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why is the blight weakend after TeOTW?


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so Rand stabs Ishamael, right. but why does that cause the DO to lose enough power to let the Blight go quiet and later retreat a full two miles?

even having his top player get a small wound shouldn't cause any reaction at all for the Great Lord, even if we were still suposed to think they were one and the same at that point.


did he just feel like giving the Borderlanders a break?


so Rand stabs Ishamael, right. but why does that cause the DO to lose enough power to let the Blight go quiet and later retreat a full two miles?

even having his top player get a small wound shouldn't cause any reaction at all for the Great Lord, even if we were still suposed to think they were one and the same at that point.


did he just feel like giving the Borderlanders a break?


Saying the obvious of what you already know, which might not really explain anything.


Maybe Rand pushing back the great host of trollocks the shienars were fighting did something, he didnt even know what he was doing himself, he just was in autopilot. "look a drakhar, lets fry it". Might aswell ask teh question why the heroes of the horn was pushing back everytime Rand was pushed back, and the seanchan was pushed back everytime Rand pushed Ish back.


Or, the unleashing of the eye did something, or that the Nymf had that much mojo left in him that he managed to affect the nature in someway :D After all, the blight gotta have to do with the fact that shayul Gulh(cant spell it) lies in it and thats the place the dark one is closest to their or ours reality. So the blight is somekind of taint, and while most of the forsaken isnt that knowledgable about the Dark One, Ishamael and the Dark One seems to work closely togther so maybe the DO had something invested in him when he fought.

Or just a combination of it all :P


On a second thought, the blight is said to exist elsewhere aswell, so i dunno exactly if the whole "Blight spreads from SH, holds true". I guess i still have alot to learn.


so Rand stabs Ishamael, right. but why does that cause the DO to lose enough power to let the Blight go quiet and later retreat a full two miles?

even having his top player get a small wound shouldn't cause any reaction at all for the Great Lord, even if we were still suposed to think they were one and the same at that point.


did he just feel like giving the Borderlanders a break?


the DO suffers a great loss there, and it would no doubt set the DO back a few steps, but you are correct, I believe, this was not the whole reason, although it is certainly a part of it.


however, the main reason is the DO and Moridin are gathering their forces for TG. It is becomming more and more clear that the DO wants Rand to live to face him at TG. So Moridin has pulled back deep into the Blight to gather the Shadowspawn armies.


If you note, as the series progresses, Trollocs and Myrddraal dont attack as often, it is mostly the fighting between nations.


Remember him speaking to Demandred? "Let the Lord of Chaos Rule?"


i take it to mean the Forsaken are to sow chaos amongst the forces of Light, weakening them while their armies are untouched.


If the DO had invaded the blightborder with full force at the end of EotW, the nations would unite against the common threat, and be much, much harder to defeat.


So the DO "retreated" the Blight Border, giving the borderlanders a false sense of security. While he is amassing his Shadowspawn army in the Blight where they are untouched by the war, he sends his minions to sow chaos, depleating the Light Forces. AS the seals break and he becomes stronger, the time will come when he is strong enough and unleash the full forces of Shadow.


I think of it like a tsunami. Before all the destruction hits, the water pulls away from the beaches. Then...whammo! (A fairly scientific description don't you think?)


I still think its not connected to moridins assembly of troops though. After all the fact that a huge army was beaten back must be apart of it. And as said, the green mans garden didnt have a fixed place, and him dying like he did might affect matters somehow. And as said, the same thing happens in The Great Hunt, why is the heroes of the horn going back and forth like that? And why couldnt the DO have something invested in Ish that he lost when Rand "beat" him. Or as said, unleashing the Eye's power might have done something, Rand had no clue how he harnessed its power, he just look at stuff and they exploded.


Or RJ already got a quote somewhere. Or its just not explainable, except through guessing :p


I think of it like a tsunami. Before all the destruction hits, the water pulls away from the beaches. Then...whammo! (A fairly scientific description don't you think?)


haaha. All my paragraphs of explaination summed up in one line. Excellent.Your right, thats whats going down. And yes, whammo is the scientific word for "a large force hitting an object, area or person." Derived from the Latin word "whamus ownus" :myrddraal:


Lol. I think it was just a story telling effect, like the heroes of the Horn mirroring Rand/Ba'alzamon as has been mentioned. Remember, this is a fantasy world-not all events have a strict logic to them, particularly in the early books, and some stuff just happens because RJ thought it would be cool. The Blight's retreat certainly was cool. Also, I seem to recall reading that RJ wasn't sure if WOT would be well received, so he wrote TEOTW so that it could be interpreted as either the beginning of the long story arc or as something relatively self-contained. You notice that a lot of the events in TEOTW are replaying now on a much broader scale: the unnatural season length (though it's summer rather than winter this time), the threat to the Wheel itself (you'll notice there's a much stronger emphasis in TEOTW that THIS IS IT, that we could lose everything right now), even the DO's lieutenant in Rand's dreams. It's meant to be a climax, not the full Tarmon Gai'don, but enough that it could stand alone if there wasn't enough demand for the story to write the other books.


well it could be that the armys got destroyed


lost 2 forsaken

1 injured forsaken

seals all mostly intact


now for my theory


the DO must put his personnal power into the world in order to create the blight, and when the two forsaken died he had to stop pushing more of his power into the world in order to resurrect the two fallen forsaken, this caused the retreat in the blight, followed by its slow regrowth as he was able to put more power into the world once again


The queen is wed to the land, but the Dragon.. the Dragon is one with the land, and the land is one with the Dragon.


Belief and order give strength.


Rand's victory over the Forsaken and the channeling sickness results in the strengthening of the land. The land usually reflects the state of the noble or the ruler presiding over it, and gaining the Dragon did it some good.


But you already knew that. I just couldn't help myself.


I think of it like a tsunami. Before all the destruction hits, the water pulls away from the beaches. Then...whammo! (A fairly scientific description don't you think?)




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