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So I've been working on this for a bit. Right now I'm trying to piece together the size of Perrin's army as of the ending of ToM.





Perrin is the overall commander, with Tam al'Thor his second in command.


Commanding the Winged Guards (Mayene) is Bertain Gallene

Commanding the Legion of the Wall (Ghealdan) is Gerard Arganda

Commanding the Two Rivers bowmen is most likely Wil al'Seen, with Ban al'Seen also having a leadership role

Commanding the Cha'Faile is of course Faile




Army size and makeup:



Winged Guards--1000

Legion of the Wall--1,000

White Cloaks--5-7,000




2 Asha'men (Grady and Neal)

3 Aes Sedai (Seonid, Masuri, Annoura)

6 Wise Ones (Nevarin, Edarra, . . .)



70,000 to 85,000

Whitecloaks--10 to 15,000

Perrin's Army--60 to 80,000


Infantry includes quarterstaff, swords, as well as crossbowmen. Probably pikes as well though we're not specifically shown that.



1,000 to 1,500 Two Rivers men

500 to 1,000 "outlanders"


Total forces

7,000 to 9,000 calvary

2,000 to 3,000 archers

70,000 to 85,000 infantry



As of the battle of Malden there were 200 Two Rivers longbowmen. I imagine they suffered some losses there and also gained new recruits as well.


Anyone remember or can find how many of the Mayeners (Ghealdans) there are? Am I missing anyone else? Anybody got a better name for Perrin's army than "Perrin's Army"?


Edit 1: 1,000 Ghealdans (2,000 total calvary at the battle of Jehanna road. We know for sure that the Winged Guard is 1,000, so by subtraction that leaves a 1,000 for the Legion of the Wall)


Edit 2: 3,000 bowmen at Malden. 2,000 Two Rivers and 1,000 outlanders with shorter bows. Figuring losses since then (which don't seem to be heavy amongst the archers) and I figure there's somewhere between 2000 and 2500 bowmen in the Two Rivers command.


Edit 3: Total forces. 79,000 to 97,000 (Other than the Seanchan this may be the largest army in Randland as of the end of ToM)




In Knife of Dreams, chapter 25 Talmanes meets up with Mat. At that point he had brought " . . .three banners of horse and four thousand mounted crossbowmen. I left three banners of horse and five of foot . . ." There's also a banner of masons.


In chapter 37 of KoD we learn that Mat has lost 400 crossbowmen and close to 500 calvary. Talmanes leads 3 banners of horse behind the 10,000 men who are trying to capture or kill Tuon. "Talmanes had come in range, now, and announced himself with a volley from four thousand bows . . .)


So, 3 banners at this point is 4000 horsemen, with another 500 dead, making 4500 total. This makes one banner of horse equal to 1500 men. Banners of foot are twice as big as horse, making 3,000 men to a banner.



Band of the Red Hand

Crossbowmen--3500-4000 (figuring replacements and desertions)











Total forces--28,500 to 31,500 (depending on how large a banner of masons is).


Edit: 1 Banner of foot is 3,000 per the Guide

Edit: 2 Mat was trying to reach a ration of 1:5 ratio of archers to pike but wanted to go higher. Assuming 2:5 ratio then we've got 6,000 archers to 9,000 pike


Anybody got a better name for Perrin's army than "Perrin's Army"?


"The Pride? Easy reference to the dark prophecy at the end of ToM, though "The Pack" might seem more appropriate.


I was thinking something along those lines. I came up with Wolfbrothers, but then discarded it because that specifically refers to people like Perrin and Elyas.


Well, in answer to the question of names, Perrin's army is called "The Wolf Guard". As regards the numbers of Mayeners and bowman..I believe that there are about 900 of the Mayeners and somewhere above 3,000 Two Rivers men (Remember, Tam brought that many to Maldon and they haven't gone home). Aditionally, Tam has gone back to the Two Rivers to recruit even more for the fight at Tarmon Guidan..




Well, in answer to the question of names, Perrin's army is called "The Wolf Guard". As regards the numbers of Mayeners and bowman..I believe that there are about 900 of the Mayeners and somewhere above 3,000 Two Rivers men (Remember, Tam brought that many to Maldon and they haven't gone home). Aditionally, Tam has gone back to the Two Rivers to recruit even more for the fight at Tarmon Guidan..




Yeah the Mayeners are the Winged Guard--edited that wrong.


No way are there 3,000 Two Rivers bowmen. Given the size of the towns described in the Two Rivers I doubt there's 3,000 men the whole thing. Just found the passage--there are actually 200 as of Malden.


"The appearance of near enough two thousand lancers and two hundred-odd bowmen was sufficient to make the Shaido below raise their veils ... "


Well, in answer to the question of names, Perrin's army is called "The Wolf Guard". As regards the numbers of Mayeners and bowman..I believe that there are about 900 of the Mayeners and somewhere above 3,000 Two Rivers men (Remember, Tam brought that many to Maldon and they haven't gone home). Aditionally, Tam has gone back to the Two Rivers to recruit even more for the fight at Tarmon Guidan..




Yeah the Mayeners are the Winged Guard--edited that wrong.


No way are there 3,000 Two Rivers bowmen. Given the size of the towns described in the Two Rivers I doubt there's 3,000 men the whole thing. Just found the passage--there are actually 200 as of Malden.


"The appearance of near enough two thousand lancers and two hundred-odd bowmen was sufficient to make the Shaido below raise their veils ... "

It then says on the same page that outlanders and Two Rivers people with bows poured out of gateways to form three ranks, between 3,000 and 4,000 men. They all were archers, and on the bottom of page 640 and beginning page 641, 2 pages over, Tam is saying raise long bows only, while shortbows hold, and when the volley is fired it is described as "Thousands of bowstrings snapped behind him [Perrin]. Arrows arced over his head. The sky seemed black with them."

So it sounds like not too many outlanders with shortbows, a lot of Two Rivers people with long bows. Back then in a rural type setting not too many people lived in villages, I remember from history something like 80% of a countries population was rural (although I guess Emonds Field and Devons Ride would be considered rural areas), so the vast majority would have been farms much smaller than the ones we have today, probably only a hundred or so hectares.


So it sounds like not too many outlanders with shortbows, a lot of Two Rivers people with long bows. Back then in a rural type setting not too many people lived in villages, I remember from history something like 80% of a countries population was rural (although I guess Emonds Field and Devons Ride would be considered rural areas), so the vast majority would have been farms much smaller than the ones we have today, probably only a hundred or so hectares.





So in re-reading the defense of Edmond's Field in TSR I get the impression that there were probably about 1200 or Edmond Fielders involved. From Chapter 44 (I don't have a hardcopy anymore--this is from the ebook, so no page numbers) "Along the west end of the village a hundred men knelt on one knee right behind the bristle of stakes . . .To their rear, twice as many formed two lines, holding good Two Rivers longbows . . ."


So if we figure the same number of men on each side that's 1200, and assuming Deven Ride and Watch Hill are the same size as Edmond's field we can figure about 3500 or so at the defense of Edmond's Field.


Figuring in losses and people who didn't want to come with Perrin's army we've probably got 2000--2500 longbowmen and another 500 to 1000 of the refugees picked up along the way. I'll have to edit it again.


So I've been working on this for a bit. Right now I'm trying to piece together the size of Perrin's army as of the ending of ToM.


Perrin is the overall commander, with Tam al'Thor his second in command.


Commanding the Winged Guards (Mayene) is Bertain Gallene

Commanding the Legion of the Wall (Ghealdan) is Gerard Arganda

Commanding the Two Rivers bowmen is most likely Wil al'Seen, with Ban al'Seen also having a leadership role

Commanding the Cha'Faile is of course Faile




Army size and makeup:



Winged Guards--1000

Legion of the Wall--1,000

White Cloaks--5-7,000




2 Asha'men (Grady and Neal)

3 Aes Sedai (Seonid, Masuri, Annoura)

6 Wise Ones (Nevarin, Edarra, . . .)



70,000 to 85,000

Whitecloaks--10 to 15,000

Perrin's Army--60 to 80,000


Infantry includes quarterstaff, swords, as well as crossbowmen. Probably pikes as well though we're not specifically shown that.



1,000 to 1,500 Two Rivers men

500 to 1,000 "outlanders"


Total forces

7,000 to 9,000 calvary

2,000 to 3,000 archers

70,000 to 85,000 infantry



As of the battle of Malden there were 200 Two Rivers longbowmen. I imagine they suffered some losses there and also gained new recruits as well.


Anyone remember or can find how many of the Mayeners (Ghealdans) there are? Am I missing anyone else? Anybody got a better name for Perrin's army than "Perrin's Army"?


Edit 1: 1,000 Ghealdans (2,000 total calvary at the battle of Jehanna road. We know for sure that the Winged Guard is 1,000, so by subtraction that leaves a 1,000 for the Legion of the Wall)


Edit 2: 3,000 bowmen at Malden. 2,000 Two Rivers and 1,000 outlanders with shorter bows. Figuring losses since then (which don't seem to be heavy amongst the archers) and I figure there's somewhere between 2000 and 2500 bowmen in the Two Rivers command.


Edit 3: Total forces. 79,000 to 97,000 (Other than the Seanchan this may be the largest army in Randland as of the end of ToM)

The last number put to Perrin's camp was 70,000 outside of Whitebridge. However I don't think every refuge trained for battle, just most of them. Surely a decent number of women are just sticking around with their husband. I'd say maybe 60,000 soldiers.


There are the 200,000 with the Borderlanders of course.


Tar Valon probably has about 100,000 men. Bryne had 50k during the siege and it was Elaida's goal to match it. Recruitment has gone well for them since then, so I assume they have.


Legion of the Dragon had 70k last I remember, but I don't know where they are right now.


The last number put to Perrin's camp was 70,000 outside of Whitebridge. However I don't think every refuge trained for battle, just most of them. Surely a decent number of women are just sticking around with their husband. I'd say maybe 60,000 soldiers.


As of the Battle of Jehannah Road there were 100,000 in the refugee train (probably much less now what with them being Gated home). When Perrin and Galad have their negotiations Perrin mentions that his army is 3 to 4 times the size of the Whitecloaks whm we know number 20,000. That would make Perrin's army somewhere between 60,000 and 80,000


There are the 200,000 with the Borderlanders of course.


Tar Valon probably has about 100,000 men. Bryne had 50k during the siege and it was Elaida's goal to match it. Recruitment has gone well for them since then, so I assume they have.


Yeah, this sounds about right to me.


Legion of the Dragon had 70k last I remember, but I don't know where they are right now.


No idea either. There were 300,000 Seanchan in Arad Domon when Itulrade was fighting them there, plus 100,000 Aiel (whom I'm assuming are Shaido). Itulrade had some 50,000 left when Rand sent them to Maradon to fight, though they've suffered heavy losses since then so there's no telling how many are left.


The last number put to Perrin's camp was 70,000 outside of Whitebridge. However I don't think every refuge trained for battle, just most of them.

I believe it was stated everyone left with perin was learning soldiering life, and all of them where learning especially fast


What Perrin has is a coalition. Though Mayene, Ghealdan, and the Whitecloaks fight under his command, they are not really his.

The Two Rivers men are his along with all the other refugees and mercenaries that now form the Wolf Guard.


Other armies that need mentioning are:

- Lan has 12,000 (soon to be 0)

- The Band of the Red Hand was about 30,000 - 40,000 when Mat got to Caemlyn and reunited with Estean and Daerid. As of the end of ToM not all of it is in one place; part of it is with Talmanes right when Caemlyn is attacked, the other with Elayne at the Field of Merillor

- Elaybe's army (besides the Band): Elayne defended Caemlyn with 10,000 men against Arymilla's 30,000; after that battle, most of Arymilla's forces went to Elayne; all in all I would say that that's about 25,000-30,000; then the six most powerful nobles acknowledged Elayne, and they had about 60,000 between them; since them other nobles paid homage and the Queen's Guards was probably bolstered; in total I would say the Andoran forces are at least 100,000. Add to that the Cairhienin forces, which I would say are no more than half of the Andorans considering all the losses they suffered since the Shaido invasion - total army 150,000


The Shadow's forces: at least 5 to 10 times more than all the forces of the Light put together; this is a guess, but whatever numbers Rand and co. bring will probably fall short.



So in re-reading the defense of Edmond's Field in TSR I get the impression that there were probably about 1200 or Edmond Fielders involved. From Chapter 44 (I don't have a hardcopy anymore--this is from the ebook, so no page numbers) "Along the west end of the village a hundred men knelt on one knee right behind the bristle of stakes . . .To their rear, twice as many formed two lines, holding good Two Rivers longbows . . ."


So if we figure the same number of men on each side that's 1200, and assuming Deven Ride and Watch Hill are the same size as Edmond's field we can figure about 3500 or so at the defense of Edmond's Field.


Figuring in losses and people who didn't want to come with Perrin's army we've probably got 2000--2500 longbowmen and another 500 to 1000 of the refugees picked up along the way. I'll have to edit it again.



The Prophecies of the Dragon RPG (pg 118) claims Perrin Goldeneyes led "roughly 6000 men and women" , later joined by 250 Deven's ride archers and 400 Watch Hill folk led by Faile in the defence of Emond's Field. 180 Children of the Light watched. No count on the Tinkers.


Faced off against 50 fists (some 8000) Trollocs and 40 Myrddraal.




Well I've got it open, page 178 gives the stats for Dumai's Wells.

6000 loyal Aiel

200 Mayener Wing Guards

200 House Taborwin Armsmen

300 Two Rivers bowmen

9 rebel Aes Sedai with 16 Warders

1000 wolves

200 Asha'man



39 Tower Aes Sedai with Warders

581 Younglings

several dozen servants




40 000 Shaido

200 channeling Wise ones




Take these numbers for what they're worth.



Take these numbers for what they're worth.


Don't have the actual citation, but I seem to remember that the Seanchan were supposed to have leashed about 500 Shaido Wise Ones after Malden. So somewhere, somehow Sevanna doubled the Shaido numbers after Dumai's Wells. Total Shaido at Malden were supposed to number about 100,000.


I think the Band of the Red Hand has grown since their 2 month stay in Caemlyn. Mat's army has a tendency to gather recruits where ever they go and the city was overflowing with refuges and mercenaries. Given what people where saying about Mat in the city (while the book doesn't say it was happening) refuges would have signed on and mercenaries would have wanted the honor of saying "they rode with the Band."


And Mat draws followers because of his ta'verenness and he needed to recruit and train, at minimum, a complete banner for his new artillery. I would guess it is now between 40-50,000.


In WH Talmanese said the Band had 6 banners of horse, five banners infantry, and one banner of engineers. The BWB said the Band is set up like armies between the Trolloc Wars and Hawkwing were set up with a banner of horse having 1500 people and a banner of infantry at 3000. Don't know how many are in a engineering banner.


To address the Band: Mat also says there have been some deserters. The band cannot be over 40,000 men and is probably slightly fewer.


You seem to have Perrin figured out.


People seem to underestimate the forces Rand has at his disposal. He has the service of three of the great captains; Bashere, Ituralde, and the Lord what's his name from the borderlands. He also has Mat. Technically Perrin's troops are part of Rand's force. And with LTT memories Rand is probably at least a Great Captain level general.

Total: 1,050,000 troops and 5500 channelers+80,000 troops under Perrin

11 tribes of Aiel or more than 400,000 Aiel. We do not know where they all are at the moment but they compose the bulk of Rand's forces. They also probably have around 5000 wise ones who can channel. The Shaido had 400-500 and the other tribes must have close to similar numbers. Rhuarc is their general and is a very good one at that.


150,000 troops from Tear, most of these men are fresh levies raised by Darlin at Rand's orders but some are veterans. This is the army Rand took to Maradon to save the city. The majority of them are at FoM with Darlin.


90,000-100,000 troops from Illian. "Lord Brend" had more but Rand still has a sizable force. Unknown number at FoM the rest defending Illian from the Seanchan.


Unknown number of troops from Arad Doman under Ituralde. These men are still organizing the country. We have no idea of their numbers but Ituralde stripped the land bare to fight the Seanchan and then trollocs so there are probably 20,000-30,000 who can march under Rand's orders.


200,000 Borderlanders who joined him in ToM. There are also the remnant of Bashere's Saldeans who should number around 8000 at this point.


10,000 Farmers from Two Rivers with Tam in command.


70,000-90,000 men in the legion of the dragon. All foot with crossbows. They are Rand's most loyal force and probably the best organized. Last we saw they were in Andor near the Black Tower.


Rand also has 250 loyal Asha'man and 83 sisters (one is BA) with him. There are nearly 700 Asha'man unaccounted for. Some are doing things for Rand. I would say no more than 600 in the BT. Taim has 100 under his control. In the end Rand has around 800 channelers not countering the ones loyal to Taim.


Elayne: At one point she mentions Andor can raise almost 200,000 fighting men which fits with Andor being the strongest nation. You are correct that at the moment she can not have more than 100,000 also at least half of these are badly trained levies who at most know how to hold a spear. Cairhien has been attacked by the Aiel twice and was not as strong as Tear, Illian, or Andor to begin with. I would say they have 20,000 troops at most with Elayne. Elayne just has not had time to muster the peasants. She also has 15,000 from the Band. She also has 123 Kin in the capital, we do not know how many, if any, went to FoM. She has no general of noticeable skill. Bridget is in command along with her other duties. Total she has 135,000.



P.S people say the numbers in WoT are unrealistic but looking at Europe in a similar time period the numbers balance out. Remember in our time a smaller portion of the population fights. It doesn't take that long to teach the peasants of Tear or Andor how to hold a spear. They won't equal the borderlanders but they do add to the numbers. The Roman empire could field armies of 200,000 when Rome had a lower population than that of Andor. Obviously they were spread over the empire but Rome often fought with armies of 80,000 in one battle.


Edit two: added generals and sums


The numbers in WOT are fine. Despite the weapons, this is not a medieval society. This is an early industrial society with early renaissance weaponry. Napoleon was able to raise an army of 600k from a much smaller territory, then was able to raise hundreds of thousands more a few years after that army failed. While late 18th-early 19th century Europe had a denser population than Randland, Randland is far, far larger.

Armies in the low millions should be expected for The Last Battle. I expect that if you count all the peasants who have been streaming north and gathering arms, there will be between 1-2 million soldiers fighting for the light. We have almost a million just with the troops already detailed in this thread!


To address the Band: Mat also says there have been some deserters. The band cannot be over 40,000 men and is probably slightly fewer.

Mat thought the guy the Gholam killed a few days before the attack was a deserter. He then implies they are few and far between.


If you're talking about the "deserters" from the Band to the SAS army I don't think they were true deserters, but something concocted between Talmanes and Uno. I don't think Uno and the other 14 Shirians(?) would be very kind to anyone they saw as deserting the Lord Dragon. I don't think desertion is tolerated in the borderlands.


Talmanes mentioned that when ever Mat leaves the band men desert. Quite a few desert while Mat is traveling with Tuon. I agree that they are not a large number but I still think the band can't be bigger than 40,000.


P.S people say the numbers in WoT are unrealistic but looking at Europe in a similar time period the numbers balance out. Remember in our time a smaller portion of the population fights. It doesn't take that long to teach the peasants of Tear or Andor how to hold a spear. They won't equal the borderlanders but they do add to the numbers. The Roman empire could field armies of 200,000 when Rome had a lower population than that of Andor. Obviously they were spread over the empire but Rome often fought with armies of 80,000 in one battle.


Edit two: added generals and sums


This is actually addressed in ToM. Faile has a conversation with Perrin where she remarks on the high percentage of the refugees who decide to follow Perrin and how fast they learn their weapons and how many of them turn out to have a knack for it. It's the ta'veren affect on these people that helps them learn quickly.


What Perrin has is a coalition. Though Mayene, Ghealdan, and the Whitecloaks fight under his command, they are not really his.

The Two Rivers men are his along with all the other refugees and mercenaries that now form the Wolf Guard.



It's not a coalition. Galad swore an oath to obey Perrin, as did Berelain and Alliandre. When he combined with the Seanchan to fight the Shaido at Malden, that was a coalition. What he has now are three commands who are each sworn to follow him personally.


What Perrin has is a coalition. Though Mayene, Ghealdan, and the Whitecloaks fight under his command, they are not really his.

The Two Rivers men are his along with all the other refugees and mercenaries that now form the Wolf Guard.



It's not a coalition. Galad swore an oath to obey Perrin, as did Berelain and Alliandre. When he combined with the Seanchan to fight the Shaido at Malden, that was a coalition. What he has now are three commands who are each sworn to follow him personally.


Galad will only fight under Perrin's command until the Last Battle is finished. Berelain probably the same since her main ambition was to have a connection with the Dragon. Only Alliandre has sworn the oath of a vassal. The word coalition is used in ToM from Egwene's perspective, and that is mainly why I used it. Perrin himself has tended to see them as his close allies, and he would let them go if they asked. (or he would have before he became a better leader)


What Perrin has is a coalition. Though Mayene, Ghealdan, and the Whitecloaks fight under his command, they are not really his.

The Two Rivers men are his along with all the other refugees and mercenaries that now form the Wolf Guard.



It's not a coalition. Galad swore an oath to obey Perrin, as did Berelain and Alliandre. When he combined with the Seanchan to fight the Shaido at Malden, that was a coalition. What he has now are three commands who are each sworn to follow him personally.


Galad will only fight under Perrin's command until the Last Battle is finished. Berelain probably the same since her main ambition was to have a connection with the Dragon. Only Alliandre has sworn the oath of a vassal. The word coalition is used in ToM from Egwene's perspective, and that is mainly why I used it. Perrin himself has tended to see them as his close allies, and he would let them go if they asked. (or he would have before he became a better leader)


and your point is . . .?


The whole point of this exercise is to figure out how many men the Armies of the Light (AOL) will have at Tarmon Gaidon. Alliandre, Galad, and Berelain have all sworn oaths to obey and follow Perrin. After that Perrin won't need to have an army of 80,000+ and most of those will probably disperse to take up normal lives.



The Prophecies of the Dragon RPG (pg 118) claims Perrin Goldeneyes led "roughly 6000 men and women" , later joined by 250 Deven's ride archers and 400 Watch Hill folk led by Faile in the defence of Emond's Field. 180 Children of the Light watched. No count on the Tinkers.


There were at least 400 Whitecloaks. From Chapter 56 of The Shadow Rising (using the ebook so no page number). "Leaving. Over four hundred soldiers, leaving." The other numbers make me really suspicious as well since each side of the village held three hundred men, making 1200 total. Even assuming all the men were married and each had 3 children we're barely at 5000. Deven Ride and Watch Hill both sent large contingents of their own people, yet the RPG says only 400 Watch Hill and 250 Deven Ride (when they left first)?


Faced off against 50 fists (some 8000) Trollocs and 40 Myrddraal.


I can believe this number. Verin's nearly positive that they couldn't have brought through 10,000, and if anyone would know something like that she would.



Well I've got it open, page 178 gives the stats for Dumai's Wells.

6000 loyal Aiel

200 Mayener Wing Guards

200 House Taborwin Armsmen

300 Two Rivers bowmen

9 rebel Aes Sedai with 16 Warders

1000 wolves

200 Asha'man



39 Tower Aes Sedai with Warders

581 Younglings

several dozen servants




40 000 Shaido

200 channeling Wise ones



Take these numbers for what they're worth.


Those Dumai Well numbers are ridiculous. They're trying to say that 1300 men beat off 40,000 Shaido? Yeah the good guys had 200 Asha'men, but if there were 200 Wise Ones they should mostly balance each other out. 40,000 Shaido would've overrun that army in minutes.


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