truly trying to be evil, I could totally screw over the millions of people who live in my state.




*shifty eyes*


I have never considered ways to do so... never.


Hmmm I work in a chemical factory......

* Blow it up! :excl:

* Make Meth! :gholam:

* Poison water supply! (I'm right by a major river) :blink:

* Make poison coffee for my boss! :wink:(yah :wink: )

* Dye the town psycadelic(spelling ** note: I do work in a factory)? :huh: with a poison cloud included! :darkone:

* Sorry I keep yelling but I'm deaf from all the machinery! :sad:



BURN BABY BURN! :flamingsword:


So...anyway what rating guys and gals?

10/10 - 10 = -9 :rolleyes:


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