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Every man needs a few vices........and booze isn't the worst of them.......



and definately not me, i am most certainly two aisles over from the runner up on the Bachelor

I dunno about "needs..." :biggrin: Alcohol kills brain cells, ya know. Don't you want to keep as many as you can? :tongue:


Just remember that you're wrong, and you should be fine.


Meesh, I don't recall. It's the game based off the story I'm writing. A kind of "back story" thing.

Exactly. And we're always right.


Fair enough, and let me just say that I'm really digging the story already. I'm glad to hear you're working on something, I bet it'll be fantastic. If you ever need a beta reader, someone to help you hammer things out, let me know. I'd love to get my hands on your manuscript. *waggles eyebrows* :tongue:


Opinions cant be falsified good sir. 'Less they be false and proven as such.


I don't think it's an opinion if it can be proven wrong. In that case, it would be a belief, right? An opinion is just the way you see things, the way you feel about things. You can't challenge that someone feels that something is pink, even if it very clearly is purple. You can't prove that they really don't think it's pink, after all.

Of course, that's just what I think, I could be wrong.... :tongue:

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I thought they were called "hypotheses" and not "opinions." >.>


I know this isn't D&D, I'd never venture there, it gets too nasty. Discussions are allowed to happen elsewhere, though. :tongue:


Cheese, by the way, makes me think of Muenster, which I should probably start calling you that again, since I know you don't like Mac Sauce but I feel weird calling you MCS.


And speaking of Mac Sauce, I'm FINALLY going to be a crew trainer and get that 50-cent raise; the manager who was in charge of that before actually quit a while ago and I never got around to going over the book with another manager since then. :laugh:

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