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I can't sleep!


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And so I came online. (Because really, what else is there to do at almost 3am? Actually.. don't answer that.) My LJ is being stupid and so instead of posting my woe there I decided to do it here. Lucky you.


This has been one very boring weekend. I spent most of it being sick with the Cold from Hell (btw, random fact: there is a place just 30 minutes north of where I live called Hell. It's very fab, except not really as there is an airport, a hotel and a train station there and nothing else). I had to work both Friday and Saturday, and because of aforementioned cold work was generally bad.


Then today I did nothing. I slept in (which is probably why I can't sleep now), then had pizza with my roommates, then spent pretty much the rest of the day online or reading. I started the Eye of the World again, and I'm excited about the re-read. I haven't read anything WoT related for years (I never even finished CoT or KoD.. I know.. bad Mia) so doing this will be fun. I'm excited to be reading these books again, to discover why I loved the series so much in the first place. Dragonmount and the Wheel of Time world has been such a huge part of my life for so long, and I'm happy to go back to where it all began, so to speak.


Speaking of having been "living" in the WoT world for ages; next week I celebrate six years as a member of Dragonmount! Can you believe it? I've been a member of the White Tower for five of those years, an Aes Sedai for four (yes, I used a year getting the Shawl *lol*) and just randomly hanging about since what seems like the beginning of time. I can't believe there was ever a time when DM *wasn't* a part of my life.


I'm so happy I have this community, though. People come and go all the time, but no matter what the sense of family never disappears. I'm almost scared to think what my life would have been like without DM. I've gone to Canada, to the US and to England, all because of people I have met here. I've met some of my best friends in this community, and I've grown as a person, too. Or so I'd like to think, anyway.


Right. I should probably shut up now. Questions, anyone? *lol*


Very many *hugs* and tons of love to all of you! And here's hoping I fall asleep soon!


All my love,


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Ah, I was wondering why you were awake at such an odd hour! :P


I'm sorry to hear you are sick. I was recently sick too, but I'm fortunately better now. Get well soon!


It's amazing to hear that you have been here for six years. I hope that someday I will get to meet you in RL. Even though I've only been here for (almost) two years, I feel like I've been here much longer. It's hard to imagine what my life was like before DM.

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