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Honestly, I think making it a Talent will only lend itself to God-modding. It won't be a blademaster/Ashaman (which is usually the issue), it'll be a blademaster Aes Sedai. I'm really against that idea, no offense, Elgee. Weapon mastery is a learned trait, not a genetic one. (Oh, and since I'm already annoyed that the reqs I HAD TO DO as an Accepted just to get into the Greens are being tossed out, I say lemme keep what I have, please? I realize most of the work was done years ago, but I distinctly remember aggravating my carpal tunnel syndrome to make sure those req's got done in a certain time frame. Don't make my pain worthless... *bats her big blue eyes*)


As for my thoughts about tactics vs weaves... most classes move from theory to practice, not the other way around. So, to me, tactics would be more theory and weaves would be more practice. First you learn when the weaves would be appropriate, then you learn how to use them. Even JK Rowling followed the pattern at Hogwarts. As a teacher, my brain can't wrap around teaching the practice before you've taught the theory. You can't teach someone to play a solo on a piano without first teaching them the notes and fingerings. I realize that has little to do with channeling and learning weaves, but I think the practice should always come AFTER the theory.

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Adding WS to the list of Talents, even though it wouldn't be a Talent

That was rather a wild idea :biggrin:, though I didn't mean for it to be something just handed out or in fact a real Talent - I was just trying to find a place to slot it in where it could be officially recorded, yet separating it completely from the Battle Readiness training.


Who reached what level:

Tier 1

WS1: Tigara

WS2: Rasheta, Owen



WS5: Eadon Sedai, Eqwina, Jaydena, minisamus


Tier 2:

WS6: Lor (mini approved, but she hasn't done it)






What I'm trying to do, is find a way that you and anyone else who's done significant pointy weapons training get to keep exactly what you had, including all the hard work you had to do for it. If anyone else was allowed to do it in future, they would have to do exactly the same training/RPs. This way, we can have a limited amount of slots and whomever applies for it would have to a) motivate VERY well why their Character would do it and b) complete ALL levels of training before getting it.


Tigara, Rashi and Owen would be the people losing out here, but Tigara only did 1 level, and Rashi & Owen only 2 ... so not THAT much hard work (waits for the smacks :unsure:)


The problem comes in with you being the only one who's gone further than level 5. However, the BRS contains the same level 6 that you have. We could cap the Talent of Weapons Training at level 5, then say you have gained the Weapons Talent AND BRS6?


I don't know why I'm putting so much thinking into this, since I'm not completely convinced of the idea myself ... lol


But anyhoo ... what do you think? Does this even remotely look like a solution?





I see where you're coming from. I was approaching it from the other side, so to speak. My thinking was the following:


All Accepted get taught basic weaves (see these lists here and here) as a matter of course. "Here's how you wrap someone in a flow of Air so they can't stab you" (defensive) or "This is how you make something explode into flames but for the Light's sake don't use it unless in the last extreme of defending your life blah blah" (offensive/battle).


Now once they know those Weaves, some might be interested in learning how to use them in Battle or even how to organise a Battle using the OP and / or your brains (oooh I wanna go Green!) and some might not (I'm going Brown - I want to know the Weaves to protect myself, but I'm not interested in learning how to run a war).


So for those interested in battles etc it would be "Class, you're outnumbered 5 to 1. Your only option is to retreat, not fight, so today we'll learn how to escape from a group of Shadowspawn by using the natural camouflage of the terrain you're in, maybe enhanced with that nifty Mist of Mirrors Weave you learned in Basic Defensive Weaves" (Defensive tactics). Or "You're sent to the Borderlands to fight Trollocs. This is how you run a battle so you don't get your whole group killed." (Battle Tactics)


Basically what I'm getting at is that the Brown would want to do up to level 2, but probably only the Green would be interested in taking it further into Tactics, hence those levels following after.



ps: If you say I've been spending too much time with Myst (I've NOT added any bullets in the above, damnit!) ima hurt you. *nods*

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Yeah, but we're not talking about basic weaves, we're talking the ones that will hurt people. We can always lump the defensive classes together and the Battle classes together. Something more like this, maybe?


BRS1- Defensive Tactics (so you know when you need more than a shield or a flow of Air)

BRS2- Defensive Weaves (remember that stuff we just talked about? Yeah, now do it)


BRS3- Battle Tactics (so you know your way around a battlefield in the first place--- or recognize one when you stumble into it)

BRS4- Battle Weaves (Shields, fire bombs and lame horses, oh my!)


BRS5-Greens only Battle Weaves (you know that whole Oath about killing people? Yeah...)





And... I know I've done at least one req to get another WS point! I was approved to go up 2 and I only got one done because Kyn got busy and I couldn't very well to off not channeling without him to cover my tushie! He'd kill me himself! ;) It was a while back, so I'll have to do some digging to find it. *chews her lip*


Anyway, what if we make anything over 5 more of a rank thing than a Talent? We used to have something like that (Defender points or some such) that I never saw in action working that well. Perhaps we can get that moving again? After all, the higher BRS you have, the more likely you are to kick some serious A$$... yes?

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Tigara, Rashi and Owen would be the people losing out here, but Tigara only did 1 level, and Rashi & Owen only 2 ... so not THAT much hard work (waits for the smacks :unsure:)


:tongue::tongue: Well yeah I didn't do that much work not because I didn't want to but because the person training me went LOA and I couldn't do anything else. I think I was in the middle of the third one actually but it never got finished.


Anyway, what if we make anything over 5 more of a rank thing than a Talent? We used to have something like that (Defender points or some such) that I never saw in action working that well. Perhaps we can get that moving again? After all, the higher BRS you have, the more likely you are to kick some serious A$$... yes?


I'm not sure what the defender thing was all about. According to the list up in the sticky Jade has up. I'm a defender but lord knows if I know what that means. I think maybe changing that so it makes more sense, and we can all understand it may be a start in the right direction. To go with the tactics/weaves we'll be doing. I like the idea of having anything over five rank vs. Talent. Just my two cents about that.

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There is no WS stuff, dear. It's all BRS, now. The Defender thing wouldn't have anything to do with Mat's project, since it would all be in House Green stuff. Also, since we're just now talking about this, I don't see it getting updated for Mat any time soon. This WS discussion has been going on for how long?? lol


I'll start a thread while I'm thinking about it, though. It wouldn't hurt to get started brainstorming perks for folks at different Defender levels...

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