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February Sign In


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Happy February! I love this month! :D


I know some of you are allergic to lovey stuff, so let's try something different for our sign in this month.


POST WHATEVER YOU WANT (that I won't have to whap you for, anyway)! C'mon... be original!



(and only post once! You can talk about what you posted here: http://www.dragonmount.com/forums/topic/56155-february-sign-in-discussion)

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My birthday is just around the corner! :D


I'm debating taking the day off, but I need to preserve my sick days for my maternity leave in the fall. I have a dr's appt that afternoon, anyway, so it's not like I'll be working all day. I've even debated a compromise and only taking a half day off. *chews her lip*



Oh, decisions, decisions!

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