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Hey hun if you want to have a new talent or something that's fine but if you could either get in touch with Elgee or me whichever via...well not PM since its down but e-mail we can start talking/working/getting on letting you have whatever talent etc you would like. We are in the process of upgrading the website and revamping etc. My e-mail is Kaileenasedai@live.com and Elgee's is in her siggy...which I can't see right now *laughs*


*Paints the walls yellow* :biggrin:


I should have thought to post something earlier to remind people about no spoilers, but I forgotteded. Posted it up at the main board now.


Well! For once I'm happy I didn't read this board in time to ruin ToM for myself.


YAY! So... I'm guessing, no, you cannot until we get over the ToM non-spoiler phase. Whatever it is you wanted. *lol* Thus has the Yellow Ajah head spoken and so shall it be.


Cue much rejoicing and fanfare.




I SAID! *rejoicing and fanfare begins* Much better.

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