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Snow :p


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Tonight before going into a meeting I thought smugly that - living in the southernmost tip of Canada - we had evaded the horrible forecast since not a hint of white had begun. Fast forward 3 hours as I leave the meeting - by the time I walked to my car in the parking lot I had icicles forming in my hair, snow had somehow found its way down the back collar of my coat, down my shirt and right down my back and threatened to seep down the waist!!! A snow plow drove by showering me with dirty slush as I was trying in vain to clear off my car. Driving home in near white out conditions, I actually got stuck in a snow drift coming down the decline from a railway crossing - and I have AWD!!! A nice person offered to drive my car while I pushed :p MORE snow and ice showered at me (from all 4 wheels :\ ) as I heaved myself at the back of my poor car. I lost a shoe in a drift as I tried to run after the person who drove off in my car as I finally pushed it to freedom (it was a slip-on). Oh, he stopped after about 30 meters stating he just wanted to make sure I was well and clear and then began a discussion about how nice and warm my heated seats are. Parked the car, went back and nearly died of exposure as I fished through the snow for my missing shoe, my poor foot soaked to the bone. The whole while praying another snow plow didn't go by or I didn't get hit by a car but alas I was the only poor fool on the road. Through the grace of the gods I found my shoe and ran back to my car which fortunately hadn't been hijacked by the ambitious good samaritan. FINALLY made it home and my garage door was frozen shut. I used the shoe I retrieved to bang away at the ice (it was already fairly frozen) and finally got the stupid thing loosened enough to open it manually.


And so here I sit, wrapped in towels drinking some vodka, trying to thaw out. I can't wait until I have to shovel out in the morning to go back to work tomorrow!!! I will give 10 points to anyone who comes and does that for me. 5 bonus points if you're coming from out of country!!!!!

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A few weeks ago, there was a lot of snow in the U.S. It seemed all my friends and family posting on Facebook said something to the effect of "It's snowing, i can't go to work/school/whatever" for about a week. [Most of these were in Georgia].

Meanwhile, here in houston, I wore flip flops and shorts outside to check the mail. Because it was average weather, for September.

Today was the first day all winter I stepped outside and thought "dang it- it is cold."

I don't hate snow. I actually kinda like it. But we don't get it often.


I would gladly go up there to see the snow, but by the time I got there, it would be gone.


Sorry :(



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Ooh I was in Germany once - in Munich! I loved it there! The only problem was that I don't speak German and had to get by with my broken French, and they don't seem to have any vowels in any of their street names so asking for directions was a challenge. I bet they call it "snchwwz" in Germany!!

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German is an angry sounding language. A friend of mine once described it as sounding like being ticked off with a sinus infection.


No one slipped and died of agonizing pain while i was there, [that i knew] but some American kids did get in trouble for throwing rocks off a bridge onto cars driving on the autobahn.


it was horrible.

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Try to avoid tall hats and cooking oil.


Remember, it's not hard to avoid spontaneous combustion with a few easy precautions and a goat.


A chalk compass would help, too.


This was the funniest post I've seen in a while - 5 points!! Now if only I could remember where I left my goat...

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Thankee. :D


No goat? Well, that's a pity, but you shouldn't sacrifice your neighbour to a Lovecraftian abomination quite yet. People tend to get suspicious, and some preparation is necessary, so let me instead present:


Edie's Easy Guide to Goat Rustling:


1. Find your goat


2. Now, it is essential that you intimidate the goat. Edgar Allen Poe is recommended for this purpose, or alternatively try to explain surrealism.


3. Distract any watchers by making a dramatic revelation: claim to be the last descendant of Genghis Khan or something.


4. Make off with the goat.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I got the goat and it worked for me with this latest snowfall. No combustion. A big group of my friends though got stuck in Chicago on their way back from Mexico - their plane was canceled due to the huge blizzard we had - they waited 8 hours for a bus that was delayed and then canceled, and then finally managed to snag a train home. I told them it was karma for being in Mexico while I had to stay here. And on the bright side, they didn't get beheaded by any of the cartels.

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